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the moon pool-第5部分

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out。  As I did so Stanton lifted his flap and walked out into the

moonlight; looking over to the other islet and listening。  I

called to him。

〃'That's the queerest sound!' he said。  He listened again。

'Crystalline!  Like little notes of translucent glass。  Like the

bells of crystal on the sistrums of Isis at Dendarah Temple;'

he added half…dreamily。  We gazed intently at the island。

Suddenly; on the sea…wall; moving slowly; rhythmically; we

saw a little group of lights。  Stanton laughed。

〃'The beggars!' he exclaimed。  'That's why they wanted to

get away; is it?  Don't you see; Dave; it's some sort of a fes…

tivalrites of some kind that they hold during the full moon!

That's why they were so eager to have us KEEP away; too。'

 〃The explanation seemed good。  I felt a curious sense of re…

lief; although I had not been sensible of any oppression。

〃'Let's slip over;' suggested Stantonbut I would not。

〃'They're a difficult lot as it is;' I said。  'If we break into one

of their religious ceremonies they'll probably never forgive

us。 Let's keep out of any family party where we haven't been


 〃'That's so;' agreed Stanton。

 〃The strange tinkling rose and fell; rose and fell

〃'There's somethingsomething very unsettling about it;'

said Edith at last soberly。  'I wonder what they make those

sounds with。  They frighten me half to death; and; at the same

time。 they make me feel as though some enormous rapture

were just around the corner。'

 〃'It's devilish uncanny!' broke in Stanton。

〃And as he spoke the flap of Thora's tent was raised and

out into the moonlight strode the old Swede。  She was the

great Norse typetall; deep…breasted; moulded on the old

Viking lines。  Her sixty years had slipped from her。  She

looked like some ancient priestess of Odin。

〃She stood there; her eyes wide; brilliant; staring。  She

thrust her head forward toward Nan…Tauach; regarding the

moving lights; she listened。  Suddenly she raised her arms

and made a curious gesture to the moon。  It wasan archaic

movement; she seemed to drag it from remote antiquity

yet in it was a strange suggestion of power; Twice she re…

peated this gesture andthe tinklings died away!  She turned

to us。

〃'Go!' she said; and her voice seemed to come from far

distances。  'Go from hereand quickly!  Go while you may。

It has called' She pointed to the islet。  'It knows you are

here。  It waits!' she wailed。  'It beckonsthethe〃

〃She fell at Edith's feet; and over the lagoon came again

the tinklings; now with a quicker note of jubilancealmost

of triumph。

〃We watched beside her throughout the night。  The sounds

from Nan…Tauach continued until about an hour before

moon…set。  In the morning Thora awoke; none the worse; ap…

parently。  She had had bad dreams; she said。  She could not

remember what they wereexcept that they had warned her

of danger。  She was oddly sullen; and throughout the morning

her gaze returned again and again half…fascinatedly; half…

wonderingly to the neighbouring isle。

〃That afternoon the natives returned。  And that night on

Nan…Tauach the silence was unbroken nor were there lights

nor sign of life。

〃You will understand; Goodwin; how the occurrences I

have related would excite the scientific curiosity。  We rejected

immediately; of course; any explanation admitting the super…


〃Oursymptoms let me call themcould all very easily

be accounted for。  It is unquestionable that the vibrations

created by certain musical instruments have definite and

sometimes extraordinary effect upon the nervous system。  We

accepted this as the explanation of the reactions we had ex…

perienced; hearing the unfamiliar sounds。  Thora's nervous…

ness; her superstitious apprehensions; had wrought her up to

a condition of semi…somnambulistic hysteria。  Science could

readily explain her part in the night's scene。

〃We came to the conclusion that there must be a passage…

way between Ponape and Nan…Tauach known to the natives

and used by them during their rites。  We decided that on

the next departure of our labourers we would set forth im…

mediately to Nan…Tauach。  We would investigate during the

day; and at evening my wife and Thora would go back to

camp; leaving Stanton and me to spend the night on the

island; observing from some safe hiding…place what might


〃The moon waned; appeared crescent in the west; waxed

slowly toward the full。  Before the men left us they literally

prayed us to accompany them。  Their importunities only made

us more eager to see what it was that; we were now con…

vinced; they wanted to conceal from us。  At least that was

true of Stanton and myself。  It was not true of Edith。  She was

thoughtful; abstractedreluctant。

〃When the men were out of sight around the turn of the

harbour; we took our boat and made straight for Nan…

Tauach。  Soon its mighty sea…wall towered above us。  We

passed through the water…gate with its gigantic hewn prisms

of basalt and landed beside a half…submerged pier。  In front

of us stretched a series of giant steps leading into a vast court

strewn with fragments of fallen pillars。  In the centre of the

court; beyond the shattered pillars; rose another terrace of

basalt blocks; concealing; I knew; still another enclosure。

〃And now; Walter; for the better understanding of what

followsandand〃 he hesitated。  〃Should you decide

later to return with me or; if I am taken; totofollow us

listen carefully to my description of this place: Nan…Tauach

is literally three rectangles。  The first rectangle is the sea…wall;

built up of monolithshewn and squared; twenty feet wide

at the top。  To get to the gateway in the sea…wall you pass

along the canal marked on the map between Nan…Tauach

and the islet named Tau。  The entrance to the canal is bidden

by dense thickets of mangroves; once through these the way

is clear。  The steps lead up from the landing of the sea…gate

through the entrance to the courtyard。

〃This courtyard is surrounded by another basalt wall; rec…

tangular; following with mathematical exactness the march

of the outer barricades。  The sea…wall is from thirty to forty

feet highoriginally it must have been much higher; but

there has been subsidence in parts。  The wall of the first en…

closure is fifteen feet across the top and its height varies from

twenty to fifty feethere; too; the gradual sinking of the land

has caused portions of it to fall。

〃Within this courtyard is the second enclosure。  Its terrace;

of the same basalt as the outer walls; is about twenty feet

high。  Entrance is gained to it by many breaches which time

has made in its stonework。  This is the inner court; the heart

of Nan…Tauach!  There lies the great central vault with which

is associated the one name of living being that has come to us

out of the mists of the past。  The natives say it was the treas…

ure…house of Chau…te…le
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