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the moon pool-第65部分

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the divan!

Now there were two sharp reports; the struggle abruptly

ceased。  From a point not a foot over the great couch; as

though oozing from the air itself; blood began to drop; faster

and ever faster; pouring out of nothingness。

And out of that same air; now a dozen feet away; leaped

the face of Larrybodyless; poised six feet above the floor;

blazing with ragefloating weirdly; uncannily to a hideous

degree; in vacancy。

His hands flashed outarmless; they wavered; appearing;

disappearingswiftly tearing something from him。  Then

there; feet hidden; stiff on legs that vanished at the ankles;

striking out into vision with all the dizzy abruptness with

which he had been stricken from sight was the O'Keefe; a

smoking pistol in hand。

And ever that red stream trickled out of vacancy and

spread over the couch; dripping to the floor。

I made a mighty movement to escape; was held more

firmlyand then close to the face of Larry; flashing out with

that terrifying instantaneousness even as had his; was the

head of Yolara; as devilishly mocking as I had ever seen it;

the cruelty shining through it like delicate white flames from

helland beautiful!

〃Stir not!  Strike notuntil I command!〃 She flung the

words beyond her; addressed to the invisible ones who had

accompanied her; whose presences I sensed filling the cham…

ber。  The floating; beautiful head; crowned high with corn…silk

hair; darted toward the Irishman。  He took a swift step back…

ward。  The eyes of the priestess deepened toward purple;

sparkled with malice。

〃So;〃 she said。  〃So; _Larree_you thought you could go

from me so easily!〃 She laughed softly。  〃In my hidden hand

I hold the _Keth_ cone;〃 she murmured。  〃Before you can raise

the death tube I can smite youand will。  And consider;

_Larree_; if the handmaiden; the _choya_ comes; I can vanish

so〃the mocking head disappeared; burst forth again

〃and slay her with the _Keth_or bid my people seize her

and bear her to the Shining One!〃

Tiny beads of sweat stood out on O'Keefe's forehead; and

I knew he was thinking not of himself; but of Lakla。

〃What do you want with me; Yolara?〃 he asked hoarsely。

〃Nay;〃 came the mocking voice。  〃Not Yolara to you;

_Larree_call me by those sweet names you taught me

Honey of the Wild Bee…e…s; Net of Hearts〃 Again her

laughter tinkled。

〃What do you want with me?〃 his voice was strained; the

lips rigid。

〃Ah; you are afraid; _Larree_。〃 There was diabolic jubila…

tion in the words。  〃What should I want but that you return

with me?  Why else did I creep through the lair of the dragon

worm and pass the path of perils but to ask you that?  And

the _choya_ guards you not well。〃 Again she laughed。  〃We

came to the cavern's end and; there were her _Akka_。  And the

_Akka_ can see usas shadows。  But it was my desire to sur…

prise you with my coming; Larree;〃 the voice was silken。

〃And I feared that they would hasten to be first to bring you

that message to delight in your joy。  And so; _Larree_; I loosed

the _Keth_ upon themand gave them peace and rest within

the nothingness。  And the portal below was openalmost in


Once more the malignant; silver pealing of her laughter。

〃What do you want with me?〃 There was wrath in his

eyes; and plainly he strove for control。

〃Want!〃 the silver voice hissed; grew calm。  〃Do not Siya

and Siyana grieve that the rite I pledged them is but half

doneand do they not desire it finished?  And am I not

beautiful?  More beautiful than your _choya_?〃

The fiendishness died from the eyes; they grew blue;

wondrous; the veil of invisibility slipped down from the

neck; the shoulders; half revealing the gleaming breasts。  And

weird; weird beyond all telling was that exquisite head and

bust floating there in airand beautiful; sinisterly beautiful

beyond all telling; too。  So even might Lilith; the serpent

woman; have shown herself tempting Adam!

〃And perhaps;〃 she said; 〃perhaps I want you because I

hate you; perhaps because I love youor perhaps for Lugur

or perhaps for the Shining One。〃

〃And if I go with you?〃 He said it quietly。

〃Then shall I spare the handmaidenandwho knows?

take back my armies that even now gather at the portal

and let the Silent Ones rot in peace in their abodefrom

which they had no power to keep me;〃 she added venom…


〃You will swear that; Yolara; swear to go without harming

the handmaiden?〃 he asked eagerly。  The little devils danced

in her eyes。  I wrenched my face from the smothering con…


〃Don't trust her; Larry!〃 I criedand again the grip

choked me。

〃Is that devil in front of you or behind you; old man?〃

he asked quietly; eyes never leaving the priestess。  〃If he's in

front I'll take a chance and wing himand then you scoot

and warn Lakla。〃

But I could not answer; nor; remembering Yolara's threat;

would I; had I been able。

〃Decide quickly!〃 There was cold threat in her voice。

The curtains toward which O'Keefe had slowly; step by

step; drawn close; opened。  They framed the handmaiden!

The face of Yolara changed to that gorgon mask that had

transformed it once before at sight of the Golden Girl。  In

her blind rage she forgot to cast the occulting veil。  Her hand

darted like a snake out of the folds; poising itself with the

little silver cone aimed at Lakla。

But before it was wholly poised; before the priestess could

loose its force; the handmaiden was upon her。  Swift as the

lithe white wolf hound she leaped; and one slender hand

gripped Yolara's throat; the other the wrist that lifted the

quivering death; white limbs wrapped about the hidden ones;

I saw the golden head bend; the hand that held the _Keth_

swept up with a vicious jerk; saw Lakla's teeth sink into the

wristthe blood spurt forth and heard the priestess shriek。

The cone fell; bounded toward me; with all my strength I

wrenched free the hand that held my pistol; thrust it against

the pressing breast and fired;

The clasp upon me relaxed; a red rain stained me; at my

feet a little pillar of blood jetted; a hand thrust itself from

nothingness; clawedand was still。

Now Yolara was down; Lakla meshed in her writhings and

fighting like some wild mother whose babes are serpent

menaced。  Over the two of them; astride; stood the O'Keefe; a

pike from one of the high tripods in his handthrusting;

parrying; beating on every side as with a broadsword against

poniard…clutching hands that thrust themselves out of va…

cancy striving to strike him; stepping here and there; always

covering; protecting Lakla with his own body even as a cave…

man of old who does battle with his mate for their lives。

The sword…club struckand on the floor lay the half body

of a dwarf; writhing with vanishments and reappearings of

legs and arms。  Beside him was the shattered tripod from

which Larry had wrenched his weapon。  I flung myse
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