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the moon pool-第44部分

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love; feet bound to earth; but eyes among the stars。  Hell or heaven I

never heard formulated; nor their equivalents; unless that existence

in the Shining One's domain could serve for either。  Over all this was

Thanaroa; remote; unheeding; but still maker and ruler of allan

absentee First Cause personified!  Thanaroa seemed to be the one

article of belief in the creed of the soldiersRador; with his reverence

for the Ancient Ones; was an exception。  Whatever there was; indeed;

of high; truly religious impulse among the Murians; this far; High

God had。  I found this exceedingly interesting; because it had long been

my theoryto put the matter in the shape of a geometrical formula

that the real attractiveness of gods to man increases uniformly accord…

ing to the square of their distanceW。  T。 G。

Her eyes grew purple dark。

〃Let none dare to take you from me!  Nor ye go from me

unbidden!〃 she whispered fiercely。

Then swiftly; still ignoring us; she threw her arms about

O'Keefe; pressed her white body to his breast; lips raised;

eyes closed; seeking his。  O'Keefe's arms tightened around

her; his head dropped lips seeking; finding herspassion…

ately!  From Olaf came a deep indrawn breath that was al…

most a groan。  But not in my heart could I find blame for the


The priestess opened eyes now all misty blue; thrust him

back; stood regarding him。  O'Keefe; dead…white; raised a

trembling hand to his face。

〃And thus have I sealed my oath; O my lord!〃 she whis…

pered。  For the first time she seemed to recognize our pres…

ence; stared at us a moment; then through us; and turned to


〃Go; now!〃 she said。  〃Soon Rador shall come for you。

Thenwell; after that let happen what will!〃

She smiled once more at himso sweetly; turned toward

the figures upon the great globe; sank upon her knees before

them。  Quietly we crept away; still silent; made our way to

the little pavilion。  But as we passed we heard a tumult from

the green roadway; shouts of men; now and then a woman's

scream。  Through a rift in the garden I glimpsed a jostling

crowd on one of the bridges: green dwarfs struggling with

the _ladala_and all about droned a humming as of a giant

hive disturbed!

Larry threw himself down upon one of the divans; cov…

ered his face with his hands; dropped them to catch in Olaf's

eyes troubled reproach; looked at me。

〃_I_ couldn't help it;〃 he said; half defiantlyhalf…miser…

ably。  〃God; what a woman!  I COULDN'T help it!〃

〃Larry;〃 I asked。  〃Why didn't you tell her you didn't love


He gazed at methe old twinkle back in his eye。

〃Spoken like a scientist; Doc!〃 he exclaimed。  〃I suppose

if a burning angel struck you out of nowhere and threw it…

self about you; you would most dignifiedly tell it you didn't

want to be burned。  For God's sake; don't talk nonsense;

Goodwin!〃 he ended; almost peevishly。

〃Evil!  Evil!〃 The Norseman's voice was deep; nearly a

chant。  〃All here is of evil: Trolldom and Helvede it is; Ja!

And that she _djaevelsk_ of beautywhat is she but harlot of

that shining devil they worship。  I; Olaf Huldricksson; know

what she meant when she held out to you power over all the

world; _Ja!_as if the world had not devils enough in it now!〃

〃What?〃 The cry came from both O'Keefe and myself at


Olaf made a gesture of caution; relapsed into sullen

silence。  There were footsteps on the path; and into sight

came Radorbut a Rador changed。  Gone was every vestige

of his mockery; curiously solemn; he saluted O'Keefe and

Olaf with that salute which; before this; I had seen given

only to Yolara and to Lugur。  There came a swift quickening

of the tumultdied away。  He shrugged mighty shoulders。

〃The _ladala_ are awake!〃 he said。  〃So much for what two

brave men can do!〃 He paused thoughtfully。  〃Bones and dust

jostle not each other for place against the grave wall!〃 he

added oddly。  〃But if bones and dust have revealed to them

that they stilllive〃

He stopped abruptly; eyes seeking the globe that bore and

sent forth speech。1

*1 I find that I have neglected to explain the working of these inter…

esting mechanisms that were telephonic; dictaphonic; telegraphic in

one。  I must assume that my readers are familiar with the receiving

apparatus of wireless telegraphy; which must be 〃tuned〃 by the oper…

ator until its own vibratory quality is in exact harmony with the

vibrationsthe extremely rapid impactsof those short electric wave…

lengths we call Hertzian; and which carry the wireless messages。  I

must assume also that they are familiar with the elementary fact of

physics that the vibrations of light and sound are interchangeable。

The hearing…talking globes utilize both these principles; and with con…

summate simplicity。  The light with which they shone was produced

by an atomic 〃motor〃 within their base; similar to that which activated

the merely illuminating globes。  The composition of the phonic spheres

gave their surfaces an acute sensitivity and resonance。  In conjunction

with its energizing power; the metal set up what is called a 〃field of

force;〃 which linked it with every particle of its kind no matter how

distant。  When vibrations of speech impinged upon the resonant surface

its rhythmic light…vibrations were broken; just as a telephone trans…

mitter breaks an electric current。  Simultaneously these light…vibrations

were changed into soundon the surfaces of all spheres tuned to that

particular instrument。  The 〃crawling〃 colours which showed them…

selves at these times were literally the voice of the speaker in its spec…

trum equivalent。  While usually the sounds produced required consider…

able familiarity with the apparatus to be understood quickly; they

could; on occasion; be made startlingly loud and clearas I was soon

to realizeW。  T。 G。

〃The _Afyo Maie_ has sent me to watch over you till she

summons you;〃 he announced clearly。  〃There is to be a

feast。  You; _Larree_; you Goodwin; are to come。  I remain here


〃No harm to him!〃 broke in O'Keefe sharply。  Rador

touched his heart; his eyes。

〃By the Ancient Ones; and by my love for you; and by

what you twain did before the Shining OneI swear it!〃 he


Rador clapped palms; a soldier came round the path; in his

grip a long flat box of polished wood。  The green dwarf took

it; dismissed him; threw open the lid。

〃Here is your apparel for the feast; _Larree_;〃 he said; point…

ing to the contents。

O'Keefe stared; reached down and drew out a white; shim…

mering; softly metallic; long…sleeved tunic; a broad; silvery

girdle; leg swathings of the same argent material; and san…

dals that seemed to be cut out from silver。  He made a quick

gesture of angry dissent。

〃Nay; _Larree_!〃 muttered the dwarf。  〃Wear themI coun…

sel itI pray itask me not why;〃 he went on swiftly; look…
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