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the moon pool-第23部分

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ble〃 He paused; shaken by some overpowering emotion;

the veins in his forehead grew congested; the cold eyes

blazed and the guttural voice harshened。

〃I do not apologize and I do not explain;〃 rasped Mara…

kinoff。  〃But I will tell you; da!  Here is my country sweating

blood in an experiment to liberate the world。  And here are

the other nations ringing us like wolves and waiting to

spring at our throats at the least sign of weakness。  And here

are you; Lieutenant O'Keefe of the English wolves; and you

Dr。 Goodwin of the Yankee packand here in this place

may be that will enable my country to win its war for the

worker。  What are the lives of you two and this sailor to that?

Less than the flies I crush with my hand; less than midges

in the sunbeam!〃

He suddenly gripped himself。

〃But that is not now the important thing;〃 he resumed;

almost coldly。  〃Not that nor my shooting。  Let us squarely the

situation face。  My proposal is so: that we join interests; and

what you call see it through together; find our way through

this place and those secrets learn of which I have spoken;

if we can。  And when that is done we will go our ways; to his

own land each; to make use of them for our lands as each of

us may。  On my part; I offer my knowledgeand it is very

valuable; Dr。 Goodwinand my training。  You and Lieu…

tenant O'Keefe do the same; and this man Olaf; what he

can of his strength; for I do not think his usefulness lies in

his brains; no。〃

〃In effect; Goodwin;〃 broke in Larry as I hesitated; 〃the

professor's proposition is this: he wants to know what's go…

ing on here but he begins to realize it's no one man's job

and besides we have the drop on him。  We're three to his one;

and we have all his hardware and cutlery。  But also we can

do better with him than without himjust as he can do

better with us than without us。  It's an even breakfor a

while。  But once he gets that information he's looking for;

then look out。  You and Olaf and I are the wolves and the

flies and the midges againand the strafing will be about

due。  Nevertheless; with three to one against him; if he can

get away with it he deserves to。  I'm for taking him up; if you


There was almost a twinkle in Marakinoff's eyes。

〃It is not just as I would have put it; perhaps;〃 he said;

〃but in its skeleton he has right。  Nor will I turn my hand

against you while we are still in danger here。  I pledge you

my honor on this。〃

Larry laughed。

〃All right; Professor;〃 he grinned。  〃I believe you mean

every word you say。  Nevertheless; I'll just keep the guns。〃

Marakinoff bowed; imperturbably。

〃And now;〃 he said; 〃I will tell you what I know。  I found

the secret of the door mechanism even as you did; Dr。 Good…

win。  But by carelessness; my condensers were broken。  I was

forced to wait while I sent for othersand the waiting might

be for months。  I took certain precautions; and on the first

night of this full moon I hid myself within the vault of


An involuntary thrill of admiration for the man went

through me at the manifest heroism of this leap in the dark。

I could see it reflected in Larry's face。

〃I hid in the vault;〃 continued Marakinoff; 〃and I saw

that which comes from here come out。  I waitedlong hours。

At last; when the moon was low; it returnedecstatically

with a man; a native; in embrace enfolded。  It passed through

the door; and soon then the moon became low and the door


〃The next night more confidence was mine; yes。  And after

that which comes had gone; I looked through its open door。

I said; 〃It will not return for three hours。  While it is away;

why shall I not into its home go through the door it has left

open?' So I wenteven to here。  I looked at the pillars of

light and I tested the liquid of the Pool on which they fell。

That liquid; Dr。 Goodwin; is not water; and it is not any

fluid known on earth。〃 He handed me a small vial; its neck

held in a long thong。

〃Take this;〃 he said; 〃and see。〃

Wonderingly; I took the bottle; dipped it down into the

Pool。  The liquid was extraordinarily light; seemed; in fact;

to give the vial buoyancy。  I held it to the light。  It was striated;

streaked; as though little living; pulsing veins ran through it。

And its blueness; even in the vial; held an intensity of lumi…


〃Radioactive;〃 said Marakinoff。  〃Some liquid that is in…

tensely radioactive; but what it is I know not at all。  Upon the

living skin it acts like radium raised to the nth power and

with an element most mysterious added。  The solution with

which I treated him;〃 he pointed to Huldricksson; 〃I had

prepared before I came here; from certain information I

had。  It is largely salts of radium and its base is Loeb's

formula for the neutralization of radium and X…ray burns。

Taking this man at once; before the degeneration had be…

come really active; I could negative it。  But after two hours

I could have done nothing。〃

He paused a moment。

〃Next I studied the nature of these luminous walls。  I

concluded that whoever had made them; knew the secret of

the Almighty's manufacture of light from the ether itself!

Colossal!  Da!  But the substance of these blocks confines an

atomichow would you sayatomic manipulation; a

conscious arrangement of electrons; light…emitting and per…

haps indefinitely so。  These blocks are lamps in which oil and

wick are electrons drawing light waves from ether itself!  A

Prometheus; indeed; this discoverer!  I looked at my watch

and that little guardian warned me that it was time to go。

I went。  That which comes forth returnedthis time empty…


〃And the next night I did the same thing。  Engrossed in

research; I let the moments go by to the danger point; and

scarcely was I replaced within the vault when the shining

thing raced over the walls; and in its grip the woman and


〃Then you cameand that is all。  And nowwhat is it

you know?〃

Very briefly I went over my story。  His eyes gleamed now

and then; but he did not interrupt me。

〃A great secret!  A colossal secret!〃 he muttered; when I

had ended。  〃We cannot leave it hidden。〃

〃The first thing to do is to try the door;〃 said Larry; mat…

ter of fact。

〃There is no use; my young friend;〃 assured Marakinoff


〃Nevertheless we'll try;〃 said Larry。  We retraced our

way through the winding tunnel to the end; but soon even

O'Keefe saw that any idea of moving the slab from within

was hopeless。  We returned to the Chamber of the Pool。  The

pillars of light were fainter; and we knew that the moon was

sinking。  On the world outside before long dawn would be

breaking。  I began to feel thirstand the blue semblance of

water within the silvery rim seemed to glint mockingly as

my eyes rested on it。

〃Da!〃 it was Marakinoff; reading my thoughts uncannily。

〃Da!  We will be thirsty。  And it will be ver
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