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the moon pool-第66部分

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legs and arms。  Beside him was the shattered tripod from

which Larry had wrenched his weapon。  I flung myself upon

it; dashed it down to break loose one of the remaining sup…

ports; struck in midfall one of the unseen even as his dagger

darted toward me!  The seat splintered; leaving in my clutch

a golden bar。  I jumped to Larry's side; guarding his back;

whirling it like a staff; felt it crunch oncetwicethrough

unseen bone and muscle。

At the door was a booming。  Into the chamber rushed a

dozen of the frog…men。  While some guarded the entrances;

others leaped straight to us; and forming a circle about us

began to strike with talons and spurs at unseen things that

screamed and sought to escape。  Now here and there about

the blue rugs great stains of blood appeared; heads of dwarfs;

torn arms and gashed bodies; half occulted; half revealed。

And at last the priestess lay silent; vanquished; white body

gleaming with that uncannyfragmentarinessfrom her

torn robes。  Then O'Keefe reached down; drew Lakla from

her。  Shakily; Yolara rose to her feet。  The handmaiden; face

still blazing with wrath; stepped before her; with difficulty

she steadied her voice。

〃Yolara;〃 she said; 〃you have defied the Silent Ones; you

have desecrated their abode; you came to slay these men who

are the guests of the Silent Ones and me; who am their hand…

maidenwhy did you do these things?〃

〃I came for him!〃 gasped the priestess; she pointed to


〃Why?〃 asked Lakla。

〃Because he is pledged to me;〃 replied Yolara; all the

devils that were hers in her face。  〃Because he wooed me!

Because he is mine!〃

〃That is a lie!〃 The handmaiden's voice shook with rage。

〃It is a lie!  But here and now he shall choose; Yolara。  And

if you he choose; you and he shall go forth from here un…

molestedfor Yolara; it is his happiness that I most desire;

and if you are that happinessyou shall go together。  And

now; Larry; choose!〃

Swiftly she stepped beside the priestess; swiftly wrenched

the last shreds of the hiding robes from her。

There they stoodYolara with but the filmiest net of

gauze about her wonderful body; gleaming flesh shining

through it; serpent woman…and wonderful; too; beyond the

dreams even of Phidiasand hell…fire glowing from the pur…

ple eyes。

And Lakla; like a girl of the Vikings; like one of those

warrior maids who stood and fought for dun and babes at the

side of those old heroes of Larry's own green isle; trans…

lucent ivory lambent through the rents of her torn draperies;

and in the wide; golden eyes flaming wrath; indeednot the

diabolic flames of the priestess but the righteous wrath of

some soul that looking out of paradise sees vile wrong in the


〃Lakla;〃 the O'Keefe's voice was subdued; hurt; 〃there IS

no choice。  I love you and only youand have from the moment

I saw you。  It's not easythis。  God; Goodwin; I feel

like an utter cad;〃 he flashed at me。  〃There is no choice;

Lakla;〃 he ended; eyes steady upon hers。

The priestess's face grew deadlier still。

〃What will you do with me?〃 she asked。

〃Keep you;〃 I said; 〃as hostage。〃

O'Keefe was silent; the Golden Girl shook her head。

〃Well would I like to;〃 her face grew dreaming; 〃but the

Silent Ones sayNO; they bid me let you go; Yolara〃

〃The Silent Ones;〃 the priestess laughed。 〃YOU; Lakla!

You fear; perhaps; to let me tarry here too close!〃

Storm gathered again in the handmaiden's eyes; she forced

it back。

〃No;〃 she answered; the Silent Ones so commandand

for their own purposes。  Yet do I think; Yolara; that you will

have little time to feed your wickednesstell that to Lugur

and to your Shining One!〃 she added slowly。

Mockery and disbelief rode high in the priestess's pose。

〃Am I to return alonelike this?〃 she asked。

〃Nay; Yolara; nay; you shall be accompanied;〃 said Lakla;

〃and by those who will guardand WATCHyou well。  They are

here even now。〃

The hangings parted; and into the chamber came Olaf

and Rador。

The priestess met the fierce hatred and contempt in the

eyes of the Norsemanand for the first time lost her bravado。

〃Let not HIM go with me;〃 she gaspedher eyes searched

the floor frantically。

〃He goes with you;〃 said Lakla; and threw about Yolara

a swathing that covered the exquisite; alluring body。  〃And

you shall pass through the Portal; not skulk along the path

of the worm!〃

She bent to Rador; whispered to him; he nodded; she had

told him; I supposed; the secret of its opening。

〃Come;〃 he said; and with the ice…eyed giant behind her;

Yolara; head bent; passed out of those hangings through

which; but a little before; unseen; triumph in her grasp;

she had slipped。

Then Lakla came to the unhappy O'Keefe; rested her

hands on his shoulders; looked deep into his eyes。

〃DID you woo her; even as she said?〃 she asked。

The Irishman flushed miserably。

〃I did not;〃 he said。  〃I was pleasant to her; of course;

because I thought it would bring me quicker to you; darlin'。〃

She looked at him doubtfully; then

〃I think you must have been VERYpleasant!〃 was all she

saidand leaning; kissed him forgivingly straight on the lips。

An extremely direct maiden was Lakla; with a truly sov…

ereign contempt for anything she might consider non…essen…

tials; and at this moment I decided she was wiser even than

I had thought her。

He stumbled; feet vanishing; reached down and picked up

something that in the grasping turned his hand to air。

〃One of the invisible cloaks;〃 he said to me。  〃There must

be quite a lot of them aboutI guess Yolara brought her

full staff of murderers。  They're a bit shopworn; probably

but we're considerably better off with 'em in our hands than

in hers。  And they may come in handywho knows?〃

There was a choking rattle at my feet; half the head of a

dwarf raised out of vacancy; beat twice upon the floor in

death throes; fell back。  Lakla shivered; gave a command。

The frog…men moved about; peering here and there; lifting

unseen folds revealing in stark rigidity torn form after form

of the priestess's men。

Lakla had been righther _Akka_ were thorough fighters!

She called; and to her came the frog…woman who was her

attendant。  To her the handmaiden spoke; pointing to the

batrachians who stood; paws and forearms melted beneath

the robes they had gathered。  She took them and passed out

more grotesque than ever; shattering into streaks of vacan…

cies; reappearing with flickers of shining scale and yellow

gems as the tattered pennants of invisibility fluttered about


The frog…men reached down; swung each a dead dwarf in

his arms; and filed; booming triumphantly away

And then I remembered the cone of the _Keth_ which had

slipped from Yolara's hand; knew it had been that for which

her wild eyes searched。  But look as closely as we might;

search in every nook and cor
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