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the moon pool-第61部分

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nerve…racking hoursthe facing of the Three。

Now; lying gazing upward at the high…vaulted ceiling; I

heard Larry's voice:

〃They look like birds。〃 Evidently he was thinking of the

Three; a silencethen: 〃Yes; they look like BIRDSand they

look; and it's meaning no disrespect to them I am at all; they

look like LIZARDS〃and another silence〃they look like

some sort of gods; and; by the good sword…arm of Brian

Boru; they look human; too!  And it's NONE of them they are

either; so whatwhat thewhat the sainted St。 Bridget are

they?〃 Another short silence; and then in a tone of awed

and absolute conviction: 〃That's it; sure!  That's what they

areit all hangs inthey couldn't be anything else〃

He gave a whoop; a pillow shot over and caught me across

the head。

〃Wake up!〃 shouted Larry。  〃Wake up; ye seething caldron

of fossilized superstitions!  Wake up; ye bogy…haunted man

of scientific unwisdom!〃

Under pillow and insults I bounced to my feet; filled for a

moment with quite real wrath; he lay back; roaring with

laughter; and my anger was swept away。

〃Doc;〃 he said; very seriously; after this; 〃I know who the

Three are!〃

〃Yes?〃 I queried; with studied sarcasm。

〃Yes?〃 he mimicked。  〃Yes!  Yeye〃 He paused under

the menace of my look; grinned。  〃Yes; I know;〃 he con…

tinued。  〃They're of the Tuatha De; the old ones; the great

people of Ireland; THAT'S who they are!〃

I knew; of course; of the Tuatha De Danann; the tribes of

the god Danu; the half…legendary; half…historical clan who

found their home in Erin some four thousand years before

the Christian era; and who have left so deep an impress upon

the Celtic mind and its myths。

〃Yes;〃 said Larry again; 〃the Tuatha Dethe Ancient

Ones who had spells that could compel Mananan; who is the

spirit of all the seas; an' Keithor; who is the god of all green

living things; an' even Hesus; the unseen god; whose pulse is

the pulse of all the firmament; yes; an' Orchil too; who sits

within the earth an' weaves with the shuttle of mystery and

her three looms of birth an' life an' deatheven Orchil

would weave as they commanded!〃

He was silentthen:

〃They are of themthe mighty oneswhy else would I

have bent my knee to them as I would have to the spirit of

my dead mother?  Why else would Lakla; whose gold…brown

hair is the hair of Eilidh the Fair; whose mouth is the sweet

mouth of Deirdre; an' whose soul walked with mine ages

agone among the fragrant green myrtle of Erin; serve them?〃

he whispered; eyes full of dream。

〃Have you any idea how they got here?〃 I asked; not


〃I haven't thought about that;〃 he replied somewhat test…

ily。  〃But at once; me excellent man o' wisdom; a number

occur to me。  One of them is that this little party of three

might have stopped here on their way to Ireland; an' for good

reasons of their own decided to stay a while; an' another is

that they might have come here afterward; havin' got wind

of what those rats out there were contemplatin'; and have

stayed on the job till the time was ripe to save Ireland from

'em; the rest of the world; too; of course;〃 he added mag…

nanimously; 〃but Ireland in particular。  And do any of those

reasons appeal to ye?〃

I shook my head。

〃Well; what do you think?〃 he asked wearily。

〃I think;〃 I said cautiously; 〃that we face an evolution of

highly intelligent beings from ancestral sources radically re…

moved from those through which mankind ascended。  These

half…human; highly developed batrachians they call the _Akka_

prove that evolution in these caverned spaces has certainly

pursued one different path than on earth。  The Englishman;

Wells; wrote an imaginative and very entertaining book con…

cerning an invasion of earth by Martians; and he made his

Martians enormously specialized cuttlefish。  There was noth…

ing inherently improbable in Wells' choice。  Man is the ruling

animal of earth today solely by reason of a series of acci…

dents; under another series spiders or ants; or even ele…

phants; could have become the dominant race。

〃I think;〃 I said; even more cautiously; 〃that the race to

which the Three belong never appeared on earth's surface;

that their development took place here; unhindered through

aeons。  And if this be true; the structure of their brains; and

therefore all their reactions; must be different from ours。

Hence their knowledge and command of energies unfamiliar

to usand hence also the question whether they may not

have an entirely different sense of values; of justiceand

that is rather terrifying;〃 I concluded。

Larry shook his head。

〃That last sort of knocks your argument; Doc;〃 he said。

〃They had sense of justice enough to help ME outand cer…

tainly they know lovefor I saw the way they looked at

Lakla; and sorrowfor there was no mistaking that in their


〃No;〃 he went on。  〃I hold to my own idea。  They're of the

Old People。  The little leprechaun knew his way here; an'

I'll bet it was they who sent the word。  An' if the O'Keefe ban…

shee comes herewhich save the mark!I'll bet she'll drop

in on the Silent Ones for a social visit before she an' her clan

get busy。  Well; it'll make her feel more at home; the good old

body。  No; Doc; no;〃 he concluded; 〃I'm right; it all fits in too

well to be wrong。〃

I made a last despairing attempt。

〃Is there anything anywhere in Ireland that would indicate

that the Tuatha De ever looked like the Three?〃 I asked

and again I had spoken most unfortunately。

〃Is there?〃 he shouted。  〃Is there?  By the kilt of Cormack

MacCormack; I'm glad ye reminded me。  It was worryin' me

a little meself。  There was Daghda; who could put on the

head of a great boar an' the body of a giant fish and cleave

the waves an' tear to pieces the birlins of any who came

against Erin; an' there was Rinn〃

How many more of the metamorphoses of the Old People

I might have heard; I do not know; for the curtains parted

and in walked Rador。

〃You have rested well;〃 he smiled; 〃I can see。  The hand…

maiden bade me call you。  You are to eat with her in her


Down long corridors we trod and out upon a gardened

terrace as beautiful as any of those of Yolara's city; bow…

ered; blossoming; fragrant; set high upon the cliffs beside the

domed castle。  A table; as of milky jade; was spread at one

corner; but the Golden Girl was not there。  A little path ran

on and up; hemmed in by the mass of verdure。  I looked at

it longingly; Rador saw the glance; interpreted it; and led me

up the stepped sharp slope into a rock embrasure。

Here I was above the foliage; and everywhere the view

was clear。  Below me stretched the incredible bridge; with the

frog people hurrying back and forth upon it。  A pinnacle at

my side hid the abyss。  My eyes followed the cavern ledge。

Above it the rock rose bare; but at the ends of the semi…

circular strand a luxur
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