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the moon pool-第2部分

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to him hand in hand; taken possession of him and departing

left behind; ineradicably; their linked shadows!

Yesit was that which appalled。  For how could rapture

and horror; Heaven and Hell mix; clasp handskiss?

Yet these were what in closest embrace lay on Throck…

martin's face!

Deep in thought; subconsciously with relief; I watched

the shore line sink behind; welcomed the touch of the wind

of the free seas。  I had hoped; and within the hope was an

inexplicable shrinking that I would meet Throckmartin at

lunch。  He did not come down; and I was sensible of de…

liverance within my disappointment。  All that afternoon I

lounged about uneasily but still he kept to his cabinand

within me was no strength to summon him。  Nor did he

appear at dinner。

Dusk and night fell swiftly。  I was warm and went back to

my deck…chair。  The Southern Queen was rolling to a dis…

quieting swell and I had the place to myself。

Over the heavens was a canopy of cloud; glowing faintly

and testifying to the moon riding behind it。  There was much

phosphorescence。  Fitfully before the ship and at her sides

arose those stranger little swirls of mist that swirl up from

the Southern Ocean like breath of sea monsters; whirl for an

instant and disappear。

 Suddenly the deck door opened and through it came

Throckmartin。  He paused uncertainly; looked up at the sky

with a curiously eager; intent gaze; hesitated; then closed

the door behind him。

 〃Throck;〃 I called。  〃Come!  It's Goodwin。〃

 He made his way to me。

 〃Throck;〃 I said; wasting no time in preliminaries。

〃What's wrong?  Can I help you?〃

 I felt his body grow tense。

 〃I'm going to Melbourne; Goodwin;〃 he answered。  〃I

need a few thingsneed them urgently。  And more men

white men〃

He stopped abruptly; rose from his chair; gazed intently

toward the north。  I followed his gaze。  Far; far away the

moon had broken through the clouds。  Almost on the hori…

zon; you could see the faint luminescence of it upon the

smooth sea。  The distant patch of light quivered and shook。

The clouds thickened again and it was gone。  The ship raced

on southward; swiftly。

Throckmartin dropped into his chair。  He lighted a cigar…

ette with a hand that trembled; then turned to me with

abrupt resolution。

〃Goodwin;〃 he said。  〃I do need help。  If ever man needed

it; I do。  Goodwincan you imagine yourself in another

world; alien; unfamiliar; a world of terror; whose unknown

joy is its greatest terror of all; you all alone there; a

stranger!  As such a man would need help; so I need〃

He paused abruptly and arose; the cigarette dropped from

his fingers。  The moon had again broken through the clouds;

and this time much nearer。  Not a mile away was the patch

of light that it threw upon the waves。  Back of it; to the rim

of the sea was a lane of moonlight; a gigantic gleaming ser…

pent racing over the edge of the world straight and surely

toward the ship。

Throckmartin stiffened to it as a pointer does to a hidden

covey。  To me from him pulsed a thrill of horrorbut

horror tinged with an unfamiliar; an infernal joy。  It came

to me and passed awayleaving me trembling with its

shock of bitter sweet。

He bent forward; all his soul in his eyes。  The moon path

swept closer; closer still。  It was now less than half a mile

away。  From it the ship fledalmost as though pursued。

Down upon it; swift and straight; a radiant torrent cleaving

the waves; raced the moon stream。

〃Good God!〃 breathed Throckmartin; and if ever the

words were a prayer and an invocation they were。

And then; for the first timeI sawIT!

The moon path stretched to the horizon and was bor…

dered by darkness。  It was as though the clouds above had

been parted to form a lane…drawn aside like curtains or as

the waters of the Red Sea were held back to let the hosts

of Israel through。  On each side of the stream was the black

shadow cast by the folds of the high canopies And straight

as a road between the opaque walls gleamed; shimmered;

and danced the shining; racing; rapids of the moonlight

Far; it seemed immeasurably far; along this stream of

silver fire I sensed; rather than saw; something coming。  It

drew first into sight as a deeper glow within the light。  On

and on it swept toward usan opalescent mistiness that

sped with the suggestion of some winged creature in

arrowed flight。  Dimly there crept into my mind memory of

the Dyak legend of the winged messenger of Buddha

the Akla bird whose feathers are woven of the moon rays;

whose heart is a living opal; whose wings in flight echo the

crystal clear music of the white starsbut whose beak is

of frozen flame and shreds the souls of unbelievers。

Closer it drew and now there came to me sweet; insistent

tinklingslike pizzicati on violins of glass; crystal clear;

diamonds melting into sounds!

Now the Thing was close to the end of the white path;

close up to the barrier of darkness still between the ship

and the sparkling head of the moon stream。  Now it beat up

against that barrier as a bird against the bars of its cage。  It

whirled with shimmering plumes; with swirls of lacy light;

with spirals of living vapour。  It held within it odd; un…

familiar gleams as of shifting mother…of…pearl。  Coruscations

and glittering atoms drifted through it as though it drew

them from the rays that bathed it。

Nearer and nearer it came; borne on the sparkling waves;

and ever thinner shrank the protecting wall of shadow be…

tween it and us。  Within the mistiness was a core; a nucleus

of intenser lightveined; opaline; effulgent; intensely alive。

And above it; tangled in the plumes and spirals that

throbbed and whirled were seven glowing lights。

Through all the incessant but strangely ordered move…

ment of theTHINGthese lights held firm and steady。  They

were sevenlike seven little moons。  One was of a pearly

pink; one of a delicate nacreous blue; one of lambent

saffron; one of the emerald you see in the shallow waters

of tropic isles; a deathly white; a ghostly amethyst; and

one of the silver that is seen only when the flying fish leap

beneath the moon。

The tinkling music was louder still。  It pierced the ears

with a shower of tiny lances; it made the heart beat jubi…

lantlyand checked it dolorously。  It closed the throat with

a throb of rapture and gripped it tight with the hand of

infinite sorrow!

Came to me now a murmuring cry; stilling the crystal

notes。  It was articulatebut as though from something

utterly foreign to this world。  The ear took the cry and trans…

lated with conscious labour into the sounds of earth。  And

even as it compassed; the brain shrank from it irresistibly;

and simultaneously it seemed reached toward it with irre…

sistible eagerness。

Throckmartin strode toward the front of the deck;

straight toward the vision; now but a few yards away from

the ster
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