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the moon pool-第58部分

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store him if they willand they will; they WILL!〃 For a

moment she was silent。  〃Now their gods help Lugur and

Yolara;〃 she whispered; 〃for come what may; whether the

Silent Ones be strong or weak; if he dies; surely shall I fall

upon them and I will slay those twoyea; though I; too


〃Yolara and Lugur shall both die。〃 Olaf's eyes were burn…

ing。  〃But Lugur is mine to slay。〃

That pity I had seen before in Lakla's eyes when she

looked upon the Norseman banished the white wrath from

them。  She turned; half hurriedly; as though to escape his


〃Walk with us;〃 she said to me; 〃unless you are still


I shook my head; gave a last look at O'Keefe; there was

nothing I could do; I stepped beside her。  She thrust a white

arm into mine protectingly; the wonderfully moulded hand

with its long; tapering fingers catching about my wrist; my

heart glowed toward her。

〃Your medicine is potent; handmaiden;〃 I answered。  〃And

the touch of your hand would give me strength enough; even

had I not drunk it;〃 I added in Larry's best manner。

Her eyes danced; trouble flying。

〃Now; that was well spoken for such a man of wisdom

as Rador tells me you are;〃 she laughed; and a little pang

shot through me。  Could not a lover of science present a com…

pliment without it always seeming to be as unusual as pluck…

ing a damask rose from a cabinet of fossils?

Mustering my philosophy; I smiled back at her。  Again I

noted that broad; classic brow; with the little tendrils of

shining bronze caressing it; the tilted; delicate; nut…brown

brows that gave a curious touch of innocent _diablerie_ to

the lovely faceflowerlike; pure; high…bred; a touch of ro…

guishness; subtly alluring; sparkling over the maiden Madon…

naness that lay ever like a delicate; luminous suggestion

beneath it; the long; black; curling lashesthe tender;

rounded; bare left breast

〃I have always liked you;〃 she murmured naively; 〃since

first I saw you in that place where the Shining One goes

forth into your world。  And I am glad you like my medicine

as well as that you carry in the black box that you left be…

hind;〃 she added swiftly。

〃How know you of that; Lakla?〃 I gasped。

〃Oft and oft I came to him there; and to you; while you

lay sleeping。  How call you HIM?〃 She paused。

〃Larry!〃 I said。

〃Larry!〃 she repeated it excellently。  〃And you?〃

〃Goodwin;〃 said Rador。

I bowed quite as though I were being introduced to some

charming young lady met in that old life now seemingly

aeons removed。

〃YesGoodwin。〃 she said。  〃Oft and oft I came。  Some…

times I thought you saw me。  And HEdid he not dream of

me sometime?〃 she asked wistfully。

〃He did。〃 I said; 〃and watched for you。〃 Then amaze…

ment grew vocal。  〃But how came you?〃 I asked。

〃By a strange road;〃 she whispered; 〃to see that all was

well with HIMand to look into his heart; for I feared Yolara

and her beauty。  But I saw that she was not in his heart。〃 A

blush burned over her; turning even the little bare breast

rosy。  〃It is a strange road;〃 she went on hurriedly。  〃Many

times have I followed it and watched the Shining One bear

back its prey to the blue pool; seen the woman HE seeks〃

she made a quick gesture toward Olaf〃and a babe cast

from her arms in the last pang of her mother love; seen

another woman throw herself into the Shining One's em…

brace to save a man she loved; and I could not help!〃 Her

voice grew deep; thrilled。  〃The friend; it comes to me; who

drew you here; Goodwin!〃

She was silent; walking as one who sees visions and listens

to voices unheard by others; Rador made a warning gesture;

I crowded back my questions; glanced about me。  We were

passing over a smooth strand; hard packed as some beach of

long…thrust…back ocean。  It was like crushed garnets; each

grain stained deep red; faintly sparkling。  On each side were

distances; the floor stretching away into them bare of vege…

tationstretching on and on into infinitudes of rosy mist;

even as did the space above。

Flanking and behind us marched the giant batrachians;

fivescore of them at least; black scale and crimson scale lus…

trous and gleaming in the rosaceous radiance; saucer eyes

shining circles of phosphorescence green; purple; red; spurs

clicking as they crouched along with a gait at once gro…

tesque and formidable。

Ahead the mist deepened into a ruddier glow; through it

a long; dark line began to appearthe mouth I thought of

the caverned space through which we were going; it was

just before us; over uswe stood bathed in a flood of rubes…


A sea stretched before usa crimson sea; gleaming like

that lost lacquer of royal coral and the Flame Dragon's

blood which Fu S'cze set upon the bower he built for his

stolen sun maidenthat going toward it she might think it

the sun itself rising over the summer seas。  Unmoved by wave

or ripple; it was placid as some deep woodland pool when

night rushes up over the world。

It seemed moltenor as though some hand great enough

to rock earth had distilled here from conflagrations of au…

tumn sunsets their flaming essences。

A fish broke through; large as a shark; blunt…headed; flash…

ing bronze; ridged and mailed as though with serrate plates

of armour。  It leaped high; shaking from it a sparkling spray

of rubies; dropped and shot up a geyser of fiery gems。

Across my line of vision; moving stately over the sea;

floated a half globe; luminous; diaphanous; its iridescence

melting into turquoise; thence to amethyst; to orange; to

scarlet shot with rose; to vermilion; a translucent green;

thence back into the iridescence; behind it four others; and

the least of them ten feet in diameter; and the largest no less

than thirty。  They drifted past like bubbles blown from froth

of rainbows by pipes in mouths of Titans' young。  Then from

the base of one arose a tangle of shimmering strands; long;

slender whiplashes that played about and sank slowly again

beneath the crimson surface。

I gaspedfor the fish had been a _ganoid_that ancient;

armoured form that was perhaps the most intelligent of all

life on our planet during the Devonian era; but which for

age upon age had vanished; save for its fossils held in the

embrace of the stone that once was their soft bottom beds;

and the half…globes were _Medusae_; jelly…fishbut of a size;

luminosity; and colour unheard of。

Now Lakla cupped her mouth with pink palms and sent a

clarion note ringing out。  The ledge on which we stood con…

tinued a few hundred feet before us; falling abruptly; though

from no great height to the Crimson Sea; at right and left

it extended in a long semicircle。  Turning to the right whence

she had sent her call; I saw rising a mile or more away;

veiled lightly by the haze; a rainbow; a gigantic prismatic

arch; flattened; I thought; by some quality of the strange

atmosphere。  It sprang from the 
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