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the moon pool-第49部分

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tant; unquestionably longingly; irresistibly like a child mak…

ing up her mind whether she dared or dared not take a

delectable something offered her。

〃I go with you;〃 said O'Keefe; this time in her own

speech。  〃Come on; Doc!〃 He reached out a hand to me。

But now Yolara spoke。  Life and beauty had flowed back

into her face; and in the purple eyes all her hosts of devils

were gathered。

〃Do you forget what I promised you before Siya and

Siyana?  And do you think that you can leave meme

as though I were a _choya_like HER。〃 She pointed to Lakla。

Do you〃

〃Now; listen; Yolara;〃 Larry interrupted almost plain…

tively。  〃No promise has passed from me to youand why

would you hold me?〃 He passed unconsciously into English。

〃Be a good sport; Yolara;〃 he urged; 'You HAVE got a very

devil of a temper; you know; and so have I; and we'd be

really awfully uncomfortable together。  And why don't you

get rid of that devilish pet of yours; and be good!〃

She looked at him; puzzled; Marakinoff leaned over; trans…

lated to Lugur。  The red dwarf smiled maliciously; drew near

the priestess; whispered to her what was without doubt as

near as he could come in the Murian to Larry's own very

colloquial phrases。

Yolara's lips writhed。

〃Hear me; Lakla!〃 she cried。  〃Now would I not let you

take this man from me were I to dwell ten thousand _laya_

in the agony of the _Yekta's_ kiss。  This I swear to youby

Thanaroa; by my heart; and by my strengthand may my

strength wither; my heart rot in my breast; and Thanaroa

forget me if I do!〃

〃Listen; Yolara〃began O'Keefe again。

〃Be silent; you!〃 It was almost a shriek。  And her hand

again sought in her breast for the cone of rhythmic death。

Lugur touched her arm; whispered again; The glint of

guile shone in her eyes; she laughed softly; relaxed。

〃The Silent Ones; Lakla; bade you say that theyallowed

me three _tal_ to decide;〃 she said suavely。  〃Go now in

peace; Lakla; and say that Yolara has heard; and that for

the three _tal_ theyallowher she will take council。〃 The

handmaiden hesitated。

〃The Silent Ones have said it;〃 she answered at last。  〃Stay

you here; strangers〃…the long lashes drooped as her eyes

met O'Keefe's and a hint of blush was in her cheeks〃stay

you here; strangers; till then。  But; Yolara; see you on that

heart and strength you have sworn by that they come to no

harmelse that which you have invoked shall come upon

you swiftly indeedand that I promise you;〃 she added。

Their eyes met; clashed; burned into each otherblack

flame from Abaddon and golden flame from Paradise。

〃Remember!〃 said Lakla; and passed through the portal。

The gigantic frog…man boomed a thunderous note of com…

mand; his grotesque guards turned and slowly followed their

mistress; and last of all passed out the monster with the



Larry's Defiance

A CLAMOUR arose from all the chambers; stilled in an in…

stant by a motion of Yolara's hand。  She stood silent; regard…

ing O'Keefe with something other now than blind wrath;

something half regretful; half beseeching。  But the Irishman's

control was gone。

〃Yolara;〃his voice shook with rage; and he threw cau…

tion to the wind〃now hear ME。  I go where I will and when

I will。  Here shall we stay until the time she named is come。

And then we follow her; whether you will or not。  And if

any should have thought to stop ustell them of that flame

that shattered the vase;〃 he added grimly。

The wistfulness died out of her eyes; leaving them cold。

But no answer made she to him。

〃What Lakla has said; the Council must consider; and at

once。〃 The priestess was facing the nobles。  〃Now; friends of

mine; and friends of Lugur; must all feud; all rancour; be…

tween us end。〃 She glanced swiftly at Lugur。  〃The _ladala_

are stirring; and the Silent Ones threaten。  Yet fear notfor

are we not strong under the Shining One?  And nowleave


Her hand dropped to the table; and she gave; evidently;

a signal; for in marched a dozen or more of the green dwarfs。

〃Take these two to their place;〃 she commanded; point…

ing to us。

The green dwarfs clustered about us。  Without another

look at the priestess O'Keefe marched beside me; between

them; from the chamber。  And it was not until we had reached

the pillared entrance that Larry spoke。

〃I hate to talk like that to a woman; Doc;〃 he said; 〃and

a pretty woman; at that。  But first she played me with a

marked deck; and then not only pinched all the chips; but

drew a gun on me。  What the hell!she nearly had me

MARRIEDto her。  I don't know what the stuff was she gave

me; but; take it from me; if I had the recipe for that brew

I could sell it for a thousand dollars a jolt at Forty…second

and Broadway。

〃One jigger of it; and you forget there is a trouble in the

world; three of them; and you forget there is a world。  No

excuse for it; Doc; and I don't care what you say or what

Lakla may sayit wasn't my fault; and I don't hold it up

against myself for a damn。〃

〃I must admit that I'm a bit uneasy about her threats;〃 I

said; ignoring all this。  He stopped abruptly。

〃What're you afraid of?〃

〃Mostly;〃 I answered dryly; 〃I have no desire to dance

with the Shining One!〃

〃Listen to me; Goodwin;〃 He took up his walk impa…

tiently。  〃I've all the love and admiration for you in the

world; but this place has got your nerve。  Hereafter one

Larry O'Keefe; of Ireland and the little old U。 S。 A。; leads

this party。  Nix on the tremolo stop; nix on the superstition!

I'm the works。  Get me?〃

〃Yes; I get you!〃 I exclaimed testily enough。  〃But to use

your own phrase; kindly can the repeated references to


〃Why should I?〃 He was almost wrathful。  〃You scientific

people build up whole philosophies on the basis of things

you never saw; and you scoff at people who believe in other

things that you think THEY never saw and that don't come

under what you label scientific。  You talk about paradoxes

why; your scientist; who thinks he is the most skeptical; the

most materialistic aggregation of atoms ever gathered at the

exact mathematical centre of Missouri; has more blind faith

than a dervish; and more credulity; more superstition; than

a cross…eyed smoke beating it past a country graveyard in

the dark of the moon!〃

〃Larry!〃 I cried; dazed。

〃Olaf's no better;〃 he said。  〃But I can make allowances for

him。  He's a sailor。  No; sir。  What this expedition needs is a

man without superstition。  And remember this。  The lepre…

chaun promised that I'd have full warning before anything

happened。  And if we do have to go out; we'll see that banshee

bunch clean up before we do; and pass in a blaze of glory。

And don't forget it。  HereafterI'mincharge!〃

By this time we were before our pavilion; and neither of

us in a very amiable mood I'm afraid。  Rador wa
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