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the moon pool-第55部分

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〃Oh; mama; pin a cold rose on me;

Two young frog…men are in love with me;

Shut my eyes so I can't see。〃

〃Sh!〃 Rador was warning; he began whispering。  〃For half

a _va_ we go along a way of death。  From its peril we pass into

another against whose dangers I can guard you。  But in part

this is in view of the roadway and it may be that Lugur will

see us。  If so; we must fight as best we can。  If we pass these

two roads safely; then is the way to the Crimson Sea clear;

nor need we fear Lugur nor any。  And there is another thing

that Lugur does not knowwhen he opens the Portal the

Silent Ones will hear and Lakla and the _Akka_ will be swift

to greet its opener。〃

〃Rador;〃 I asked; 〃how know YOU all this?〃

〃The handmaiden is my own sister's child;〃 he answered quietly。

O'Keefe drew a long breath。

〃Uncle;〃 he remarked casually in English; 〃meet the man

who's going to be your nephew!〃

cept by the avuncular title; which Rador; humorously

enough; apparently conceived to be one of respectful en…


For me a light broke。  Plain now was the reason for his

foreknowledge of Lakla's appearance at the feast where

Larry had so narrowly escaped Yolara's spells; plain the

determining factor that had cast his lot with ours; and my

confidence; despite his discourse of mysterious perils; experi…

enced a remarkable quickening。

Speculation as to the marked differences in pigmentation

and appearance of niece and uncle was dissipated by my

consciousness that we were now moving in a dim half…light。

We were in a fairly wide tunnel。  Not far ahead the gleam

filtered; pale yellow like sunlight sifting through the leaves

of autumn poplars。  And as we drove closer to its source I

saw that it did indeed pass through a leafy screen hanging

over the passage end。  This Rador drew aside cautiously;

beckoned us and we stepped through。

It appeared to be a tunnel cut through soft green mould。

Its base was a flat strip of pathway a yard wide from which

the walls curved out in perfect cylindrical form; smoothed

and evened with utmost nicety。  Thirty feet wide they were at

their widest; then drew toward each other with no break in

their symmetry; they did not close。  Above was; roughly; a

ten…foot rift; ragged edged; through which poured light like

that in the heart of pale amber; a buttercup light shot

through with curiously evanescent bronze shadows。

〃Quick!〃 commanded Rador; uneasily; and set off at a

sharp pace。

Now; my eyes accustomed to the strange light; I saw that

the tunnel's walls were of moss。  In them I could trace fringe

leaf and curly leaf; pressings of enormous bladder caps

(Physcomitrium); immense splashes of what seemed to be

the scarlet…crested Cladonia; traceries of huge moss veils;

crushings of teeth (peristome) gigantic; spore cases brown

and white; saffron and ivory; hot vermilions and cerulean

blues; pressed into an astounding mosaic by some titanic


〃Hurry!〃 It was Rador calling。  I had lagged behind。

He quickened the pace to a half…run; we were climbing;

panting。  The amber light grew stronger; the rift above us

wider。  The tunnel curved; on the left a narrow cleft ap…

peared。  The green dwarf leaped toward it; thrust us within;

pushed us ahead of him up a steep rocky fissurewell…nigh;

indeed; a chimney。  Up and up this we scrambled until my

lungs were bursting and I thought I could climb no more。

The crevice ended; we crawled out and sank; even Rador;

upon a little leaf…carpeted clearing circled by lacy tree ferns。

Gasping; legs aching; we lay prone; relaxed; drawing back

strength and breath。  Rador was first to rise。  Thrice he bent

low as in homage; then

〃Give thanks to the Silent Onesfor their power has been

over us!〃 he exclaimed。

Dimly I wondered what he meant。  Something about the

fern leaf at which I had been staring aroused me。  I leaped to

my feet and ran to its base。  This was no fern; no!  It was fern

MOSS!  The largest of its species I had ever found in tropic

jungles had not been more than two inches high; and this

wastwenty feet!  The scientific fire I had experienced in the

tunnel returned uncontrollable。  I parted the fronds; gazed out

My outlook commanded a vista of milesand that vista!

A _Fata Morgana_ of plantdom!  A land of flowered sorcery!

Forests of tree…high mosses spangled over with blooms of

every conceivable shape and colour; cataracts and clusters;

avalanches and nets of blossoms in pastels; in dulled metal…

lics; in gorgeous flamboyant hues; some of them phosphor…

escent and shining like living jewels; some sparkling as

though with dust of opals; of sapphires; of rubies and topazes

and emeralds; thickets of convolvuli like the trumpets of the

seven archangels of Mara; king of illusion; which are shaped

from the bows of splendours arching his highest heaven!

And moss veils like banners of a marching host of Titans;

pennons and bannerets of the sunset; gonfalons of the Jinn;

webs of faery; oriflammes of elfland!

Springing up through that polychromatic flood myriads of

pediclesslender and straight as spears; or soaring in spirals;

or curving with undulations gracile as the white serpents of

Tanit in ancient Carthaginian grovesand all surmounted

by a fantasy of spore cases in shapes of minaret and turret;

domes and spires and cones; caps of Phrygia and bishops'

mitres; shapes grotesque and unnameableshapes delicate

and lovely!

They hung high poised; nodding and swayinglike gob…

lins hovering over _Titania's_ court; cacophony of Cathay ac…

centing the _Flower Maiden_ music of 〃Parsifal〃; _bizarrerie_

of the angled; fantastic beings that people the Javan pan…

theon watching a bacchanal of houris in Mohammed's para…


Down upon it all poured the amber light; dimmed in the

distances by huge; drifting darkenings lurid as the flying

mantles of the hurricane。

And through the light; like showers of jewels; myriads of

birds; darting; dipping; soaring; and still other myriads of

gigantic; shimmering butterflies。

A sound came to us; reaching out like the first faint susur…

rus of the incoming tide; sighing; sighing; growing stronger

now its mournful whispering quivered all about us; shook

usthen passing like a Presence; died away in far distances。

〃The Portal!〃 said Rador。  〃Lugur has entered!〃

He; too; parted the fronds and peered back along our

path。  Peering with him we saw the barrier through which we

had come stretching verdure…covered walls for miles three or

more away。  Like a mole burrow in a garden stretched the

trail of the tunnel; here and there we could look down

within the rift at its top; far off in it I thought I saw the glint

of spears。

〃They come!〃 whispered Rador。  〃Quick!  We must not

meet them here!〃

And then

〃Holy St。 Brigid!〃 gasped Larry。

From the rift in the tunnel's continuation; nigh a
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