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the moon pool-第16部分

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brain。  And the words did pierce。

He thrust out a shaking hand。

〃You say you follow?〃 he asked falteringly。  〃You know

where to follow?  Where it took my Helma and my little


〃Just that; Olaf Huldricksson;〃 I answered。  〃Just that!  I

pledge you my life that I know。〃

Da Costa stepped forward。  〃He speaks true; Olaf。  You go

faster on the Suwarna than on the Br…rw…un'ilda; Olaf; yes。〃

The giant Norseman; still gripping my hand; looked at

him。  〃I know you; Da Costa;〃 he muttered。  〃You are all

right。  Ja!  You are a fair man。  Where is the Brunhilda?〃

〃She follow be'ind on a big rope; Olaf;〃 soothed the Por…

tuguese。  〃Soon you see her。  But now lie down an' tell us; if

you can; why you tie yourself to your wheel an' what it is

that happen; Olaf。〃

〃If you'll tell us how the sparkling devil came it will help

us all when we get to where it is; Huldricksson;〃 I said。

On O'Keefe's face there was an expression of well…nigh lu…

dicrous doubt and amazement。  He glanced from one to the

other。  The giant shifted his own tense look from me to the

Irishman。  A gleam of approval lighted in his eyes。  He loosed

me; and gripped O'Keefe's arm。 〃Staerk!〃 he said。 〃Ja

strong; and with a strong heart。  A manja!  He comes too

we shall need himja!〃

〃I tell;〃 he muttered; and seated himself on the side of the

bunk。  〃It was four nights ago。  My Freda〃his voice shook

〃Mine Yndling!  She loved the moonlight。  I was at the

wheel and my Freda and my Helma they were behind me。

The moon was behind us and the Brunhilda was like a swan…

boat sailing down with the moonlight sending her; ja。

〃I heard my Freda say: 'I see a nisse coming down the

track of the moon。' And I hear her mother laugh; low; like a

mother does when her Yndling dreams。  I was happythat

nightwith my Helma and my Freda; and the Brunhilda

sailing like a swan…boat; ja。  I heard the child say; 'The nisse

comes fast!' And then I heard a scream from my Helma; a

great screamlike a mare when her foal is torn from her。  I

spun around fast; ja!  I dropped the wheel and spun fast!  I

saw〃 He covered his eyes with his hands。

The Portuguese had crept close to me; and I heard him

panting like a frightened dog。

〃I saw a white fire spring over the rail;〃 whispered Olaf

Huldricksson。  〃It whirled round and round; and it shone like

like stars in a whirlwind mist。  There was a noise in my

ears。  It sounded like bellslittle bells; ja!  Like the music

you make when you run your finger round goblets。  It made

me sick and dizzythe hell noise。

〃My Helma wasindeholdewhat you sayin the mid…

dle of the white fire。  She turned her face to me and she

turned it on the child; and my Helma's face burned into my

heart。  Because it was full of fear; and it was full of happi…

nessof glaede。  I tell you that the fear in my Helma's face

made me ice here〃he beat his breast with clenched hand

〃but the happiness in it burned on me like fire。  And I could

not moveI could not move。

〃I said in here〃he touched his head〃I said; 'It is Loki

come out of Helvede。  But he cannot take my Helma; for

Christ lives and Loki has no power to hurt my Helma or my

Freda!  Christ lives!  Christ lives!' I said。  But the sparkling

devil did not let my Helma go。  It drew her to the rail; half

over it。  I saw her eyes upon the child and a little she broke

away and reached to it。  And my Freda jumped into her

arms。  And the fire wrapped them both and they were gone!  A

little I saw them whirling on the moon track behind the

Brunhildaand they were gone!

〃The sparkling devil took them!  Loki was loosed; and he

had power。  I turned the Brunhilda; and I followed where

my Helma and mine Yndling had gone。  My boys crept up

and asked me to turn again。  But I would not。  They dropped

a boat and left me。  I steered straight on the path。  I lashed

my hands to the wheel that sleep might not loose them。  I

steered on and on and on

〃Where was the God I prayed when my wife and child

were taken?〃 cried Olaf Huldrickssonand it was as though

I heard Throckmartin asking that same bitter question。  〃I

have left Him as He left me; ja!  I pray now to Thor and to

Odin; who can fetter Loki。〃 He sank back; covering again

his eyes。

〃Olaf;〃 I said; 〃what you have called the sparkling devil

has taken ones dear to me。  I; too; was following it when we

found you。  You shall go with me to its home; and there we

will try to take from it your wife and your child and my

friends as well。  But now that you may be strong for what is

before us; you must sleep again。〃

Olaf Huldricksson looked upon me and in his eyes was

that something which souls must see in the eyes of Him the

old Egyptians called the Searcher of Hearts in the Judgment

Hall of Osiris。

〃You speak truth!〃 he said at last slowly。  〃I will do what

you say!〃

He stretched out an arm at my bidding。  I gave him a sec…

ond injection。  He lay back and soon he was sleeping。  I turned

toward Da Costa。  His face was livid and sweating; and he

was trembling pitiably。  O'Keefe stirred。

〃You did that mighty well; Dr。 Goodwin;〃 he said。  〃So

well that I almost believed you myself。〃

〃What did you think of his story; Mr。 O'Keefe?〃 I asked。

His answer was almost painfully brief and colloquial。

〃Nuts!〃 he said。 I was a little shocked; I admit。 〃I think

he's crazy; Dr。 Goodwin;〃 he corrected himself; quickly。

〃What else could I think?〃

I turned to the little Portuguese without answering。

〃There's no need for any anxiety tonight; Captain;〃 I said。

〃Take my word for it。 You need some rest yourself。  Shall I

give you a sleeping draft?〃

〃I do wish you would; Dr。 Goodwin; sair;〃 he answered

gratefully。  〃Tomorrow; when I feel bettairI would have a

talk with you。〃

I nodded。  He did know something then!  I mixed him an

opiate of considerable strength。  He took it and went to his

own cabin。

I locked the door behind him and then; sitting beside the

sleeping Norseman; I told O'Keefe my story from end to end。

He asked few questions as I spoke。  But after I had finished

he cross…examined me rather minutely upon my recollec…

tions of the radiant phases upon each appearance; checking

these with Throckmartin's observations of the same phe…

nomena in the Chamber of the Moon Pool。

〃And now what do you think of it all?〃 I asked。

He sat silent for a while; looking at Huldricksson。

〃Not what you seem to think; Dr。 Goodwin;〃 he answered

at last; gravely。  〃Let me sleep over it。  One thing of course

is certainyou and your friend Throckmartin and this man

here sawsomething。  But〃 he was silent again and then

continued with a kindness that I found vaguely irritating

〃but I've noticed that when a scientist gets superstitious it

ertakes very hard!

〃Here's a few things I can tell you now though;〃 he went

on while I struggled to speak〃I pray in my heart th
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