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the moon pool-第6部分

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out of the mists of the past。  The natives say it was the treas…

ure…house of Chau…te…leur; a mighty king who reigned long

'before their fathers。' As Chan is the ancient Ponapean word

both for sun and king; the name means; without doubt; 'place

of the sun king。' It is a memory of a dynastic name of the

race that ruled the Pacific continent; now vanishedjust as

the rulers of ancient Crete took the name of Minos and the

rulers of Egypt the name of Pharaoh。

〃And opposite this place of the sun king is the moon rock

that hides the Moon Pool。

〃It was Stanton who discovered the moon rock。  We had

been inspecting the inner courtyard; Edith and Thora were

getting together our lunch。  I came out of the vault of Chau…

te…leur to find Stanton before a part of the terrace studying

it wonderingly。

〃'What do you make of this?' he asked me as I came up。

He pointed to the wall。  I followed his finger and saw a slab of

stone about fifteen feet high and ten wide。  At first all I no…

ticed was the exquisite nicety with which its edges joined the

blocks about it。  Then I realized that its colour was subtly dif…

ferenttinged with grey and of a smooth; peculiardead…


〃'Looks more like calcite than basalt;' I said。  I touched it

and withdrew my hand quickly for at the contact every nerve

in my arm tingled as though a shock of frozen electricity had

passed through it。  It was not cold as we know cold。  It was a

chill forcethe phrase I have usedfrozen electricityde…

scribes it better than anything else。  Stanton looked at me


〃'So you felt it too;' he said。  'I was wondering whether I

was developing hallucinations like Thora。  Notice; by the way;

that the blocks beside it are quite warm beneath the sun。'

〃We examined the slab eagerly。  Its edges were cut as

though by an engraver of jewels。  They fitted against the

neighbouring blocks in almost a hair…line。  Its base was

slightly curved; and fitted as closely as top and sides upon the

huge stones on which it rested。  And then we noted that these

stones had been hollowed to follow the line of the grey stone's

foot。  There was a semicircular depression running from one

side of the slab to the other。  It was as though the grey rock

stood in the centre of a shallow cuprevealing half; covering

half。  Something about this hollow attracted me。  I reached

down and felt it。  Goodwin; although the balance of the stones

that formed it; like all the stones of the courtyard; were

rough and age…wornthis was as smooth; as even surfaced as

though it had just left the hands of the polisher。

〃'It's a door!' exclaimed Stanton。  'It swings around in that

little cup。  That's what makes the hollow so smooth。'

〃'Maybe you're right;' I replied。  'But how the devil can we

open it?'

〃We went over the slab againpressing upon its edges;

thrusting against its sides。  During one of those efforts I hap…

pened to look upand cried out。  A foot above and on each

side of the corner of the grey rock's lintel was a slight con…

vexity; visible only from the angle at which my gaze struck it。

〃We carried with us a small scaling…ladder and up this I

went。  The bosses were apparently nothing more than chis…

eled curvatures in the stone。  I laid my hand on the one I was

examining; and drew it back sharply。  In my palm; at the base

of my thumb; I had felt the same shock that I had in touch…

ing the slab below。  I put my hand back。  The impression came

from a spot not more than an inch wide。  I went carefully

over the entire convexity; and six times more the chill ran

through my arm。  There were seven circles an inch wide in

the curved place; each of which communicated the precise

sensation I have described。  The convexity on the opposite

side of the slab gave exactly the same results。  But no amount

of touching or of pressing these spots singly or in any com…

bination gave the slightest promise of motion to the slab


 〃'And yetthey're what open it;' said Stanton positively。

 〃'Why do you say that?' I asked。

〃'Idon't know;' he answered hesitatingly。  'But some…

thing tells me so。  Throck;' he went on half earnestly; half

laughingly; 'the purely scientific part of me is fighting the

purely human part of me。  The scientific part is urging me to

find some way to get that slab either down or open。  The hu…

man part is just as strongly urging me to do nothing of the

sort and get away while I can!'

 〃He laughed againshamefacedly。

〃'Which shall it be?' he askedand I thought that in his

tone the human side of him was ascendant。

〃'It will probably stay as it isunless we blow it to bits;'

I said。

〃'I thought of that;' he answered; 'and I wouldn't dare;'

he added soberly enough。  And even as I had spoken there

came to me the same feeling that he had expressed。  It was as

though something passed out of the grey rock that struck my

heart as a hand strikes an impious lip。  We turned awayun…

easily; and faced Thora coming through a breach on the ter…


'Miss Edith wants you quick;' she beganand stopped。

Her eyes went past me to the grey rock。  Her body grew rigid;

she took a few stiff steps forward and then ran straight to it。

She cast herself upon its breast; hands and face pressed

against it; we heard her scream as though her very soul were

being drawn from herand watched her fall at its foot。  As

we picked her up I saw steal from her face the look I had ob…

served when first we heard the crystal music of Nan…Tauach

that unhuman mingling of opposites!〃


The First Vanishings

〃WE CARRIED Thora back; down to where Edith was waiting。

We told her what had happened and what we had found。

She listened gravely; and as we finished Thora sighed and

opened her eyes。

〃'I would like to see the stone;' she said。  'Charles; you stay

here with Thora。' We passed through the outer court silently

and stood before the rock。  She touched it; drew back her

hand as I had; thrust it forward again resolutely and held it

there。  She seemed to be listening。  Then she turned to me。

〃'David;' said my wife; and the wistfulness in her voice

hurt me'David; would you be very; very disappointed if we

went from herewithout trying to find out any more about

itwould you?'

〃Walter; I never wanted anything so much in my life as I

wanted to learn what that rock concealed。  Nevertheless; I

tried to master my desire; and I answered'Edith; not a bit

if you want us to do it。'

〃She read my struggle in my eyes。  She turned back toward

the grey rock。  I saw a shiver pass through her。  I felt a tinge

of remorse and pity!

 〃'Edith;' I exclaimed; 'we'll go!'

〃She looked at me again。  'Science is a jealous mistress;' she

quoted。  'No; after all it may be just fancy。  At any rate; you

can't run away。  No!  But; Dave; I'm going to stay too!'

〃And there was no changing her decision。  As 
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