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the moon pool-第50部分

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us in a very amiable mood I'm afraid。  Rador was awaiting us

with a score of his men。

〃Let none pass in here without authorityand let none

pass out unless I accompany them;〃 he ordered bruskly。

〃Summon one of the swiftest of the _coria_ and have it wait in

readiness;〃 he added; as though by afterthought。

But when we had entered and the screens were drawn

together his manner changed; all eagerness he questioned

us。 Briefly we told him of the happenings at the feast; of

Lakla's dramatic interruption; and of what had followed。

〃Three _tal_;〃 he said musingly; 〃three _tal_ the Silent Ones

have allowedand Yolara agreed。〃 He sank back; silent and


1 A _tal_ in Muria is the equivalent of thirty hours of earth surface

time。W。 T。 G。

_〃Ja!〃  It was Olaf。 〃_Ja!_  I told you the Shining Devil's mis…

tress was all evil。 _Ja!_  Now I begin again that tale I started

when he came〃he glanced toward the preoccupied Rador。

〃And tell him not what I say should he ask。  For I trust none

here in Trolldom; save the _Jomfrau_the White Virgin!

〃After the oldster was _adsprede_〃Olaf once more used

that expressive Norwegian word for the dissolving of Songar

〃I knew that it was a time for cunning。  I said to myself;

'If they think I have no ears to hear; they will speak; and

it may be I will find a way to save my Helma and Dr。 Good…

win's friends; too。' _Ja_; and they did speak。

〃The red _Trolde_ asked the Russian how came it he was a

worshipper of Thanaroa。〃 I could not resist a swift glance of

triumph toward O'Keefe。  〃And the Russian;〃 rumbled Olaf;

〃said that all his people worshipped Thanaroa and had

fought against the other nations that denied him。

〃And then we had come to Lugur's palace。  They put me

in rooms; and there came to me men who rubbed and oiled

me and loosened my muscles。  The next day I wrestled with

a great dwarf they called Valdor。  He was a mighty man; and

long we struggled; and at last I broke his back。  And Lugur

was pleased; so that I sat with him at feast and with the

Russian; too。  And again; not knowing that I understood

them; they talked。

〃The Russian had gone fast and far。  They talked of Lugur

as emperor of all Europe; and Marakinoff under him。  They

spoke of the green light that shook life from the oldster; and

Lugur said that the secret of it had been the Ancient Ones'

and that the Council had not too much of it。  But the Russian

said that among his race were many wise men who could

make more once they had studied it。

〃And the next day I wrestled with a great dwarf named

Tahola; mightier far than Valdor。  Him I threw after a long;

long time; and his back also I broke。  Again Lugur was

pleased。  And again we sat at table; he and the Russian and I。

This time they spoke of something these _Trolde_ have which

opens up a _Svaelc_abysses into which all in its range drops

up into the sky!〃

〃What!〃 I exclaimed。

〃I know about them;〃 said Larry。  〃Wait!〃

〃Lugur had drunk much;〃 went on Olaf。  〃He was boast…

ful。  The Russian pressed him to show this thing。  After a

while the red one went out and came back with a little golden

box。  He and the Russian went into the garden。  I followed

them。  There was a _lille Hoj_a moundof stones in that

garden on which grew flowers and trees。

〃Lugur pressed upon the box; and a spark no bigger than

a sand grain leaped out and fell beside the stones。  Lugur

pressed again; and a blue light shot from the box and lighted

on the spark。  The spark that had been no bigger than a grain

of sand grew and grew as the blue struck it。  And then there

was a sighing; a wind blewand the stones and the flowers

and the trees were not。  They were _forsvinde_vanished!

〃Then Lugur; who had been laughing; grew quickly sober;

for he thrust the Russian backfar back。  And soon down

into the garden came tumbling the stones and the trees; but

broken and shattered; and falling as though from a great

height。  And Lugur said that of THIS something they had

much; for its making was a secret handed down by their own

forefathers and not by the Ancient Ones。

〃They feared to use it; he said; for a spark thrice as large

as that he had used would have sent all that garden falling

upward and might have opened a way to the outside before


〃The Russian questioned much; but Lugur sent for more

drink and grew merrier and threatened him; and the Russian

was silent through fear。  Thereafter I listened when I could;

and little more I learned; but that little enough。 _Ja!_  Lugur

is hot for conquest; so Yolara and so the Council。  They tire

of it here and the Silent Ones make their minds not too easy;

no; even though they jeer at them!  And this they plan

to rule our world with their Shining Devil。〃

The Norseman was silent for a moment; then voice deep;


〃Trolldom is awake; Helvede crouches at Earth Gate

whining to be loosed into a world already devil ridden!  And

we are but three!〃

I felt the blood drive out of my heart。  But Larry's was the

fighting face of the O'Keefes of a thousand years。  Rador

glanced at him; arose; stepped through the curtains; returned

swiftly with the Irishman's uniform。

〃Put it on;〃 he said; bruskly; again fell back into his

silence and whatever O'Keefe had been about to say was sub…

merged in his wild and joyful whoop。  He ripped from him

glittering tunic and leg swathings。

〃Richard is himself again!〃 he shouted; and each garment

as he donned it; fanned his old devil…may…care confidence

to a higher flame。  The last scrap of it on; he drew himself up

before us。

〃Bow down; ye divils!〃 he cried。  〃Bang your heads on the

floor and do homage to Larry the First; Emperor of Great

Britain; Autocrat of all Ireland; Scotland; England; and

Wales; and adjacent waters and islands!  Kneel; ye scuts;


〃Larry;〃 I cried; 〃are you going crazy?〃

〃Not a bit of it;〃 he said。  〃I'm that and more if Comrade

Marakinoff is on the level。  Whoop!  Bring forth the royal

jewels an' put a whole new bunch of golden strings in Tara's

harp an' down with the Sassenach forever!  Whoop!〃

He did a wild jig。

〃Lord how good the old togs feel;〃 he grinned。  〃The

touch of 'em has gone to my head。  But it's straight stuff I'm

telling you about my empire。〃

He sobered。

〃Not that it's not serious enough at that。  A lot that Olaf's

told us I've surmised from hints dropped by Yolara。  But I got

the full key to it from the Red himself when he stopped me

just beforebefore〃he reddened〃well; just before I ac…

quired that brand…new brand of souse。

〃Maybe he had a hintmaybe he just surmised that I

knew a lot more than I did。  And he thought Yolara and

I were going to be loving little turtle doves。  Also he figured

that Yolara had a lot more influence with the Unholy Fire…

works tha
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