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the moon pool-第39部分

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rotted away!

〃That's what would have happened to Rador but for you;

friend!〃 he said。

Come now between this and the prelude to the latter half

of the drama whose history this narrative isonly scattering

and necessarily fragmentary observations。

Firstthe nature of the ebon opacities; blocking out the

spaces between the pavilion…pillars or covering their tops like

roofs; These were magnetic fields; light absorbers; negativ…

ing the vibrations of radiance; literally screens of electric

force which formed as impervious a barrier to light as would

have screens of steel。

They instantaneously made night appear in a place where

no night was。  But they interposed no obstacle to air or to

sound。  They were extremely simple in their inceptionno

more miraculous than is glass; which; inversely; admits the

vibrations of light; but shuts out those coarser ones we call

airand; partly; those others which produce upon our audi…

tory nerves the effects we call sound。

Briefly their mechanism was this:

'For the same reason that Dr。 Goodwin's exposition

of the mechanism of the atomic engines was deleted;

his description of the light…destroying screens has been

deleted by the Executive Council。J。 B。 F。; President;

I。 A。 of S。'

There were two favoured classes of the ladalathe

soldiers and the dream…makers。  The dream…makers were the

most astonishing social phenomena; I think; of all。  Denied

by their circumscribed environment the wider experiences of

us of the outer world; the Murians had perfected an amaz…

ing system of escape through the imagination。

They were; too; intensely musical。  Their favourite instru…

ments were double flutes; immensely complex pipe…organs;

harps; great and small。  They had another remarkable in…

strument made up of a double octave of small drums which

gave forth percussions remarkably disturbing to the emo…

tional centres。

It was this love of music that gave rise to one of the few

truly humorous incidents of our caverned life。  Larry came

to meit was just after our fourth sleep; I remember。

〃Come on to a concert;〃 he said。

We skimmed off to one of the bridge garrisons。  Rador

called the two…score guards to attention; and then; to my

utter stupefaction; the whole company; O'Keefe leading

them; roared out the anthem; 〃God Save the King。〃  They

sangin a closer approach to the English than might have

been expected scores of miles below England's level。  〃Send

him victorious!  Happy and glorious!〃 they bellowed。

He quivered with suppressed mirth at my paralysis of


〃Taught 'em that for Marakinoff's benefit!〃 he gasped。

〃Wait till that Red hears it。  He'll blow up。

〃Just wait until you hear Yolara lisp a pretty little thing I

taught her;〃 said Larry as we set back for what we now

called home。  There was an impish twinkle in his eyes。

And I did hear。  For it was not many minutes later that the

priestess condescended to command me to come to her with


〃Show Goodwin how much you have learned of our

speech; O lady of the lips of honeyed flame!〃 murmured


She hesitated; smiled at him; and then from that perfect

mouth; out of the exquisite throat; in the voice that was like

the chiming of little silver bells; she trilled a melody familiar

to me indeed:

〃She's only a bird in a gilded cage;

  A bee…yu…tiful sight to see〃

And so on to the bitter end。

〃She thinks it's a love…song;〃 said Larry when we had left。

〃It's only part of a repertoire I'm teaching her。  Honestly;

Doc; it's the only way I can keep my mind clear when I'm

with her;〃 he went on earnestly。  〃She's a devil…ess from hell

but a wonder。  Whenever I find myself going I get her to

sing that; or Take Back Your Gold!  or some other ancient

lay; and I'm back againprontowith the right perspective!

POP goes all the mystery!  'Hell!' I say; 'she's only a woman!'〃


The Amphitheatre of Jet

FOR HOURs the black…haired folk had been streaming across

the bridges; flowing along the promenade by scores and by

hundreds; drifting down toward the gigantic seven…terraced

temple whose interior I had never as yet seen; and from

whose towering exterior; indeed; I had always been kept far

enough awayunobtrusively; but none the less decisively

to prevent any real observation。  The structure; I had esti…

mated; nevertheless; could not reach less than a thousand

feet above its silvery base; and the diameter of its circular

foundation was about the same。

I wondered what was bringing the _ladala_ into Lora; and

where they were vanishing。  All of them were flower…crowned

with the luminous; lovely bloomsold and young; slender;

mocking…eyed girls; dwarfed youths; mothers with their

babes; gnomed oldsterson they poured; silent for the most

part and sullena sullenness that held acid bitterness even

as their subtle; half…sinister; half…gay malice seemed tem…

pered into little keen…edged flames; oddly; menacingly de…


There were many of the green…clad soldiers along the way;

and the garrison of the only bridge span I could see had cer…

tainly been doubled。

Wondering still; I turned from my point of observation

and made my way back to our pavilion; hoping that Larry;

who had been with Yolara for the past two hours; had re…

turned。  Hardly had I reached it before Rador came hurrying

up; in his manner a curious exultance mingled with what in

anyone else I would have called a decided nervousness。

〃Come!〃 he commanded before I could speak。  〃The Coun…

cil has made decisionand _Larree_ is awaiting you。〃

〃What has been decided?〃 I panted as we sped along the

mosaic path that led to the house of Yolara。  〃And why is

Larry awaiting me?〃

And at his answer I felt my heart pause in its beat and

through me race a wave of mingled panic and eagerness。

〃The Shining One dances!〃 had answered the green dwarf。

〃And you are to worship!〃

What was this dancing of the Shining One; of which so

often he had spoken?

Whatever my forebodings; Larry evidently had none。

〃Great stuff!〃 he cried; when we had met in the great ante…

chamber now empty of the dwarfs。  〃Hope it will be worth

seeinghave to be something damned good; though; to

catch me; after what I've seen of shows at the front;〃 he


And remembering; with a little shock of apprehension;

that he had no knowledge of the Dweller beyond my poor

description of itfor there are no words actually to describe

what that miracle of interwoven glory and horror wasI

wondered what Larry O'Keefe would say and do when he

did behold it!

Rador began to show impatience。

〃Come!〃 he urged。  〃There is much to be doneand the

time grows short!〃

He led us to a tiny fountain room in whose miniature pool

the white waters were concentrated; pearl…like and opales…

cent in their circling r
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