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the moon pool-第63部分

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frogs!〃 he murmured to me。  〃Buck up; Larrykeep your

eyes on the captive Irish princess!〃 he muttered to himself。

〃Rador goes to meet one of the _ladala_ who is slipping

through with news;〃 said the Golden Girl as we addressed

ourselves to the food。  〃Then; with Nak; he and Olaf go to

muster the _Akka_for there will be battle; and we must pre…

pare。  Nak;〃 she added; 〃is he who went before me when you

were dancing with Yolara; Larry。〃 She stole a swift; mis…

chievous glance at him。  〃He is headman of all the _Akka_。〃

〃Just what forces can we muster against them when they

come; darlin'?〃 said Larry。

〃Darlin'?〃the Golden Girl had caught the caress of the

word〃what's that?〃

〃It's a little word that means Lakla;〃 he answered。  〃It

doesthat is; when I say it; when you say it; then it means


〃I like that word;〃 mused Lakla。

〃You can even say Larry darlin'!〃 suggested O'Keefe。

〃Larry darlin'!〃 said Lakla。  〃When they come we shall

have first of all my _Akka_〃

〃Can they fight; _mavourneen_?〃 interrupted Larry。

〃Can they fight!  My _Akka_!〃 Again her eyes flashed。  〃They

will fight to the last of themwith the spears that give the

swift rotting; covered; as they are; with the jelly of those

_Saddu_ there〃 She pointed through a rift in the foliage

across which; on the surface of the sea; was floating one of

the moon globesand now I know why Rador had warned

Larry against a plunge there。  〃With spears and clubs and

with teeth and nails and spursthey are a strong and brave

people; Larrydarlin'; and though they hurl the _Keth_ at

them; it is slow to work upon them; and they slay even while

they are passing into the nothingness!〃

〃And have we none of the _Keth_?〃 he asked。

〃No〃she shook her head〃none of their weapons have

we here; although it wasit was the Ancient Ones who

shaped them。〃

〃But the Three are of the Ancient Ones?〃 I cried。  〃Surely

they can tell〃

〃No;〃 she said slowly。  〃Nothere is something you must

knowand soon; and then the Silent Ones say you will un…

derstand。  You; especially; Goodwin; who worship wisdom。〃

〃Then;〃 said Larry; 〃we have the _Akka_; and we have the

four men of us; and among us three guns and about a hun…

dred cartridgesan'an' the power of the Threebut what

about the Shining One; Fireworks〃

〃I do not know。〃 Again the indecision that had been in

her eyes when Yolara had launched her defiance crept back。

〃The Shining One is strongand he has hisslaves!〃

〃Well; we'd better get busy good and quick!〃 the O'Keefe's

voice rang。  But Lakla; for some reason of her own; would

pursue the matter no further。  The trouble fled from her eyes

they danced。

〃Larry darlin'?〃 she murmured。  〃I like the touch of your


〃You do?〃 he whispered; all thought flying of anything

but the beautiful; provocative face so close to his。  〃Then;

_acushla_; you're goin' to get acquainted with 'em!  Turn your

head; Doc!〃 he said。

And I turned it。  There was quite a long silence; broken by

an interested; soft outburst of gentle boomings from the

serving frog…maids。  I stole a glance behind me。  Lakla's head

lay on the Irishman's shoulder; the golden eyes misty sun…

pools of love and adoration; and the O'Keefe; a new look of

power and strength upon his clear…cut features; was gazing

down into them with that look which rises only from the

heart touched for the first time with that true; all…powerful

love; which is the pulse of the universe itself; the real music

of the spheres of which Plato dreamed; the love that is

stronger than death itself; immortal as the high gods and the

true soul of all that mystery we call life。

Then Lakla raised her hands; pressed down Larry's head;

kissed him between the eyes; drew herself with a trembling

little laugh from his embrace。

〃The future Mrs。 Larry O'Keefe; Goodwin;〃 said Larry to

me a little unsteadily。

I took their handsand Lakla kissed me!

She turned to the boomingsmilingfrog…maids; gave

them some command; for they filed away down the path。

Suddenly I felt; well; a little superfluous。

〃If you don't mind;〃 I said; 〃I think I'll go up the path

there again and look about。〃

But they were so engrossed with each other that they did

not even hear meso I walked away; up to the embrasure

where Rador had taken me。  The movement of the batra…

chians over the bridge had ceased。  Dimly at the far end I

could see the cluster of the garrison。  My thoughts flew back

to Lakla and to Larry。

What was to be the end?

If we won; if we were able to pass from this place; could

she live in our world?  A product of these caverns with their

atmosphere and light that seemed in some subtle way to be

both food and drinkhow would she react to the unfamiliar

foods and air and light of outer earth?  Further; here so far

as I was able to discover; there were no malignant bacilli

what immunity could Lakla have then to those microscopic

evils without; which only long ages of sickness and death

have bought for us a modicum of protection?  I began to be

oppressed。  Surely they bad been long enough by themselves。

I went down the path。

I heard Larry。

〃It's a green land; _mavourneen_。  And the sea rocks and

dimples around itblue as the heavens; green as the isle

itself; and foam horses toss their white manes; and the great

clean winds blow over it; and the sun shines down on it like

your eyes; _acushla_〃

〃And are you a king of Ireland; Larry darlin'?〃 Thus


But enough!

At last we turned to goand around the corner of the path

I caught another glimpse of what I have called the lake of

jewels。  I pointed to it。

〃Those are lovely flowers; Lakla;〃 I said。  〃I have never

seen anything like them in the place from whence we come。〃

She followed my pointing fingerlaughed。

〃Come;〃 she said; 〃let me show you them。〃

She ran down an intersecting way; we following; came out

of it upon a little ledge close to the brink; three feet or more

I suppose about it。  The Golden Girl's voice rang out in a

high…pitched; tremulous; throbbing call。

The lake of jewels stirred as though a breeze had passed

over it; stirred; shook; and then began to move swiftly; a

shimmering torrent of shining flowers down upon us!  She

called again; the movement became more rapid; the gem

blooms streamed closercloser; wavering; shifting; winding

at our very feet。  Above them hovered a little radiant mist。

The Golden Girl leaned over; called softly; and up from the

sparkling mass shot a green vine whose heads were five

flowers of flaming rubyshot up; flew into her hand and

coiled about the white arm; its quintette of lambent blos…

somsregarding us!

It was the thing Lakla had called the _Yekta_; that with

which she had threatened the priestess; the thing that carried

the dreadful deathand the Golden Girl was handling it

like a rose!

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