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the moon pool-第21部分

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〃The stoneit is open〃 And then a shriek; a wail of

blended anguish and pity; of rage and despairand the

sound of swift footsteps racing through the wall beneath me!

I dropped to the ground。  The moon door was wide open;

and through it I caught a glimpse of a corridor filled with a

faint; pearly vaporous light like earliest misty dawn。  But of

Olaf I could seenothing!  And even as I stood; gaping; from

behind me came the sharp crack of a rifle; the glass of the

condenser at Larry's side flew into fragments; he dropped

swiftly to the ground; the automatic in his hand flashed once;

twice; into the darkness。

And the moon door began to pivot slowly; slowly back

into its place!

I rushed toward the turning stone with the wild idea of

holding it open。  As I thrust my hands against it there came

at my back a snarl and an oath and Larry staggered under

the impact of a body that had flung itself straight at his

throat。  He reeled at the lip of the shallow cup at the base

of the slab; slipped upon its polished curve; fell and rolled

with that which had attacked him; kicking and writhing;

straight through the narrowing portal into the passage!

Forgetting all else; I sprang to his aid。  As I leaped I felt the

closing edge of the moon door graze my side。  Then; as Larry

raised a fist; brought it down upon the temple of the man

who had grappled with him and rose from the twitching

body unsteadily to his feet; I heard shuddering past me a

mournful whisper; spun about as though some giant's hand

had whirled me

The end of the corridor no longer opened out into the

moonlit square of ruined Nan…Tauach。  It was barred by a

solid mass of glimmering stone。  The moon door had closed!

O'Keefe took a stumbling step toward the barrier behind

us。 There was no mark of juncture with the shining walls;

the slab fitted into the sides as closely as a mosaic。

〃It's shut all right;〃 said Larry。  〃But if there's a way in;

there's a way out。  Anyway; Doc; we're right in the pew we've

been heading forso why worry?〃 He grinned at me cheer…

fully。  The man on the floor groaned; and he dropped to his

knees beside him。

〃Marakinoff!〃 he cried。

At my exclamation he moved aside; turning the face so I

could see it。  It was clearly Russian; and just as clearly its

possessor was one of unusual force and intellect。

The strong; massive brow with orbital ridge unusually de…

veloped; the dominant; high…bridged nose; the straight lips

with their more than suggestion of latent cruelty; and the

strong lines of the jaw beneath a black; pointed beard all

gave evidence that here was a personality beyond the ordi…


〃Couldn't be anybody else;〃 said Larry; breaking in on

my thoughts。  〃He must have been watching us over there

from Chau…ta…leur's vault all the time。〃

Swiftly he ran practised hands over his body; then stood

erect; holding out to me two wicked…looking magazine pis…

tols and a knife。  〃He got one of my bullets through his right

forearm; too;〃 he said。  〃Just a flesh wound; but it made him

drop his rifle。  Some arsenal; our little Russian scientist;


I opened my medical kit。  The wound was a slight one;

and Larry stood looking on as I bandaged it。

〃Got another one of those condensers?〃 he asked; sud…

denly。  〃And do you suppose Olaf will know enough to use


〃Larry;〃 I answered; 〃Olaf's not outside!  He's in here


His jaw dropped。

〃The hell you say!〃 he whispered。

〃Didn't you hear him shriek when the stone opened?〃 I


〃I heard him yell; yes;〃 he said。  〃But I didn't know what

was the matter。  And then this wildcat jumped me〃  He

paused and his eyes widened。  〃Which way did he go?〃 he

asked swiftly。  I pointed down the faintly glowing passage。

〃There's only one way;〃 I said。

〃Watch that bird close;〃 hissed O'Keefe; pointing to Mara…

kinoffand pistol in hand stretched his long legs and raced

away。  I looked down at the Russian。  His eyes were open;

and he reached out a hand to me。  I lifted him to his feet。

〃I have heard;〃 he said。  〃We follow; quick。  If you will take

my arm; please; I am shaken yet; yes〃  I gripped his

shoulder without a word; and the two of us set off down the

corridor after O'Keefe。  Marakinoff was gasping; and his

weight pressed upon me heavily; but he moved with all the

will and strength that were in him。

As we ran I took hasty note of the tunnel。  Its sides were

smooth and polished; and the light seemed to come not from

their surfaces; but from far within themgiving to the walls

an illusive aspect of distance and depth; rendering them in a

peculiarly weird wayspacious。  The passage turned;

twisted; ran down; turned again。  It came to me that the light

that illumined the tunnel was given out by tiny points deep

within the stone; sprang from the points ripplingly and

spread upon their polished faces。

There was a cry from Larry far ahead。


I gripped Marakinoff's arm closer and we sped on。  Now

we were coming fast to the end of the passage。  Before us

was a high arch; and through it I glimpsed a dim; shifting

luminosity as of mist filled with rainbows。  We reached the

portal and I looked into a chamber that might have been

transported from that enchanted palace of the Jinn King

that rises beyond the magic mountains of Kaf。

Before me stood O'Keefe and a dozen feet in front of him;

Huldricksson; with something clasped tightly in his arms。

The Norseman's feet were at the verge of a shining; silvery

lip of stone within whose oval lay a blue pool。  And down

upon this pool staring upward like a gigantic eye; fell seven

pillars of phantom lightone of them amethyst; one of rose;

another of white; a fourth of blue; and three of emerald; of

silver; and of amber。  They fell each upon the azure surface;

and I knew that these were the seven streams of radiance;

within which the Dweller took shapenow but pale ghosts

of their brilliancy when the full energy of the moon stream

raced through them。

Huldricksson bent and placed on the shining silver lip of

the Pool that which he heldand I saw that it was the body

of a child!  He set it there so gently; bent over the side and

thrust a hand down into the water。  And as he did so he

moaned and lurched against the little body that lay before

him。  Instantly the form movedand slipped over the verge

into the blue。  Huldricksson threw his body over the stone;

hands clutching; arms thrust deep downand from his lips

issued a long…drawn; heart…shrivelling wail of pain and of

anguish that held in it nothing human!

Close on its wake came a cry from Marakinoff。

〃Catch him!〃 shouted the Russian。  〃Drag him back!


He leaped forward; but before he could half clear the dis…

tance; O'Keefe had leaped too; had caught the Norseman by

the shoulders and toppled him backward; where he lay

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