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the moon pool-第25部分

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ment of the fossil Labyrinthodonts: you saw her teeth; da?〃

〃Ranadae; yes;〃 I answered。  〃But from the Stegocephalia;

of the order Ecaudata〃

Never such a complete indignation as was in O'Keefe's

voice as he interrupted。

〃What do you meanfossils and Stego whatever it is?〃

he asked。  〃She was a girl; a wonder girla real girl; and

Irish; or I'm not an O'Keefe!〃

〃We were talking about the frog…woman; Larry;〃 I said;


His eyes were wild as he regarded us。

〃Say;〃 he said; 〃if you two had been in the Garden of

Eden when Eve took the apple; you wouldn't have had time

to give her a look for counting the scales on the snake!〃

He strode swiftly over to the wall。  We followed。  Larry

paused; stretched his hand up to the flowers on which the

tapering fingers of the golden…eyed girl had rested。

〃It was here she put up her hand;〃 he murmured。  He

pressed caressingly the carved calyxes; once; twice; a third

time even as she hadand silently and softly the wall began

to split; on each side a great stone pivoted slowly; and before

us a portal stood; opening into a narrow corridor glowing

with the same rosy lustre that had gleamed around the

flame…tipped shadows!

〃Have your gun ready; Olaf!〃 said Larry。  〃We follow

Golden Eyes;〃 he said to me。

〃Follow?〃 I echoed stupidly。

〃Follow!〃 he said。  〃She came to show us the way!  Follow?

I'd follow her through a thousand hells!〃

And with Olaf at one end; O'Keefe at the other; both of

them with automatics in hand; and Marakinoff and I be…

tween them; we stepped over the threshold。

At our right; a few feet away; the passage ended abruptly

in a square of polished stone; from which came faint rose

radiance。  The roof of the place was less than two feet over

O'Keefe's head。

A yard at left of us lifted a four…foot high; gently curved

barricade; stretching from wall to walland beyond it was

blackness; an utter and appalling blackness that seemed to

gather itself from infinite depths。  The rose…glow in which

we stood was cut off by the blackness as though it had sub…

stance; it shimmered out to meet it; and was checked as

though by a blow; indeed; so strong was the suggestion of

sinister; straining force within the rayless opacity that I

shrank back; and Marakinoff with me。  Not so O'Keefe。  Olaf

beside him; he strode to the wall and peered over。  He beck…

oned us。

〃Flash your pocket…light down there;〃 be said to me; point…

ing into the thick darkness below us。  The little electric circle

quivered down as though afraid; and came to rest upon a

surface that resembled nothing so much as clear; black ice。  I

ran the light acrosshere and there。  The floor of the corridor

was of a substance so smooth; so polished; that no man could

have walked upon it; it sloped downward at a slowly increas…

ing angle。

〃We'd have to have non…skid chains and brakes on our

feet to tackle that;〃 mused Larry。  Abstractedly be ran his

hands over the edge on which he was leaning。  Suddenly they

hesitated and then gripped tightly。

〃That's a queer one!〃 he exclaimed。  His right palm was

resting upon a rounded protuberance; on the side of which

were three small circular indentations。

〃A queer one〃 he repeatedand pressed his fingers

upon the circles。

There was a sharp click; the slabs that had opened to let

us through swung swiftly together; a curiously rapid vibra…

tion thrilled through us; a wind arose and passed over our

headsa wind that grew and grew until it became a whistling

shriek; then a roar and then a mighty humming; to which

every atom in our bodies pulsed in rhythm painful almost

to disintegration!

The rosy wall dwindled in a flash to a point of light and


Wrapped in the clinging; impenetrable blackness we were

racing; dropping; hurling at a frightful speedwhere?

And ever that awful humming of the rushing wind and

the lightning cleaving of the tangible darkso; it came to

me oddly; must the newly released soul race through the

sheer blackness of outer space up to that Throne of Justice;

where God sits high above all suns!

I felt Marakinoff creep close to me; gripped my nerve and

flashed my pocket…light; saw Larry standing; peering; peer…

ing ahead; and Huldricksson; one strong arm around his

shoulders; bracing him。  And then the speed began to slacken。

Millions of miles; it seemed; below the sound of the un…

earthly hurricane I heard Larry's voice; thin and ghostlike;

beneath its clamour。

〃Got it!〃 shrilled the voice。  〃Got it!  Don't worry!〃

The wind died down to the roar; passed back into the

whistling shriek and diminished to a steady whisper。  In the

comparative quiet O'Keefe's tones now came in normal


〃Some little shoot…the…chutes; what?〃 he shouted。  〃Say

if they had this at Coney Island or the Crystal Palace!  Press

all the way in these holes and she goes top…high。  Diminish

pressurediminish speed。  The curve of thisdashboard

here sends the wind shooting up over our headslike a

windshield。  What's behind you?〃

I flashed the light back。  The mechanism on which we

were ended in another wall exactly similar to that over which

O'Keefe crouched。

〃Well; we can't fall out; anyway;〃 he laughed。  〃Wish to

hell I knew where the brakes were!  Look out!〃

We dropped dizzily down an abrupt; seemingly endless

slope; fellfell as into an abyssthen shot abruptly out of

the blackness into a throbbing green radiance。  O'Keefe's

fingers must have pressed down upon the controls; for we

leaped forward almost with the speed of light。  I caught a

glimpse of luminous immensities on the verge of which we

flew; of depths inconceivable; and flitting through the incred…

ible spacesgigantic shadows as of the wings of Israfel;

which are so wide; say the Arabs; the world can cower

under them like a nestlingand thenagain the living


 〃What was that?〃 This from Larry; with the nearest ap…

proach to awe that he had yet shown。

〃Trolldom!〃 croaked the voice of Olaf。

〃Chert!〃  This from Marakinoff。  〃What a space!〃

〃Have you considered; Dr。 Goodwin;〃 be went on after a

pause; 〃a curious thing?  We know; or; at least; is it not that

nine out of ten astronomers believe; that the moon was

hurled out of this same region we now call the Pacific when

the earth was yet like molasses; almost molten; I should say。

And is it not curious that that which comes from the Moon

Chamber needs the moon…rays to bring it forth; is it not?

And is it not significant again that the stone depends upon

the moon for operating?  Da!  And lastsuch a space in

mother earth as we just glimpsed; how else could it have been

torn but by some gigantic birthlike that of the moon?  Da!

I do not put forward these as statements of factno!  But as


I started; there was so much that this might explainan

unknown element that
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