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the moon pool-第3部分

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Throckmartin strode toward the front of the deck;

straight toward the vision; now but a few yards away from

the stern。  His face had lost all human semblance。  Utter

agony and utter ecstasythere they were side by side; not

resisting each other; unholy inhuman companions blending

into a look that none of God's creatures should wear

and deep; deep as his soul!  A devil and a God dwelling

harmoniously side by side!  So must Satan; newly fallen;

still divine; seeing heaven and contemplating hell; have


And thenswiftly the moon path faded!  The clouds

swept over the sky as though a hand had drawn them to…

gether。  Up from the south came a roaring squall。  As the

moon vanished what I had seen vanished with itblotted

out as an image on a magic lantern; the tinkling ceased

abruptlyleaving a silence like that which follows an

abrupt thunder clap。  There was nothing about us but silence

and blackness!

Through me passed a trembling as one who has stood on

the very verge of the gulf wherein the men of the Louisades

says lurks the fisher of the souls of men; and has been

plucked back by sheerest chance。

Throckmartin passed an arm around me。

〃It is as I thought;〃 he said。  In his voice was a new note;

the calm certainty that has swept aside a waiting terror of

the unknown。  〃Now I know!  Come with me to my cabin;

old friend。  For now that you too have seen I can tell you〃

he hesitated〃what it was you saw;〃 he ended。

As we passed through the door we met the ship's first

officer。  Throckmartin composed his face into at least a sem…

blance of normality。

 〃Going to have much of a storm?〃 he asked。

 〃Yes;〃 said the mate。  〃Probably all the way to Mel…


Throckmartin straightened as though with a new thought。

He gripped the officer's sleeve eagerly。

〃You mean at least cloudy weatherfor〃he hesitated

〃for the next three nights; say?〃

 〃And for three more;〃 replied the mate。

〃Thank God!〃 cried Throckmartin; and I think I never

heard such relief and hope as was in his voice。

 The sailor stood amazed。  〃Thank God?〃 he repeated。

〃Thankwhat d'ye mean?〃

But Throckmartin was moving onward to his cabin。  I

started to follow。  The first officer stopped me。

 〃Your friend;〃 he said; 〃is he ill?〃

〃The sea!〃 I answered hurriedly。  〃He's not used to it。  I

am going to look after him。〃

Doubt and disbelief were plain in the seaman's eyes but

I hurried on。  For I knew now that Throckmartin was ill

indeedbut with a sickness the ship's doctor nor any other

could heal。


〃Dead!  All Dead!〃

HE WAS SITTING; face in hands; on the side of his berth

as I entered。  He had taken off his coat。

〃Throck;〃 I cried。  〃What was it?  What are you flying

from; man?  Where is your wifeand Stanton?〃

〃Dead!〃 he replied monotonously。  〃Dead!  All dead!〃

Then as I recoiled from him〃All dead。  Edith; Stanton;

Thoradeador worse。  And Edith in the Moon Pool

with themdrawn by what you saw on the moon path

that has put its brand upon meand follows me!〃

He ripped open his shirt。

〃Look at this;〃 he said。  Around his chest; above his

heart; the skin was white as pearl。  This whiteness was

sharply defined against the healthy tint of the body。  It

circled him with an even cincture about two inches wide。

〃Burn it!〃 he said; and offered me his cigarette。  I drew

back。  He gesturedperemptorily。  I pressed the glowing

end of the cigarette into the ribbon of white flesh。  He did

not flinch nor was there odour of burning nor; as I drew

the little cylinder away; any mark upon the whiteness。

〃Feel it!〃 he commanded again。  I placed my fingers upon

the band。  It was coldlike frozen marble。

He drew his shirt around him。

〃Two things you have seen;〃 he said。  〃ITand its mark。

Seeing; you must believe my story。  Goodwin; I tell you

again that my wife is deador worseI do not know; the

prey ofwhat you saw; so; too; is Stanton; so Thora。


Tears rolled down the seared face。

〃Why did God let it conquer us?  Why did He let it take

my Edith?〃 he cried in utter bitterness。  〃Are there things

stronger than God; do you think; Walter?〃

 I hesitated。

 〃Are there?  Are there?〃 His wild eyes searched me。

〃I do not know just how you define God;〃 I managed at

last through my astonishment to make answer。  〃If you

mean the will to know; working through science〃

He waved me aside impatiently。

〃Science;〃 he said。  〃What is our science againstthat?

Or against the science of whatever devils that made itor

made the way for it to enter this world of ours?〃

With an effort he regained control。

〃Goodwin;〃 he said; 〃do you know at all of the ruins on

the Carolines; the cyclopean; megalithic cities and harbours

of Ponape and Lele; of Kusaie; of Ruk and Hogolu; and a

score of other islets there?  Particularly; do you know of

the Nan…Matal and the Metalanim?〃

〃Of the Metalanim I have heard and seen photographs;〃

I said。  〃They call it; don't they; the Lost Venice of the


〃Look at this map;〃 said Throckmartin。  〃That;〃 he went

on; 〃is Christian's chart of Metalanim harbour and the Nan…

Matal。  Do you see the rectangles marked Nan…Tauach?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。

〃There;〃 he said; 〃under those walls is the Moon Pool

and the seven gleaming lights that raise the Dweller in the

Pool; and the altar and shrine of the Dweller。  And there in

the Moon Pool with it lie Edith and Stanton and Thora。〃

 〃The Dweller in the Moon Pool?〃 I repeated half…


 〃The Thing you saw;〃 said Throckmartin solemnly。

A solid sheet of rain swept the ports; and the Southern

Queen began to roll on the rising swells。  Throckmartin

drew another deep breath of relief; and drawing aside a

curtain peered out into the night。  Its blackness seemed to

reassure him。  At any rate; when he sat again he was entirely


〃There are no more wonderful ruins in the world;〃 he

began almost casually。  〃They take in some fifty islets and

cover with their intersecting canals and lagoons about

twelve square miles。  Who built them?  None knows。  When

were they built?  Ages before the memory of present man;

that is sure。  Ten thousand; twenty thousand; a hundred

thousand years agothe last more likely。

〃All these islets; Walter; are squared; and their shores are

frowning seawalls of gigantic basalt blocks hewn and put in

place by the hands of ancient man。  Each inner water…front

is faced with a terrace of those basalt blocks which stand

out six feet above the shallow canals that meander between

them。  On the islets behind these walls are time…shattered

fortresses; palaces; terraces; pyramids; immense courtyards

strewn with ruinsand all so old that they seem to wither

the eyes of those who look on them。

〃There has been a great subsidence。  You can stand ou
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