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the moon pool-第24部分

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〃Da!  We will be thirsty。  And it will be very bad for him of

us who loses control and drinks of that; my friend。  Da!〃

Larry threw back his shoulders as though shaking a burden

from them。

〃This place would give an angel of joy the willies;〃 he

said。  〃I suggest that we look around and find something that

will take us somewhere。  You can bet the people that built it

had more ways of getting in than that once…a…month family

entrance。  Doc; you and Olaf take the left wall; the professor

and I will take the right。〃

He loosened one of his automatics with a suggestive move…


〃After you; Professor;〃 he bowed; politely; to the Russian。

We parted and set forth。

The chamber widened out from the portal in what seemed

to be the arc of an immense circle。  The shining walls held a

perceptible curve; and from this curvature I estimated that

the roof was fully three hundred feet above us。

The floor was of smooth; mosaic…fitted blocks of a faintly

yellow tinge。  They were not light…emitting like the blocks

that formed the walls。  The radiance from these latter; I

noted; had the peculiar quality of THICKENING a few yards

from its source; and it was this that produced the effect of

misty; veiled distances。  As we walked; the seven columns of

rays streaming down from the crystalline globes high above

us waned steadily; the glow within the chamber lost its pris…

matic shimmer and became an even grey tone somewhat like

moonlight in a thin cloud。

Now before us; out from the wall; jutted a low terrace。  It

was all of a pearly rose…coloured stone; slender; graceful pil…

lars of the same hue。  The face of the terrace was about ten

feet high; and all over it ran a bas…relief of what looked like

short…trailing vines; surmounted by five stalks; on the tip of

each of which was a flower。

We passed along the terrace。  It turned in an abrupt curve。

I heard a hail; and there; fifty feet away; at the curving end

of a wall identical with that where we stood; were Larry and

Marakinoff。  Obviously the left side of the chamber was a

duplicate of that we had explored。  We joined。  In front of us

the columned barriers ran back a hundred feet; forming an

alcove。  The end of this alcove was another wall of the same

rose stone; but upon it the design of vines was much heavier。

We took a step forwardthere was a gasp of awe from

the Norseman; a guttural exclamation from Marakinoff。  For

on; or rather within; the wall before us; a great oval began to

glow; waxed almost to a flame and then shone steadily out as

though from behind it a light was streaming through the

stone itself!

And within the roseate oval two flame…tipped shadows

appeared; stood for a moment; and then seemed to float out

upon its surface。  The shadows wavered; the tips of flame that

nimbused them with flickering points of vermilion pulsed

outward; drew back; darted forth again; and once more

withdrew themselvesand as they did so the shadows thick…

enedand suddenly there before us stood two figures!

One was a girla girl whose great eyes were golden as the

fabled lilies of Kwan…Yung that were born of the kiss of the

sun upon the amber goddess the demons of Lao…Tz'e carved

for him; whose softly curved lips were red as the royal coral;

and whose golden…brown hair reached to her knees!

And the second was a gigantic frogA WOMAN frog; head

helmeted with carapace of shell around which a fillet of bril…

liant yellow jewels shone; enormous round eyes of blue

circled with a broad iris of green; monstrous body of banded

orange and white girdled with strand upon strand of the

flashing yellow gems; six feet high if an inch; and with one

webbed paw of its short; powerfully muscled forelegs resting

upon the white shoulder of the golden…eyed girl!

Moments must have passed as we stood in stark amaze…

ment; gazing at that incredible apparition。  The two figures;

although as real as any of those who stood beside me; un…

phantomlike as it is possible to be; had a distinct suggestion


They were there before usgolden…eyed girl and gro…

tesque frog…womancomplete in every line and curve; and

still it was as though their bodies passed back through dis…

tances; as though; to try to express the wellnigh inexpressi…

ble; the two shapes we were looking upon were the end of an

infinite number stretching in fine linked chain far away; of

which the eyes saw only the nearest; while in the brain some

faculty higher than sight recognized and registered the un…

seen others。

The gigantic eyes of the frog…woman took us all in

unwinkingly。  Little glints of phosphorescence shone out

within the metallic green of the outer iris ring。  She stood

upright; her great legs bowed; the monstrous slit of a mouth

slightly open; revealing a row of white teeth sharp and

pointed as lancets; the paw resting on the girl's shoulder; half

covering its silken surface; and from its five webbed digits

long yellow claws of polished horn glistened against the

delicate texture of the flesh。

But if the frog…woman regarded us all; not so did the

maiden of the rosy wall。  Her eyes were fastened upon Larry;

drinking him in with extraordinary intentness。  She was tall;

far over the average of women; almost as tall; indeed; as

O'Keefe himself; not more than twenty years old; if that;

I thought。  Abruptly she leaned forward; the golden eyes

softened and grew tender; the red lips moved as though she

were speaking。

Larry took a quick step; and his face was that of one who

after countless births comes at last upon the twin soul lost to

him for ages。  The frog…woman turned her eyes upon the girl;

her huge lips moved; and I knew that she was talking!  The

girl held out a warning hand to O'Keefe; and then raised it;

resting each finger upon one of the five flowers of the carved

vine close beside her。  Once; twice; three times; she pressed

upon the flower centres; and I noted that her hand was curi…

ously long and slender; the digits like those wonderful taper…

ing ones the painters we call the primitive gave to their Vir…


Three times she pressed the flowers; and then looked in…

tently at Larry once more。  A slow; sweet smile curved the

crimson lips。  She stretched both hands out toward him again

eagerly; a burning blush rose swiftly over white breasts and

flowerlike face。

Like the clicking out of a cinematograph; the pulsing oval

faded and golden…eyed girl and frog…woman were gone!

And thus it was that Lakla; the handmaiden of the Silent

Ones; and Larry O'Keefe first looked into each other's


Larry stood rapt; gazing at the stone。

〃Eilidh;〃 I heard him whisper; 〃Eilidh of the lips like the

red; red rowan and the golden…brown hair!〃

〃Clearly of the Ranadae;〃 said Marakinoff; 〃a develop…

ment of the fossil Labyrinthodonts: you saw her teeth; da?〃

〃Ranadae; yes;〃 I answered。  〃But from the St
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