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the moon pool-第48部分

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She raised her head and looked again at Yolara; contempt

and a certain curiosity in her gaze; at O'Keefeand through

the softened eyes drifted swiftly a shadow of sorrow; and on

its fleeting wings deepest interest; and hovering over that a

naive approval as reassuringly human as had been her smile。

She spoke; and her voice; deep…timbred; liquid gold as

was Yolara's all silver; was subtly the synthesis of all the

golden glowing beauty of her。

〃The Silent Ones have sent me; O Yolara;〃 she said。  〃And

this is their command to youthat you deliver to me to

bring before them three of the four strangers who have

found their way here。  For him there who plots with Lugur〃

she pointed at Marakinoff; and I saw Yolara start〃they

have no need。  Into his heart the Silent Ones have looked;

and Lugur and you may keep him; Yolara!〃

There was honeyed venom in the last words。

Yolara was herself now; only the edge of shrillness on her

voice revealed her wrath as she answered。

〃And whence have the Silent Ones gained power to com…

mand; _choya_?〃

This last; I knew; was a very vulgar word; I had heard

Rador use it in a moment of anger to one of the serving

maids; and it meant; approximately; 〃kitchen girl;〃 〃scul…

lion。〃 Beneath the insult and the acid disdain; the blood

rushed up under Lakla's ambered ivory skin。

〃Yolara〃her voice was low〃of no use is it to question

me。 I am but the messenger of the Silent Ones。  And one

thing only am I bidden to ask youdo you deliver to me

the three strangers?〃

Lugur was on his feet; eagerness; sardonic delight; sinister

anticipation thrilling from himand my same glance

showed Marakinoff; crouched; biting his finger…nails; glaring

at the Golden Girl。

〃No!〃 Yolara spat the word。  〃No!  Now by Thanaroa and

by the Shining One; no!〃 Her eyes blazed; her nostrils were

wide; in her fair throat a little pulse beat angrily。  〃You;

Laklatake you my message to the Silent Ones。  Say to them

that I keep this man〃she pointed to Larry〃because he

is mine。  Say to them that I keep the yellow…haired one and

him〃she pointed to me〃because it pleases me。

〃Tell them that upon their mouths I place my foot; so!〃

she stamped upon the dais viciously〃and that in their

faces I spit!〃and her action was hideously snakelike。  〃And

say last to them; you handmaiden; that if YOU they dare send

to Yolara again; she will feed YOU to the Shining One!  Now


The handmaiden's face was white。

〃Not unforeseen by the three was this; Yolara;〃 she re…

plied。  〃And did you speak as you have spoken then was I

bidden to say this to you。〃 Her voice deepened。  〃Three _tal_

have you to take counsel; Yolara。  And at the end of that

time these things must you have determinedeither to do

or not to do: first; send the strangers to the Silent Ones;

second; give up; you and Lugur and all of you; that dream

you have of conquest of the world without; and; third; for…

swear the Shining One!  And if you do not one and all these

things; then are you done; your cup of life broken; your

wine of life spilled。  Yea; Yolara; for you and the Shining

One; Lugur and the Nine and all those here and their kind

shall pass!  This say the Silent Ones; 'Surely shall all of ye

pass and be as though never had ye been!' 〃

Now a gasp of rage and fear arose from all those around

mebut the priestess threw back her head and laughed loud

and long。  Into the silver sweet chiming of her laughter

clashed that of Lugurand after a little the nobles took it

up; till the whole chamber echoed with their mirth。  O'Keefe;

lips tightening; moved toward the Handmaiden; and almost

imperceptibly; but peremptorily; she waved him back。

〃Those ARE great wordsgreat words indeed; _choya_;〃

shrilled Yolara at last; and again Lakla winced beneath the

word。  〃Lo; for _laya_ upon _laya_; the Shining One has been

freed from the Three; and for _laya_ upon _laya_ they have sat

helpless; rotting。  Now I ask you againwhence comes their

power to lay their will upon me; and whence comes their

strength to wrestle with the Shining One and the beloved of

the Shining One?〃

And again she laughedand again Lugur and all the fair…

haired joined in her laughter。

Into the eyes of Lakla I saw creep a doubt; a wavering; as

though deep within her the foundations of her own belief

were none too firm。

She hesitated; turning upon O'Keefe gaze in which rested

more than suggestion of appeal!  And Yolara saw; too; for

she flushed with triumph; stretched a finger toward the hand…


〃Look!〃 she cried。  〃Look!  Why; even SHE does not believe!〃

Her voice grew silk of silvermerciless; cruel。  〃Now am

I minded to send another answer to the Silent Ones。

Yea!  But not by YOU; Lakla; by these〃she pointed to the

frog…men; and; swift as light; her hand darted into her

bosom; bringing forth the little shining cone of death。

But before she could level it the Golden Girl had released

that hidden left arm and thrown over her face a fold of the

metallic swathings。  Swifter than Yolara; she raised the arm

that held the vineand now I knew this was no inert blos…

soming thing。

It was alive!

It writhed down her arm; and its five rubescent flower

heads thrust out toward the priestessvibrating; quivering;

held in leash only by the light touch of the handmaiden at its

very end。

From the swelling throat pouch of the monster behind her

came a succession of the reverberant boomings。  The frog…

men wheeled; raised their lances; levelled them at the

throng。  Around the reaching ruby flowers a faint red mist

swiftly grew。

The silver cone dropped from Yolara's rigid fingers; her

eyes grew stark with horror; all her unearthly loveliness fled

from her; she stood pale…lipped。  The Handmaiden dropped

the protecting veiland now it was she who laughed。

〃It would seem; then; Yolara; that there IS a thing of the

Silent Ones ye fear!〃 she said。  〃Wellthe kiss of the _Yekta_

I promise you in return for the embrace of your Shining


She looked at Larry; long; searchingly; and suddenly

again with all that effect of sunlight bursting into dark places;

her smile shone upon him。  She nodded; half gaily; looked

down upon me; the little merry light dancing in her eyes;

waved her hand to me。

She spoke to the giant frog…man。  He wheeled behind her

as she turned; facing the priestess; club upraised; fangs glis…

tening。  His troop moved not a jot; spears held high。  Lakla

began to pass slowlyalmost; I thought; tauntinglyand as

she reached the portal Larry leaped from the dais。

〃ALANNA!〃 he cried。  〃You'll not be leavin' me just when

I've found you!〃

In his excitement he spoke in his own tongue; the velvet

brogue appealing。  Lakla turned; contemplated O'Keefe; hesi…

tant; unquestionably longingly; irresistibly like a child mak…

ing up her mind whether she dared or dared not take a

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