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the moon pool-第56部分

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meet them here!〃

And then

〃Holy St。 Brigid!〃 gasped Larry。

From the rift in the tunnel's continuation; nigh a mile

beyond the cleft through which we had fled; lifted a crown

of hornsof tentacleserect; alert; of mottled gold and

crimson; lifted higherand from a monstrous scarlet head

beneath them blazed two enormous; obloid eyes; their depths

wells of purplish phosphorescence; higher stillnoseless;

earless; chinless; a livid; worm mouth from which a slender

scarlet tongue leaped like playing flames!  Slowly it rose

its mighty neck cuirassed with gold and scarlet scales from

whose polished surfaces the amber light glinted like flakes

of fire; and under this neck shimmered something like a

palely luminous silvery shield; guarding it。  The head of hor…

ror mountedand in the shield's centre; full ten feet across;

glowing; flickering; shining outcoldly; was a rose of white

flame; a 〃flower of cold fire〃 even as Rador had said。

Now swiftly the Thing upreared; standing like a scaled

tower a hundred feet above the rift; its eyes scanning that

movement I had seen along the course of its lair。  There was

a hissing; the crown of horns fell; whipped and writhed like

the tentacles of an octopus; the towering length dropped


〃Quick!〃 gasped Rador and through the fern moss; along

the path and down the other side of the steep we raced。

Behind us for an instant there was a rushing as of a tor…

rent; a far…away; faint; agonized screamingsilence!

〃No fear NOW from those who followed;〃 whispered the

green dwarf; pausing。

〃Sainted St。 Patrick!〃 O'Keefe gazed ruminatively at his

automatic。  〃An' he expected me to kill THAT with this。  Well;

as Fergus O'Connor said when they sent him out to slaugh…

ter a wild bull with a potato knife: 'Ye'll niver rayilize how

I appreciate the confidence ye show in me!'

〃What was it; Doc?〃 he asked。

〃The dragon worm!〃 Rador said。

〃It was Helvede Ormthe hell worm!〃 groaned Olaf。

〃There you go again〃 blazed Larry; but the green dwarf

was hurrying down the path and swiftly we followed; Larry

muttering; Olaf mumbling; behind me。

The green dwarf was signalling us for caution。  He pointed

through a break in a grove of fifty…foot cedar mosseswe

were skirting the glassy road!  Scanning it we found no trace

of Lugur and wondered whether he too had seen the worm

and had fled。  Quickly we passed on; drew away from the

_coria_ path。  The mosses began to thin; less and less they grew;

giving way to low clumps that barely offered us shelter。

Unexpectedly another screen of fern moss stretched before

us。 Slowly Rador made his way through it and stood hesitat…


The scene in front of us was oddly weird and depressing;

in some indefinable waydreadful。  Why; I could not tell;

but the impression was plain; I shrank from it。  Then; self…

analyzing; I wondered whether it could be the uncanny re…

semblance the heaps of curious mossy fungi scattered about

had to beast and birdyes; and to manthat was the cause

of it。  Our path ran between a few of them。  To the left they

were thick。  They were viridescent; almost metallic hued

verd…antique。  Curiously indeed were they like distorted

images of dog and deerlike forms; of birdsof DWARFS and

here and there the simulacra of the giant frogs!  Spore cases;

yellowish green; as large as mitres and much resembling them

in shape protruded from the heaps。  My repulsion grew into

a distinct nausea。

Rador turned to us a face whiter far than that with which

he had looked upon the dragon worm。

〃Now for your lives;〃 he whispered; 〃tread softly here as

I doand speak not at all!〃

He stepped forward on tiptoe; slowly with utmost caution。

We crept after him; passed the heaps beside the pathand

as I passed my skin crept and I shrank and saw the others

shrink too with that unnameable loathing; nor did the green

dwarf pause until he had reached the brow of a small hillock

a hundred yards beyond。  And he was trembling。

〃Now what are we up against?〃 grumbled O'Keefe。

The green dwarf stretched a hand; stiffened; gazed over

to the left of us beyond a lower hillock upon whose broad

crest lay a file of the moss shapes。  They fringed it; their

mitres having a grotesque appearance of watching what lay

below。  The glistening road lay thereand from it came a

shout。  A dozen of the _coria_ clustered; filled with Lugur's

men and in one of them Lugur himself; laughing wickedly!

There was a rush of soldiers and up the low hillock raced

a score of them toward us。

〃Run!〃 shouted Rador。

〃Not much!〃 grunted Larryand took swift aim at Lugur。

The automatic spat: Olaf's echoed。  Both bullets went wild;

for Lugur; still laughing; threw himself into the protection of

the body of his shell。  But following the shots; from the file

of moss heaps on the crest; came a series of muffled explo…

sions。  Under the pistol's concussions the mitred caps had

burst and instantly all about the running soldiers grew a

cloud of tiny; glistening white sporeslike a little cloud of

puff…ball dust many times magnified。  Through this cloud I

glimpsed their faces; stricken with agony。

Some turned to fly; but before they could take a second

step stood rigid。

The spore cloud drifted and eddied about them; rained

down on their heads and half bare breasts; covered their

garmentsand swiftly they began to change!  Their features

grew indistinctmerged!  The glistening white spores that

covered them turned to a pale yellow; grew greenish; spread

and swelled; darkened。  The eyes of one of the soldiers glinted

for a momentand then were covered by the swift growth!

Where but a few moments before had been men were only

grotesque heaps; swiftly melting; swiftly rounding into the

the semblance of the mounds that lay behind usand al…

ready beginning to take on their gleam of ancient virides…


The Irishman was gripping my arm fiercely; the pain

brought me back to my senses。

〃Olaf's right;〃 he gasped。  〃This IS hell!  I'm sick。〃 And he

was; frankly and without restraint。  Lugur and his others

awakened from their nightmare; piled into the _coria_;

wheeled; raced away。

〃On!〃 said Rador thickly。  Two perils have we passed

the Silent Ones watch over us!〃

Soon we were again among the familiar and so unfamiliar

moss giants。  I knew what I had seen and this time Larry

could not call mesuperstitious。  In the jungles of Borneo I

had examined that other swiftly developing fungus which

wreaks the vengeance of some of the hill tribes upon those

who steal their women; gripping with its microscopic hooks

into the flesh; sending quick; tiny rootlets through the skin

down into the capillaries; sucking life and thriving and never

to be torn away until the living thing it clings to has been

sapped dry。  Here was but another of the species in which

the development's rate was incredibly acceler
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