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the moon pool-第31部分

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〃Your spies have spokenand have you not already

judged us?〃 The voice of the old dwarf was bitter。

A flicker shot through the eyes of Yolara; again cold grey。

The girl reached a trembling hand out to the hem of the

priestess's veils。

〃Tell us why you did these things; Songar;〃 she said。  〃Why

you did them; knowing full well what yourrewardwould be。〃

The dwarf stiffened; he raised his withered arms; and his

eyes blazed。

〃Because evil are your thoughts and evil are your deeds;〃

he cried。  〃Yours and your lover's; there〃he levelled a

finger at Lugur。  〃Because of the Shining One you have made

evil; too; and the greater wickedness you contemplate

you and he with the Shining One。  But I tell you that your

measure of iniquity is full; the tale of your sin near ended!

Yeathe Silent Ones have been patient; but soon they will

speak。〃 He pointed at us。  〃A sign are THEYa warning

harlot!〃  He spat the word。

In Yolara's eyes; grown black; the devils leaped unrestrained。

〃Is it even so; Songar?〃 her voice caressed。  〃Now ask the

Silent Ones to help you!  They sit afarbut surely they will

hear you。〃 The sweet voice was mocking。  〃As for these two;

they shall pray to the Shining One for forgivenessand

surely the Shining One will take them to its bosom!  As for

youyou have lived long enough; Songar!  Pray to the Silent

Ones; Songar; and pass out into the nothingnessyou!〃

She dipped down into her bosom and drew forth some…

thing that resembled a small cone of tarnished silver。  She

levelled it; a covering clicked from its base; and out of it

darted a slender ray of intense green light。

It struck the old dwarf squarely over the heart; and spread

swift as light itself; covering him with a gleaming; pale film。

She clenched her hand upon the cone; and the ray disap…

peared。  She thrust the cone back into her breast and leaned

forward expectantly; so Lugur and so the other dwarfs。

From the girl came a low wail of anguish; the boy dropped

upon his knees; covering his face。

For the moment the white beard stood rigid; then the

robe that had covered him seemed to melt away; revealing

all the knotted; monstrous body。  And in that body a vibra…

tion began; increasing to incredible rapidity。  It wavered be…

fore us like a reflection in a still pond stirred by a sudden

wind。  It grew and grewto a rhythm whose rapidity was

intolerable to watch and that still chained the eyes。

The figure grew indistinct; misty。  Tiny sparks in infinite

numbers leaped from itlike; I thought; the radiant shower

of particles hurled out by radium when seen under the

microscope。  Mistier still it grewthere trembled before us

for a moment a faintly luminous shadow which held; here

and there; tiny sparkling atoms like those that pulsed in the

light about us!  The glowing shadow vanished; the sparkling

atoms were still for a momentand shot away; joining those

dancing others。

Where the gnomelike form had been but a few seconds

beforethere was nothing!

O'Keefe drew a long breath; and I was sensible of a prick…

ling along my scalp。

Yolara leaned toward us。

〃You have seen;〃 she said。  Her eyes lingered tigerishly

upon Olaf's pallid face。  〃Heed!〃 she whispered。  She turned

to the men in green; who were laughing softly among them…


〃Take these two; and go!〃 she commanded。

〃The justice of Lora;〃 said the red dwarf。  〃The justice of

Lora and the Shining One under Thanaroa!〃

Upon the utterance of the last word I saw Marakinoff start

violently。  The hand at his side made a swift; surreptitious

gesture; so fleeting that I hardly caught it。  The red dwarf

stared at the Russian; and there was amazement upon his


Swiftly as Marakinoff; he returned it。

〃Yolara;〃 the red dwarf spoke; 〃it would please me to

take this man of wisdom to my own place for a time。  The

giant I would have; too。〃

The woman awoke from her brooding; nodded。

〃As you will; Lugur;〃 she said。

And as; shaken to the core; we passed out into the garden

into the full throbbing of the light; I wondered if all the tiny

sparkling diamond points that shook about us had once been

men like Songar of the Lower Watersand felt my very soul

grow sick!


The Angry; Whispering Globe

OUR WAY led along a winding path between banked masses

of softly radiant blooms; groups of feathery ferns whose

plumes were starred with fragrant white and blue flowerets;

slender creepers swinging from the branches of the strangely

trunked trees; bearing along their threads orchid…like blos…

soms both delicately frail and gorgeously flamboyant。

The path we trod was an exquisite mosaicpastel greens

and pinks upon a soft grey base; garlands of nimbused forms

like the flaming rose of the Rosicrucians held in the mouths

of the flying serpents。  A smaller pavilion arose before us;

single…storied; front wide open。

Upon its threshold Rador paused; bowed deeply; and mo…

tioned us within。  The chamber we entered was large; closed

on two sides by screens of grey; at the back gay; concealing

curtains。  The low table of blue stone; dressed with fine white

cloths; stretched at one side flanked by the cushioned divans。

At the left was a high tripod bearing one of the rosy globes

we had seen in the house of Yolara; at the head of the table

a smaller globe similar to the whispering one。  Rador pressed

upon its base; and two other screens slid into place across

the entrance; shutting in the room。

He clapped his hands; the curtains parted; and two girls

came through them。  Tall and willow lithe; their bluish…black

hair falling in ringlets just below their white shoulders; their

clear eyes of forget…me…not blue; and skins of extraordinary

fineness and puritythey were singularly attractive。  Each

was clad in an extremely scanty bodice of silken blue; girdled

above a kirtle that came barely to their very pretty knees。

〃Food and drink;〃 ordered Rador。

They dropped back through the curtains。

〃Do you like them?〃 he asked us。

〃Some chickens!〃 said Larry。  〃They delight the heart;〃 he

translated for Rador。

The green dwarf's next remark made me gasp。

〃They are yours;〃 he said。

Before I could question him further upon this extraordi…

nary statement the pair re…entered; bearing a great platter on

which were small loaves; strange fruits; and three immense

flagons of rock crystaltwo filled with a slightly sparkling

yellow liquid and the third with a purplish drink。  I became

acutely sensible that it had been hours since I had either

eaten or drunk。  The yellow flagons were set before Larry and

me; the purple at Rador's hand。

The girls; at his signal; again withdrew。  I raised my glass

to my lips and took a deep draft。  The taste was unfamiliar

but delightful。

Almost at once my fatigue disappeared。  I realized a clarity

of min
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