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the moon pool-第15部分

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〃Because;〃 I answered; 〃from your name and your service

I would suppose you Irishbut your command of pure

Americanese makes me doubtful。〃

He grinned amiably。

〃I'll tell you how that is;〃 he said。  〃My mother was an

Americana Grace; of Virginia。  My father was the

O'Keefe; of Coleraine。  And these two loved each other so

well that the heart they gave me is half Irish and half

American。  My father died when I was sixteen。  I used to go

to the States with my mother every other year for a month

or two。  But after my father died we used to go to Ireland

every other year。  And there you areI'm as much Ameri…

can as I am Irish。

〃When I'm in love; or excited; or dreaming; or mad I

have the brogue。  But for the everyday purpose of life I like

the United States talk; and I know Broadway as well as I do

Binevenagh Lane; and the Sound as well as St。 Patrick's

Channel; educated a bit at Eton; a bit at Harvard; always

too much money to have to make any; in love lots of times;

and never a heartache after that wasn't a pleasant one; and

never a real purpose in life until I took the king's shilling

and earned my wings; something over thirtyand that's me

Larry O'Keefe。〃

〃But it was the Irish O'Keefe who sat out there waiting

for the banshee;〃 I laughed。

〃It was that;〃 he said somberly; and I heard the brogue

creep over his voice like velvet and his eyes grew brooding

again。  〃There's never an O'Keefe for these thousand years

that has passed without his warning。  An' twice have I heard

the banshee callingonce it was when my younger brother

died an' once when my father lay waiting to be carried out

on the ebb tide。〃

He mused a moment; then went on: 〃An' once I saw an

Annir Choille; a girl of the green people; flit like a shade of

green fire through Carntogher woods; an' once at Dun…

chraig I slept where the ashes of the Dun of Cormac Mac…

Concobar are mixed with those of Cormac an' Eilidh the

Fair; all burned in the nine flames that sprang from the harp…

ing of Cravetheen; an' I heard the echo of his dead harp…


He paused again and then; softly; with that curiously

sweet; high voice that only the Irish seem to have; he sang:

Woman of the white breasts; Eilidh;

Woman of the gold…brown hair; and lips of the red; red rowan;

Where is the swan that is whiter; with breast more soft;

Or the wave on the sea that moves as thou movest; Eilidh。


Olaf's Story

THERE was a little silence。  I looked upon him with wonder。

Clearly he was in deepest earnest。  I know the psychology

of the Gael is a curious one and that deep in all their hearts

their ancient traditions and beliefs have strong and living

roots。  And I was both amused and touched。

Here was this soldier; who had faced war and its ugly

realities open…eyed and fearless; picking; indeed; the most

dangerous branch of service for his own; a modern if ever

there was one; appreciative of most unmystical Broadway;

and yet soberly and earnestly attesting to his belief in ban…

shee; in shadowy people of the woods; and phantom harpers!

I wondered what he would think if he could see the Dweller

and then; with a pang; that perhaps his superstitions might

make him an easy prey。

He shook his head half impatiently and ran a hand over

his eyes; turned to me and grinned:

〃Don't think I'm cracked; Professor;〃 he said。  〃I'm not。

But it takes me that way now and then。  It's the Irish in me。

And; believe it or not; I'm telling you the truth。〃

I looked eastward where the moon; now nearly a week

past the full; was mounting。

〃You can't make me see what you've seen; Lieutenant;〃 I

laughed。  〃But you can make me hear。  I've always wondered

what kind of a noise a disembodied spirit could make with…

out any vocal cords or breath or any other earthly sound…

producing mechanism。  How does the banshee sound?〃

O'Keefe looked at me seriously。

〃All right;〃 he said。  〃I'll show you。〃 From deep down in

his throat came first a low; weird sobbing that mounted

steadily into a keening whose mournfulness made my skin

creep。  And then his hand shot out and gripped my shoulder;

and I stiffened like stone in my chairfor from behind us;

like an echo; and then taking up the cry; swelled a wail that

seemed to hold within it a sublimation of the sorrows of

centuries!  It gathered itself into one heartbroken; sobbing

note and died away!  O'Keefe's grip loosened; and he rose

swiftly to his feet。

〃It's all right; Professor;〃 he said。  〃It's for me。  It found

meall this way from Ireland。〃

Again the silence was rent by the cry。  But now I had lo…

cated it。  It came from my room; and it could mean only one

thingHuldricksson had wakened。

〃Forget your banshee!〃 I gasped; and made a jump for the


Out of the corner of my eye I noted a look of half…sheep…

ish relief flit over O'Keefe's face; and then he was beside me。

Da Costa shouted an order from the wheel; the Cantonese

ran up and took it from his hands and the little Portuguese

pattered down toward us。  My hand on the door; ready to

throw it open; I stopped。  What if the Dweller were within

what if we had been wrong and it was not dependent for its

power upon that full flood of moon ray which Throck…

martin had thought essential to draw it from the blue pool!

From within; the sobbing wail began once more to rise。

O'Keefe pushed me aside; threw open the door and crouched

low within it。  I saw an automatic flash dully in his hand; saw

it cover the cabin from side to side; following the swift sweep

of his eyes around it。  Then he straightened and his face;

turned toward the berth; was filled with wondering pity。

Through the window streamed a shaft of the moonlight。

It fell upon Huldricksson's staring eyes; in them great tears

slowly gathered and rolled down his cheeks; from his opened

mouth came the woe…laden wailing。  I ran to the port and

drew the curtains。  Da Costa snapped the lights。

The Norseman's dolorous crying stopped as abruptly as

though cut。  His gaze rolled toward us。  And at one bound

he broke through the leashes I had buckled round him and

faced us; his eyes glaring; his yellow hair almost erect with

the force of the rage visibly surging through him。  Da Costa

shrunk behind me。  O'Keefe; coolly watchful; took a quick

step that brought him in front of me。

〃Where do you take me?〃 said Huldricksson; and his

voice was like the growl of a beast。  〃Where is my boat?〃

I touched O'Keefe gently and stood before the giant。

〃Listen; Olaf Huldricksson;〃 I said。  〃We take you to

where the sparkling devil took your Helma and your Freda。

We follow the sparkling devil that came down from the

moon。  Do you hear me?〃 I spoke slowly; distinctly; striving

to pierce the mists that I knew swirled around the strained

brain。  And the words did pierce。

He thrust out a shaking hand。

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