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the moon pool-第27部分

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to us; shone like jewels。  The graceful pillars were tinted

delicately。  I noted that the pavilions were doublein a way;

two…storiedand that they were oddly splotched with circles;

with squares; and with oblongs ofopacity; noted too that

over many this opacity stretched like a roof; yet it did not

seem material; rather was itimpenetrable shadow!

Down through this city of gardens ran a broad shining

green thoroughfare; glistening like glass and spanned at reg…

ular intervals with graceful; arched bridges。  The road flashed

to a wide square; where rose; from a base of that same silvery

stone that formed the lip of the Moon Pool; a titanic struc…

ture of seven terraces; and along it flitted objects that bore

a curious resemblance to the shell of the Nautilus。  Within

them werehuman figures!  And upon tree…bordered prome…

nades on each side walked others!

Far to the right we caught the glint of another emerald…

paved road。

And between the two the gardens grew sweetly down to

the hither side of that opalescent water across which were

the radiant cliffs and the curtain of mystery。

Thus it was that we first saw the city of the Dweller;

blessed and accursed as no place on earth; or under or above

earth has ever beenor; that force willing which some call

God; ever again shall be!

〃Chert!〃 whispered Marakinoff。  〃Incredible!〃

〃Trolldom!〃 gasped Olaf Huldricksson。  〃It is Trolldom!〃

〃Listen; Olaf!〃 said Larry。  〃Cut out that Trolldom stuff!

There's no Trolldom; or fairies; outside Ireland。  Get that!

And this isn't Ireland。  And; buck up; Professor!〃 This to

Marakinoff。  〃What you see down there are peopleJUST PLAIN

PEOPLE。  And wherever there's people is where I live。  Get me?

〃There's no way in but inand no way out but out;〃 said

O'Keefe。  〃And there's the stairway。  Eggs are eggs no matter

how they're cookedand people are just people; fellow

travellers; no matter what dish they are in;〃 he concluded。

〃Come on!〃

With the three of us close behind him; he marched toward

the entrance。


Yolara; Priestess of the Shining One

〃YOU'D better have this handy; Doc。〃 O'Keefe paused at the

head of the stairway and handed me one of the automatics

he had taken from Marakinoff。

〃Shall I not have one also?〃 rather anxiously asked the


〃When you need it you'll get it;〃 answered O'Keefe。  〃I'll

tell you frankly; though; Professor; that you'll have to show

me before I trust you with a gun。  You shoot too straight

from cover。〃

The flash of anger in the Russian's eyes turned to a cold


〃You say always just what is in your mind; Lieutenant

O'Keefe;〃 he mused。  〃Dathat I shall remember!〃 Later I

was to recall this odd observationand Marakinoff was to

remember indeed。

In single file; O'Keefe at the head and Olaf bringing up

the rear; we passed through the portal。  Before us dropped a

circular shaft; into which the light from the chamber of the

oval streamed liquidly; set in its sides the steps spiralled; and

down them we went; cautiously。  The stairway ended in a

circular well; silentwith no trace of exit!  The rounded

stones joined each other evenlyhermetically。  Carved on

one of the slabs was one of the five flowered vines。  I pressed

my fingers upon the calyxes; even as Larry had within the

Moon Chamber。

A crackhorizontal; four feet wideappeared on the

wall; widened; and as the sinking slab that made it dropped

to the level of our eyes; we looked through a hundred…feet…

long rift in the living rock!  The stone fell steadilyand we

saw that it was a Cyclopean wedge set within the slit of the

passageway。  It reached the level of our feet and stopped。  At

the far end of this tunnel; whose floor was the polished rock

that had; a moment before; fitted hermetically into its roof;

was a low; narrow triangular opening through which light


〃Nowhere to go but out!〃 grinned Larry。  〃And I'll bet

Golden Eyes is waiting for us with a taxi!〃 He stepped for…

ward。  We followed; slipping; sliding along the glassy surface;

and I; for one; had a lively apprehension of what our fate

would be should that enormous mass rise before we had

emerged!  We reached the end; crept out of the narrow tri…

angle that was its exit。

We stood upon a wide ledge carpeted with a thick yellow

moss。  I looked behindand clutched O'Keefe's arm。  The

door through which we had come had vanished!  There was

only a precipice of pale rock; on whose surfaces great patches

of the amber moss hung; around whose base our ledge ran;

and whose summits; if summits it had; were hidden; like the

luminous cliffs; in the radiance above us。

〃Nowhere to go but aheadand Golden Eyes hasn't kept

her date!〃 laughed O'Keefebut somewhat grimly。

We walked a few yards along the ledge and; rounding a

corner; faced the end of one of the slender bridges。  From this

vantage point the oddly shaped vehicles were plain; and we

could see they were; indeed; like the shell of the Nautilus and

elfinly beautiful。  Their drivers sat high upon the forward

whorl。  Their bodies were piled high with cushions; upon

which lay women half…swathed in gay silken webs。  From

the pavilioned gardens smaller channels of glistening green

ran into the broad way; much as automobile runways do on

earth; and in and out of them flashed the fairy shells。

There came a shout from one。  Its occupants had glimpsed

us。 They pointed; others stopped and stared; one shell turned

and sped up a runwayand quickly over the other side of

the bridge came a score of men。  They were dwarfednone

of them more than five feet high; prodigiously broad of

shoulder; clearly enormously powerful。

〃Trolde!〃 muttered Olaf; stepping beside O'Keefe; pistol

swinging free in his hand。

But at the middle of the bridge the leader stopped; waved

back his men; and came toward us alone; palms outstretched

in the immemorial; universal gesture of truce。  He paused;

scanning us with manifest wonder; we returned the scrutiny

with interest。  The dwarf's face was as white as Olaf'sfar

whiter than those of the other three of us; the features clean…

cut and noble; almost classical; the wide set eyes of a curious

greenish grey and the black hair curling over his head like

that on some old Greek statue。

Dwarfed though he was; there was no suggestion of de…

formity about him。  The gigantic shoulders were covered with

a loose green tunic that looked like fine linen。  It was caught

in at the waist by a broad girdle studded with what seemed

to be amazonites。  In it was thrust a long curved poniard

resembling the Malaysian kris。  His legs were swathed in the

same green cloth as the upper garment。  His feet were


My gaze returned to his face; and in it I found something

subtly disturbing; an expression of half…malicious gaiety that

underlay the wholly prepossessing fe
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