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the moon pool-第29部分

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shoulders and breasts。  But for all her amazing beauty; she

wassinister!  There was cruelty about the curving mouth;

and in the music of her voicenot conscious cruelty; but

the more terrifying; careless cruelty of nature itself。

The girl of the rose wall had been beautiful; yes!  But her

beauty was human; understandable。  You could imagine her

with a babe in her armsbut you could not so imagine this

woman。  About her loveliness hovered something unearthly。

A sweet feminine echo of the Dweller was Yolara; the Dwell…

er's priestessand as gloriously; terrifyingly evil!


The Justice of Lora

AS I LOOKED at her the man arose and made his way round

the table toward us。  For the first time my eyes took in

Lugur。  A few inches taller than the green dwarf; he was far

broader; more filled with the suggestion of appalling strength。

The tremendous shoulders were four feet wide if an inch;

tapering down to mighty thewed thighs。  The muscles of his

chest stood out beneath his tunic of red。  Around his forehead

shone a chaplet of bright…blue stones; sparkling among the

thick curls of his silver…ash hair。

Upon his face pride and ambition were written large

and power still larger。  All the mockery; the malice; the hint

of callous indifference that I had noted in the other dwarfish

men were there; toobut intensified; touched with the


The woman spoke again。

〃Who are you strangers; and how came you here?〃  She

turned to Rador。  〃Or is it that they do not understand our


〃One understands and speaks itbut very badly; O

Yolara;〃 answered the green dwarf。

〃Speak; then; that one of you;〃 she commanded。

But it was Marakinoff who found his voice first; and I

marvelled at the fluency; so much greater than mine; with

which he spoke。

〃We came for different purposes。  I to seek knowledge of a

kind; he〃pointing to me 〃of another。  This man〃he

looked at Olaf〃to find a wife and child。〃

The grey…blue eyes had been regarding O'Keefe steadily

and with plainly increasing interest。

〃And why did YOU come?〃 she asked him。  〃NayI would

have him speak for himself; if he can;〃 she stilled Marakinoff


When Larry spoke it was haltingly; in the tongue that was

strange to him; searching for the proper words。

〃I came to help these menand because something I

could not then understand called me; O lady; whose eyes are

like forest pools at dawn;〃 he answered; and even in the un…

familiar words there was a touch of the Irish brogue; and

little merry lights danced in the eyes Larry had so apostro…


〃I could find fault with your speech; but none with its

burden;〃 she said。  〃What forest pools are I know not; and the

dawn has not shone upon the people of Lora these many

sais of laya。1  But I sense what you mean!〃

*1 Later I was to find that Murian reckoning rested upon the ex…

traordinary increased luminosity of the cliffs at the time of full moon

on earththis action; to my mind; being linked either with the effect

of the light streaming globes upon the Moon Pool; whose source was

in the shining cliffs; or else upon some mysterious affinity of their

radiant element with the flood of moonlight on earththe latter; most

probably; because even when the moon must have been clouded above;

it made no difference in the phenomenon。  Thirteen of these shinings

forth constituted a laya; one of them a lat。  Ten was sa; ten times ten

times ten a said; or thousand; ten times a thousand was a sais。  A sais

of laya was then literally ten thousand years。  What we would call an

hour was by them called a va。  The whole time system was; of course;

a mingling of time as it had been known to their remote; surface…

dwelling ancestors; and the peculiar determining factors in the vast cavern。

The eyes deepened to blue as she regarded him。  She smiled。

〃Are there many like you in the world from which you come?〃

she asked softly。  〃Well; we soon shall〃

Lugur interrupted her almost rudely and glowering。

〃Best we should know how they came hence;〃 he growled。

She darted a quick look at him; and again the little devils

danced in her wondrous eyes。

Unquestionably there is a subtle difference between time as we know

it and time in this subterranean landits progress there being slower。

This; however; is only in accord with the well…known doctrine of rela…

tivity; which predicates both space and time as necessary inventions of

the human mind to orient itself to the conditions under which it finds

itself。  I tried often to measure this difference; but could never do so

to my entire satisfaction。  The closest I can come to it is to say that

an hour of our time is the equivalent of an hour and five…eighths in

Muria。  For further information upon this matter of relativity the

reader may consult any of the numerous books upon the subject。

W。 T。 G。

〃Yes; that is true;〃 she said。  〃How came you here?〃

Again it was Marakinoff who answeredslowly; consider…

ing every word。

〃In the world above;〃 he said; 〃there are ruins of cities

not built by any of those who now dwell there。  To us these

places called; and we sought for knowledge of the wise ones

who made them。  We found a passageway。  The way led us

downward to a door in yonder cliff; and through it we came


〃Then have you found what you sought?〃 spoke she。  〃For

we are of those who built the cities。  But this gateway in the

rockwhere is it?〃

〃After we passed; it closed upon us; nor could we after

find trace of it;〃 answered Marakinoff。

The incredulity that had shown upon the face of the green

dwarf fell upon theirs; on Lugur's it was clouded with furious


He turned to Rador。

〃I could find no opening; lord;〃 said the green dwarf


And there was so fierce a fire in the eyes of Lugur as he

swung back upon us that O'Keefe's hand slipped stealthily

down toward his pistol。

〃Best it is to speak truth to Yolara; priestess of the Shining

One; and to Lugur; the Voice;〃 he cried menacingly。

〃It is the truth;〃 I interposed。  〃We came down the pass…

age。  At its end was a carved vine; a vine of five flowers〃the

fire died from the red dwarf's eyes; and I could have sworn

to a swift pallor。  〃I rested a hand upon these flowers; and a

door opened。  But when we had gone through it and turned;

behind us was nothing but unbroken cliff。  The door had


I had taken my cue from Marakinoff。  If he had eliminated

the episode of car and Moon Pool; he had good reason; I had

no doubt; and I would be as cautious。  And deep within me

something cautioned me to say nothing of my quest; to stifle

all thought of Throckmartinsomething that warned; per…

emptorily; finally; as though it were a message from Throck…

martin himself!

〃A vine with five flowers!〃 exclaimed the red dwarf
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