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the moon pool-第53部分

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through the silence of the ebon pit like a whimpering arrow。

Before it had died; down the stairways came pouring the

guards。  Those at the threshold raised their swords and peered

within。  Abruptly Rador was between them。  One dropped his

hilt and gripped himthe green dwarf's poniard flashed

and was buried in his throat。  Down upon Rador's head

swept the second blade。  A flame leaped from O'Keefe's hand

and the sword seemed to fling itself from its wielder's grasp

another flash and the soldier crumpled。  Rador threw him…

self into the shell; darted to the high seatand straight be…

tween the pillars of the Shadow we flew!

There came a crackling; a darkness of vast wings flinging

down upon us。  The _corial's_ flight was checked as by a giant's

hand。  The shell swerved sickeningly; there was an oddly

metallic splintering; it quivered; shot ahead。  Dizzily I picked

myself up and looked behind。

The Shadow had fallenbut too late; a bare instant too

late。  And shrinking as we fled from it; still it seemed to

strain like some fettered Afrit from Eblis; throbbing with

wrath; seeking with every malign power it possessed to break

its bonds and pursue。  Not until long after were we to know

that it had been the dying hand of Serku; groping out of

oblivion; that had cast it after us as a fowler upon an escap…

ing bird。

〃Snappy work; Rador!〃 It was Larry speaking。  〃But they

cut the end off your bus all right!〃

A full quarter of the hindward whorl was gone; sliced off

cleanly。  Rador noted it with anxious eyes。

〃That is bad;〃 he said; 〃but not too bad perhaps。  All

depends upon how closely Lugur and his men can follow


He raised a hand to O'Keefe in salute。

〃But to you; _Larree_; I owe my lifenot even the _Keth_

could have been as swift to save me as that death flame of


The Irishman waved an airy hand。

〃Serku〃the green dwarf drew from his girdle the blood…

stained poniard〃Serku I was forced to slay。  Even as he

raised the Shadow the globe gave the alarm。  Lugur follows

with twice ten times ten of his best〃 He hesitated。  〃Though

we have escaped the Shadow it has taken toll of our swift…

ness。  May we reach the Portal before it closes upon Lakla

but if we do not〃 He paused again。  〃WellI know a way

but it is not one I am gay to followno!〃

He snapped open the aperture that held the ball flaming

within the dark crystal; peered at it anxiously。  I crept to the

torn end of the _corial_。  The edges were crumbling; disinte…

grated。  They powdered in my fingers like dust。  Mystified

still; I crept back where Larry; sheer happiness pouring from

him; was whistling softly and polishing up his automatic。

His gaze fell upon Olaf's grim; sad face and softened。

〃Buck up; Olaf!〃 he said。  〃We've got a good fighting

chance。  Once we link up with Lakla and her crowd I'm

betting that we get your wifenever doubt it!  The baby〃

he hesitated awkwardly。  The Norseman's eyes filled; he

stretched a hand to the O'Keefe。

〃The _Yndling_she is of the _de Dode_;〃 he half whispered;

〃of the blessed dead。  For her I have no fear and for her

vengeance will be given me。 _Ja!_  But my Helmashe is of

the dead…alivelike those we saw whirling like leaves in the

light of the Shining Deviland I would that she too were

of _de Dode_and at rest。  I do not know how to fight the

Shining Devilno!〃

His bitter despair welled up in his voice。

〃Olaf;〃 Larry's voice was gentle。  〃We'll come out on top

I know it。  Remember one thing。  All this stuff that seems so

strange andand; well; sort of supernatural; is just a lot of

tricks we're not hep to as yet。  Why; Olaf; suppose you took

a Fijian when the war was on and set him suddenly down in

London with autos rushing past; sirens blowing; Archies

popping; a dozen enemy planes dropping bombs; and the

searchlights shooting all over the skywouldn't he think he

was among thirty…third degree devils in some exclusive circle

of hell?  Sure he would!  And yet everything he saw would

be naturaljust as natural as all this is; once we get the

answer to it。  Not that we're Fijians; of course; but the prin…

ciple is the same。〃

The Norseman considered this; nodded gravely。

〃_Ja!_〃 he answered at last。  〃And at least we can fight。  That

is why I have turned to Thor of the battles; _Ja!_  And ONE

have I hope in for mine Helmathe white maiden。  Since I

have turned to the old gods it has been made clear to me that

I shall slay Lugur and that the _Heks_; the evil witch Yolara;

shall also die。  But I would talk with the white maiden。〃

〃All right;〃 said Larry; 〃but just don't be afraid of what

you don't understand。  There's another thing〃he hesitated;

nervously〃there's another thing that may startle you a bit

when we meet up with Laklahererfrogs!〃

〃Like the frog…woman we saw on the wall?〃 asked Olaf。

〃Yes;〃 went on Larry; rapidly。  〃It's this wayI figure that

the frogs grow rather large where she lives; and they're a bit

different too。  Well; Lakla's got a lot of 'em trained。  Carry

spears and clubs and all that junkjust like trained seals or

monkeys or so on in the circus。  Probably a custom of the

place。  Nothing queer about that; Olaf。  Why people have all

kinds of petsarmadillos and snakes and rabbits; kangaroos

and elephants and tigers。〃

Remembering how the frog…woman had stuck in Larry's

mind from the outset; I wondered whether all this was not

more to convince himself than Olaf。

〃Why; I remember a nice girl in Paris who had four pet

pythons〃 he went on。

But I listened no more; for now I was sure of my surmise。

The road had  begun  to  thrust  itself  through  high…flung;

sharply pinnacled  masses  and  rounded  outcroppings  of  rock

on which clung patches of the amber moss。

The trees had utterly vanished; and studding the moss…

carpeted plains were only clumps of a willowy shrub from

which hung; like grapes; clusters of white waxen blooms。

The light too had changed; gone were the dancing; sparkling

atoms and the silver had faded to a soft; almost ashen grey…

ness。  Ahead of us marched a rampart of coppery cliffs rising;

like all these mountainous walls we had seen; into the im…

mensities of haze。  Something long drifting in my subcon…

sciousness turned to startled realization。  The speed of the

shell was slackening!  The aperture containing the ionizing

mechanism was still open; I glanced within; The whirling ball

of fire was not dimmed; but its coruscations; instead of pour…

ing down through the cylinder; swirled and eddied and shot

back as though trying to re…enter their source。  Rador nodded


〃The Shadow takes its toll;〃 he said。

We topped a riseLarry gripped my arm。

〃Look!〃 he cried; and pointed。  Far; far behind us; so far

that the road was but a glistening thread; a score of shining

points came speeding。

〃Lugur and his men;〃 said Rador。

〃Can't y
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