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the moon pool-第54部分

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points came speeding。

〃Lugur and his men;〃 said Rador。

〃Can't you step on her?〃 asked Larry。

〃Step on her?〃 repeated the green dwarf; puzzled。

〃Give her more speed; push her;〃 explained O'Keefe。

Rador looked about him。  The coppery ramparts were

close; not more than three or four miles distant; in front of

us the plain lifted in a long rolling swell; and up this the

_corial_ essayed to gowith a terrifying lessening of speed。

Faintly behind us came shootings; and we knew that Lugur

drew close。  Nor anywhere was there sign of Lakla nor her


Now we were half…way to the crest; the shell barely

crawled and from beneath it came a faint hissing; it quiv…

ered; and I knew that its base was no longer held above the

glassy surface but rested on it。

〃One last chance!〃 exclaimed Rador。  He pressed upon the

control lever and wrenched it from its socket。  Instantly the

sparkling ball expanded; whirling with prodigious rapidity

and sending a cascade of coruscations into the cylinder。  The

shell rose; leaped through the air; the dark crystal split

into fragments; the fiery ball dulled; diedbut upon the

impetus of that last thrust we reached the crest。  Poised there

for a moment; I caught a glimpse of the road dropping down

the side of an enormous moss…covered; bowl…shaped valley

whose sharply curved sides ended abruptly at the base of

the towering barrier。

Then down the steep; powerless to guide or to check the

shell; we plunged in a meteor rush straight for the annihilat…

ing adamantine breasts of the cliffs!

Now the quick thinking of Larry's air training came to our

aid。  As the rampart reared close he threw himself upon

Rador; hurled him and himself against the side of the flying

whorl。  Under the shock the finely balanced machine swerved

from its course。  It struck the soft; low bank of the road; shot

high in air; bounded on through the thick carpeting; whirled

like a dervish and fell upon its side。  Shot from it; we rolled

for yards; but the moss saved broken bones or serious bruise。

〃Quick!〃 cried the green dwarf。  He seized an arm; dragged

me to my feet; began running to the cliff base not a hundred

feet away。  Beside us raced O'Keefe and Olaf。  At our left was

the black road。  It stopped abruptlywas cut off by a slab

of polished crimson stone a hundred feet high; and as wide;

set within the coppery face of the barrier。  On each side of it

stood pillars; cut from the living rock and immense; almost;

as those which held the rainbow veil of the Dweller。  Across

its face weaved unnameable carvingsbut I had no time for

more than a glance。  The green dwarf gripped my arm again。

〃Quick!〃 he cried again。  〃The handmaiden has passed!〃

At the right of the Portal ran a low wall of shattered rock。

Over this we raced like rabbits。  Hidden behind it was a

narrow path。  Crouching; Rador in the lead; we sped along

it; three hundred; four hundred yards we racedand the

path ended in a _cul de sac_!  To our ears was borne a louder


The first of the pursuing shells had swept over the lip of

the great bowl; poised for a moment as we had and then

began a cautious descent。  Within it; scanning the slopes; I

saw Lugur。

〃A little closer and I'll get him!〃 whispered Larry

viciously。  He raised his pistol。

His hand was caught in a mighty grip; Rador; eyes blaz…

ing; stood beside him。

〃No!〃 rasped the green dwarf。  He heaved a shoulder

against one of the boulders that formed the pocket。  It rocked

aside; revealing a slit。

〃In!〃 ordered he; straining against the weight of the stone。

O'Keefe slipped through。  Olaf at his back; I following。  With

a lightning leap the dwarf was beside me; the huge rock

missing him by a hair breadth as it swung into place!

We were in Cimmerian darkness。  I felt for my pocket…flash

and recalled with distress that I had left it behind with my

medicine kit when we fled from the gardens。  But Rador

seemed to need no light。

〃Grip hands!〃 he ordered。  We crept; single file; holding

to each other like children; through the black。  At last the

green dwarf paused。

〃Await me here;〃 he whispered。  〃Do not move。  And for

your livesbe silent!〃

And he was gone。


Dragon Worm and Moss Death

FOR a small eternityto me at leastwe waited。  Then as

silent as ever the green dwarf returned。  〃It is well;〃 he

said; some of the strain gone from his voice。  〃Grip hands

again; and follow。〃

〃Wait a bit; Rador;〃 this was Larry。  〃Does Lugur know

this side entrance?  If he does; why not let Olaf and me go

back to the opening and pick them off as they come in?  We

could hold the lotand in the meantime you and Goodwin

could go after Lakla for help。〃

〃Lugur knows the secret of the Portalif he dare use it;〃

answered the captain; with a curious indirection。  〃And now

that they have challenged the Silent Ones I think he WILL

dare。  Also; he will find our tracksand it may be that he

knows this hidden way。〃

〃Well; for God's sake!〃 O'Keefe's appalled bewilderment

was almost ludicrous。  〃If HE knows all that; and YOU knew

all that; why didn't you let me click him when I had the chance?〃

〃_Larree_;〃 the green dwarf was oddly humble。  〃It seemed

good to me; tooat first。  And then I heard a command;

heard it clearly; to stop youthat Lugur die not now; lest a

greater vengeance fail!〃

〃Command?  From whom?〃 The Irishman's voice distilled

out of the blackness the very essence of bewilderment。

〃I thought;〃 Rador was whispering〃I thought it came

from the Silent Ones!〃

〃Superstition!〃 groaned O'Keefe in utter exasperation。

〃Always superstition!  What can you do against it!

〃Never mind; Rador。〃 His sense of humour came to his

aid。  〃It's too late now; anyway。  Where do we go from here;

old dear?〃 he laughed。

〃We tread the path of one I am not fain to meet;〃 answered

Rador。  〃But if meet we must; point the death tubes at the

pale shield he bears upon his throat and send the flame into

the flower of cold fire that is its centrenor look into his


Again Larry gasped; and I with him。

〃It's getting too deep for me; Doc;〃 he muttered de…

jectedly。  〃Can you make head or tail of it?〃

〃No;〃 I answered; shortly enough; 〃but Rador fears some…

thing and that's his description of it。〃

〃Sure;〃 he replied; 〃only it's a code I don't understand。〃

I could feel his grin。  〃All right for the flower of cold fire;

Rador; and I won't look into his eyes;〃 he went on cheerfully。

〃But hadn't we better be moving?〃

〃Come!〃 said the soldier; again hand in hand we went

blindly on。

O'Keefe was muttering to himself。

〃Flower of cold fire!  Don't look into his eyes!  Some joint!

Damned superstition。〃 Then he chuckled and carolled; softly:

〃Oh; mama; pin a cold rose on me;

Two young frog…men are in love with me;

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