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the moon pool-第35部分

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〃I was born in Ireland; he in America。  But I have dwelt

long in his land and my heart loves each;〃 he said。

She nodded; understandingly。

〃Are all the men of Ireland like you; Larree?  As all the

men here are like Lugur or Rador?  I like to look at you;〃

she went on; with naive frankness。  〃I am tired of men like

Lugur and Rador。  But they are strong;〃 she added; swiftly。

〃Lugur can hold up ten in his two arms and raise six with

but one hand。〃

We could not understand her numerals and she raised

white fingers to illustrate。

〃That is little; O lady; to the men of Ireland;〃 replied

O'Keefe。  〃Lo; I have seen one of my race hold up ten times

ten of ourwhat call you that swift thing in which Rador

brought us here?〃

〃Corial;〃 said she。

〃Hold up ten times twenty of our corials with but two

fingersand these corials of ours〃

〃Coria;〃 said she。

〃And these coria of ours are each greater in weight than

ten of yours。  Yes; and I have seen another with but one blow

of his hand raise hell!

〃And so I have;〃 he murmured to me。  〃And both at Forty…

second and Fifth Avenue; N。 Y。U。 S。 A。〃

Yolara considered all this with manifest doubt。

〃Hell?〃 she inquired at last。  〃I know not the word。〃

〃Well;〃 answered O'Keefe。  〃Say Muria then。  In many

ways they are; I gather; O heart's delight; one and the same。〃

Now the doubt in the blue eyes was strong indeed。  She

shook her head。

〃None of our men can do THAT!〃 she answered; at length。

〃Nor do I think you could; Larree。〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said Larry easily。  〃I never tried to be that

strong。  I fly;〃 he added; casually。

The priestess rose to her feet; gazing at him with startled eyes。

〃Fly!〃 she repeated incredulously。  〃Like a _Zitia_?  A bird?〃

Larry noddedand then seeing the dawning command in

her eyes; went on hastily。

〃Not with my own wings; Yolara。  In aa corial that

moves throughwhat's the word for air; Docwell;

through this〃 He made a wide gesture up toward the

nebulous haze above us。  He took a pencil and on a white

cloth made a hasty sketch of an airplane。  〃In aa corial

like this〃 She regarded the sketch gravely; thrust a hand

down into her girdle and brought forth a keen…bladed

poniard; cut Larry's markings out and placed the fragment

carefully aside。

〃That I can understand;〃 she said。

〃Remarkably intelligent young woman;〃 muttered

O'Keefe。  〃Hope I'm not giving anything awaybut she had


〃But what are your women like; Larree?  Are they like

me?  And how many have loved you?〃 she whispered。

〃In all Ireland and America there is none like you; Yo…

lara;〃 he answered。  〃And take that any way you please;〃 he

muttered in English。  She took it; it was evident; as it most

pleased her。

〃Do you have goddesses?〃 she asked。

〃Every woman in Ireland and America; is a goddess〃;

thus Larry。

〃Now that I do not believe。〃 There was both anger and

mockery in her eyes。  〃I know women; Larreeand if that

were so there would be no peace for men。〃

〃There isn't!〃 replied he。  The anger died out and she

laughed; sweetly; understandingly。

〃And which goddess do you worship; Larree?〃

〃You!〃 said Larry O'Keefe boldly。

〃Larry!  Larry!〃 I whispered。  〃Be careful。  It's high explo…


But the priestess was laughinglittle trills of sweet bell

notes; and pleasure was in each note。

〃You are indeed bold; Larree;〃 she said; 〃to offer me your

worship。  Yet am I pleased by your boldness。  StillLugur is

strong; and you are not of those whowhat did you say

have tried。  And your wings are not hereLarree!〃

Again her laughter rang out。  The Irishman flushed; it was

touche for Yolara!

〃Fear not for me with Lugur;〃 he said; grimly。  〃Rather

fear for him!〃

The laughter died; she looked at him searchingly; a little

enigmatic smile about her mouthso sweet and so cruel。

〃Wellwe shall see;〃 she murmured。  〃You say you battle

in your world。  With what?〃

〃Oh; with this and with that;〃 answered Larry; airily。

〃We manage〃

〃Have you the KethI mean that with which I sent

Songar into the nothingness?〃 she asked swiftly。

〃See what she's driving at?〃 O'Keefe spoke to me; swiftly。

〃Well I do!  But here's where the O'Keefe lands。

〃I said;〃 he turned to her; 〃O voice of silver fire; that your

spirit is high even as your beautyand searches out men's

souls as does your loveliness their hearts。  And now listen;

Yolara; for what I speak is truth〃into his eyes came the

far…away gaze; into his voice the Irish softness〃Lo; in my

land of Ireland; this many of your life's length agonesee〃

he raised his ten fingers; clenched and unclenched them

times twenty〃the mighty men of my race; the Taitha…da…

Dainn; could send men out into the nothingness even as do

you with the Keth。  And this they did by their harpings; and

by words spokenwords of power; O Yolara; that have their

power stilland by pipings and by slaying sounds。

〃There was Cravetheen who played swift flames from his

harp; flying flames that ate those they were sent against。  And

there was Dalua; of Hy Brasil; whose pipes played away

from man and beast and all living things their shadows

and at last played them to shadows too; so that wherever

Dalua went his shadows that had been men and beast fol…

lowed like a storm of little rustling leaves; yea; and Bel the

Harper; who could make women's hearts run like wax and

men's hearts flame to ashes and whose harpings could shat…

ter strong cliffs and bow great trees to the sod〃

His eyes were bright; dream…filled; she shrank a little

from him; faint pallor under the perfect skin。

〃I say to you; Yolara; that these things were and are

in Ireland。〃 His voice rang strong。  〃And I have seen men as

many as those that are in your great chamber this many

times over〃he clenched his hands once more; perhaps a

dozen times〃blasted into nothingness before your Keth

could even have touched them。  Yeaand rocks as mighty

as those through which we came lifted up and shattered

before the lids could fall over your blue eyes。  And this is

truth; Yolaraall truth!  Stayhave you that little cone of

the Keth with which you destroyed Songar?〃

She nodded; gazing at him; fascinated; fear and puzzle…

ment contending。

〃Then use it。〃 He took a vase of crystal from the table;

placed it on the threshold that led into the garden。  〃Use it

on thisand I will show you。〃

〃I will use it upon one of the ladala〃 she began eagerly。

The exaltation dropped from him; there was a touch of

horror in the eyes he turned to her; her own dropped be…

fore it。

〃It shall be as you say;〃 she said hurriedly。  She drew the

shining cone from her breast; levelled it at the vase。  The

green ray leaped forth; spread over the crystal; but before

its action could even be begun; a flash of light shot from

O'Keefe's hand; his automatic spat
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