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the moon pool-第64部分

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the dreadful deathand the Golden Girl was handling it

like a rose!

Larry sworeI looked at the thing more closely。  It was a

hydroid; a development of that strange animal…vegetable

that; sometimes almost microscopic; waves in the sea depths

like a cluster of flowers paralyzing its prey with the mysteri…

ous force that dwells in its blossom heads!1

*1 The _Yekta_ of the Crimson Sea; are as extraordinary developments

of hydroid forms as the giant _Medusae_; of which; of course; they are

not too remote cousins。  The closest resemblances to them in outer

water forms are among the _Gymnoblastic Hydroids_; notably _Clavetella

prolifera_; a most interesting ambulatory form of six tentacles。  Almost

every bather in Southern waters; Northern too; knows the pain that

contact with certain 〃jelly fish〃 produces。  The _Yekta's_ development

was prodigious and; to us; monstrous。  It secretes in its five heads an

almost incredibly swiftly acting poison which I suspect; for I had no

chance to verify the theory; destroys the entire nervous system to the

accompaniment of truly infernal agony; carrying at the same time the

illusion that the torment stretches through infinities of time。  Both ether

and nitrous oxide gas produce in the majority this sensation of time

extension; without of course the pain symptom。  What Lakla called

the _Yekta_ kiss is I imagine about as close to the orthodox idea of Hell

as can be conceived。  The secret of her control over them I had no

opportunity of learning in the rush of events that followed。  Knowledge

of the appalling effects of their touch came; she told me; from those

few 〃who had been kissed so lightly〃 that they recovered。  Certainly

nothing; not even the Shining One; was dreaded by the Murians as

these wereW。 T。 G。

〃Put it down; Lakla;〃 the distress in O'Keefe's voice was

deep。  Lakla laughed mischievously; caught the real fear for

her in his eyes; opened her hand; gave another faint call

and back it flew to its fellows。

〃Why; it wouldn't hurt me; Larry!〃 she expostulated。

〃They know me!〃

〃Put it down!〃 he repeated hoarsely。

She sighed; gave another sweet; prolonged call。  The lake

of gemsrubies and amethysts; mauves and scarlet…tinged

blueswavered and shook even as it had beforeand swept

swiftly back to that place whence she had drawn them!

Then; with Larry and Lakla walking ahead; white arm

about his brown neck; the O'Keefe still expostulating; the

handmaiden laughing merrily; we passed through her bower

to the domed castle。

Glancing through a cleft I caught sight again of the far end

of the bridge; noted among the clustered figures of its gar…

rison of the frog…men a movement; a flashing of green fire

like marshlights on spear tips; wondered idly what it was;

and then; other thoughts crowding in; followed along; head

bent; behind the pair who had found in what was Olaf's hell;

their true paradise。


The Coming of Yolara

〃NEVER was there such a girl!〃 Thus Larry; dreamily; lean…

ing head in hand on one of the wide divans of the chamber

where Lakla had left us; pleading service to the Silent Ones。

〃An'; by the faith and the honour of the O'Keefes; an' by

my dead mother's soul may God do with me as I do by her!〃

he whispered fervently。

He relapsed into open…eyed dreaming。

I walked about the room; examining itthe first oppor…

tunity I had gained to inspect carefully any of the rooms in

the abode of the Three。  It was octagonal; carpeted with the

thick rugs that seemed almost as though woven of soft min…

eral wool; faintly shimmering; palest blue。  I paced its diag…

onal; it was fifty yards; the ceiling was arched; and either of

pale rose metal or metallic covering; it collected the light

from the high; slitted windows; and shed it; diffused; through

the room。

Around the octagon ran a low gallery not two feet from

the floor; balustraded with slender pillars; close set; broken

at opposite curtained entrances over which hung thick; dull…

gold curtainings giving the same suggestion of metallic or

mineral substance as the rugs。  Set within each of the eight

sides; above the balcony; were colossal slabs of lapis lazuli;

inset with graceful but unplaceable designs in scarlet and

sapphire blue。

There was the great divan on which mused Larry; two

smaller ones; half a dozen low seats and chairs carved appar…

ently of ivory and of dull soft gold。

Most curious were tripods; strong; pikelike legs of golden

metal four feet high; holding small circles of the lapis with

intaglios of one curious symbol somewhat resembling the

ideographs of the Chinese。

There was no dustnowhere in these caverned spaces had

I found this constant companion of ours in the world over…

head。  My eyes caught a sparkle from a corner。  Pursuing it I

found upon one of the low seats a flat; clear crystal oval;

remarkably like a lens。  I took it and stepped up on the

balcony。  Standing on tiptoe I found I commanded from the

bottom of a window slit a view of the bridge approach。

Scanning it I could see no trace of the garrison there; nor of

the green spear flashes。  I placed the crystal to my eyesand

with a disconcerting abruptness the cavern mouth leaped

before me; apparently not a hundred feet away; decidedly

the crystal was a very excellent lensbut where were the


I peered closely。  Nothing!  But now against the aperture I

saw a score or more of tiny; dancing sparks。  An optical illu…

sion; I thought; and turned the crystal in another direction。

There were no sparklings there。  I turned it back again

and there they were。  And what were they like?  Realization

came to methey were like the little; dancing; radiant atoms

that had played for a time about the emptiness where had

stood Sorgar of the Lower Waters before he bad been shaken

into the nothingness!  And that green light I had noticed

the _Keth_!

A cry on my lips; I turned to Larryand the cry died as

the heavy curtainings at the entrance on my right undulated;

parted as though a body had slipped through; shook and

parted again and againwith the dreadful passing of unseen


〃Larry!〃 I cried。  〃Here!  Quick!〃

He leaped to his feet; gazed about wildlyand disap…

peared!  Yesvanished from my sight like the snuffed flame

of a candle or as though something moving with the speed of

light itself had snatched him away!

Then from the divan came the sounds of struggle; the

hissing of straining breaths; the noise of Larry cursing。  I

leaped over the balustrade; drawing my own pistolwas

caught in a pair of mighty arms; my elbows crushed to my

sides; drawn down until my face pressed close to a broad;

hairy breastand through that obstacleformless; shadow…

less; transparent as air itselfI could still see the battle on

the divan!

Now there were two sharp reports; the struggle abruptly

ceased。  From a 
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