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the moon pool-第43部分

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But before he could touch the Shining One; now motion…

lessand never was the thing more horrible than then; with

the purely human suggestion of surprise plain in its poise

Larry had struck him aside。

I tried to followand was held by Rador。  He was trem…

blingbut not with fear。  In his face was incredulous hope;

inexplicable eagerness。

〃Wait!〃 he said。  〃Wait!〃

The Shining One stretched out a slow spiral; and as it did

so I saw the bravest thing man has ever witnessed。  Instantly

O'Keefe thrust himself between it and Olaf; pistol out。  The

tentacle touched him; and the dull blue of his robe flashed

out into blinding; intense azure light。  From the automatic in

his gloved hand came three quick bursts of flame straight

into the Thing。  The Dweller drew back; the bell…sounds


Lugur paused; his hand darted up; and in it was one of

the silver _Keth_ cones。  But before he could flash it upon the

Norseman; Larry had unlooped his robe; thrown its fold

over Olaf; and; holding him with one hand away from the

Shining One; thrust with the other his pistol into the dwarf's

stomach。  His lips moved; but I could not hear what he said。

But Lugur understood; for his hand dropped。

Now Yolara was thereall this had taken barely more

than five seconds。  She thrust herself between the three men

and the Dweller。  She spoke to itand the wild buzzing died

down; the gay crystal tinklings burst forth again。  The Thing

murmured to herbegan to whirlfaster; fasterpassed

down the ivory pier; out upon the waters; bearing with it;

meshed in its light; the sacrificesswept on ever more

swiftly; triumphantly and turning; turning; with its ghastly

crew; vanished through the Veil!

Abruptly the polychromatic path snapped out。  The silver

light poured in upon us。  From all the amphitheatre arose a

clamour; a shouting。  Marakinoff; his eyes staring; was lean…

ing out; listening。  Unrestrained now by Rador; I vaulted the

wall and rushed forward。  But not before I had heard the

green dwarf murmur:

〃There is something stronger than the Shining One!  Two

thingsyeaa strong heartand hate!〃

Olaf; panting; eyes glazed; trembling; shrank beneath my


〃The devil that took my Helma!〃 I heard him whisper。

〃The Shining Devil!〃

〃Both these men;〃 Lugur was raging; 〃they shall dance

with the Shining one。  And this one; too。〃 He pointed at me


〃This man is mine;〃 said the priestess; and her voice was

menacing。  She rested her hand on Larry's shoulder。  〃He

shall not dance。  Nonor his friend。  I have told you I dare

not for this one!〃 She pointed to Olaf。

〃Neither this man; nor this;〃 said Larry; 〃shall be harmed。

This is my word; Yolara!〃

〃Even so;〃 she answered quietly; 〃my lord!〃

I saw Marakinoff stare at O'Keefe with a new and curi…

ously speculative interest。  Lugur's eyes grew hellish; he

raised his arms as though to strike her。  Larry's pistol

prodded him rudely enough。

〃No rough stuff now; kid!〃 said O'Keefe in English。  The

red dwarf quivered; turnedcaught a robe from a priest

standing by; and threw it over himself。  The _ladala_; shouting;

gesticulating; fighting with the soldiers; were jostling down

from the tiers of jet。

〃Come!〃 commanded Yolaraher eyes rested upon

Larry。  〃Your heart is great; indeedmy lord!〃 she mur…

mured; and her voice was very sweet。  〃Come!〃

〃This man comes with us; Yolara;〃 said O'Keefe pointing

to Olaf。

〃Bring him;〃 she said。  〃Bring himonly tell him to look

no more upon me as before!〃 she added fiercely。

Beside her the three of us passed along the stalls; where

sat the fair…haired; now silent; at gaze; as though in the grip

of some great doubt。  Silently Olaf strode beside me。  Rador

had disappeared。  Down the stairway; through the hall of

turquoise mist; over the rushing sea…stream we went and

stood beside the wall through which we had entered。  The

white…robed ones had gone。

Yolara pressed; the portal opened。  We stepped upon the

car; she took the lever; we raced through the faintly lumi…

nous corridor to the house of the priestess。

And one thing now I knew sick at heart and soul the truth

had come to meno more need to search for Throckmartin。

Behind that Veil; in the lair of the Dweller; dead…alive like

those we had just seen swim in its shining train was he; and

Edith; Stanton and Thora and Olaf Huldricksson's wife!

The car came to rest; the portal opened; Yolara leaped

out lightly; beckoned and flitted up the corridor。  She paused

before an ebon screen。  At a touch it vanished; revealing an

entrance to a small blue chamber; glowing as though cut

from the heart of some gigantic sapphire; bare; save that in

its centre; upon a low pedestal; stood a great globe fashioned

from milky rock…crystal; upon its surface were faint tracings

as of seas and continents; but; if so; either of some other

world or of this world in immemorial past; for in no way

did they resemble the mapped coastlines of our earth。

Poised upon the globe; rising from it out into space; locked

in each other's arms; lips to lips; were two figures; a woman

and a man; so exquisite; so lifelike; that for the moment I

failed to realize that they; too; were carved of the crystal。

And before this shrinefor nothing else could it be; I knew

three slender cones raised themselves: one of purest white

flame; one of opalescent water; and the third ofmoon…

light!  There was no mistaking them; the height of a tall man

each stoodbut how water; flame and light were held so

evenly; so steadily in their spire…shapes; I could not tell。

Yolara bowed lowlyonce; twice; thrice。  She turned to

O'Keefe; nor by slightest look or gesture betrayed she knew

others were there than he。  The blue eyes wide; searching;

unfathomable; she drew close; put white hands on his shoul…

ders; looked down into his very soul。

〃My lord;〃 she murmured。  〃Now listen well for I; Yolara;

give you three thingsmyself; and the Shining One; and the

power that is the Shining One'syea; and still a fourth thing

that is all threepower over all upon that world from

whence you came!  These; my lord; ye shall have。  I swear it〃

she turned toward the altaruplifted her arms〃by Siya

and by Siyana; and by the flame; by the water; and by the


*1 I have no space here even to outline the eschatology of this people;

nor to catalogue their pantheon。  Siya and Siyana typified worldly love。

Their ritual was; however; singularly free from those degrading ele…

ments usually found in love…cults。  Priests and priestesses of all cults

dwelt in the immense seven…terraced structure; of which the jet amphi…

theatre was the water side。  The symbol; icon; representation; of Siya

and Siyanathe globe and the up…striving figurestypified earthly

love; feet bound to earth; but eyes among the stars。  Hell or heaven I

never heard formulated; nor t
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