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the moon pool-第14部分

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Larry O'Keefe

PRESSING BACK the questions I longed to ask; I introduced

myself。  Oddly enough; I found that he knew me; or rather

my work。  He had bought; it appeared; my volume upon the

peculiar vegetation whose habitat is disintegrating lava rock

and volcanic ash; that I had entitled; somewhat loosely; I

could now perceive; Flora of the Craters。  For he explained

naively that he had picked it up; thinking it an entirely

different sort of a book; a novel in factsomething like

Meredith's Diana of the Crossways; which he liked greatly。

He had hardly finished this explanation when we touched

the side of the Suwarna; and I was forced to curb my curi…

osity until we reached the deck。

〃That thing you saw me sitting on;〃 he said; after he had

thanked the bowing little skipper for his rescue; 〃was all

that was left of one of his Majesty's best little hydroairplanes

after that cyclone threw it off as excess baggage。  And by the

way; about where are we?〃

Da Costa gave him our approximate position from the

noon reckoning。

O'Keefe whistled。  〃A good three hundred miles from

where I left the H。M。S。 Dolphin about four hours ago;〃 he

said。  〃That squall I rode in on was some whizzer!

〃The Dolphin;〃 he went on; calmly divesting himself of

his soaked uniform; 〃was on her way to Melbourne。  I'd been

yearning for a joy ride and went up for an alleged scouting

trip。  Then that blow shot out of nowhere; picked me up; and

insisted that I go with it。

〃About an hour ago I thought I saw a chance to zoom up

and out of it; I turned; and BLICK went my right wing; and

down I dropped。〃

〃I don't know how we can notify your ship; Lieutenant

O'Keefe;〃 I said。  〃We have no wireless。〃

〃Doctair Goodwin;〃 said Da Costa; 〃we could change our

course; sairperhaps〃

〃Thanksbut not a bit of it;〃 broke in O'Keefe。  〃Lord

alone knows where the Dolphin is now。  Fancy she'll be nos…

ing around looking for me。  Anyway; she's just as apt to run

into you as you into her。  Maybe we'll strike something with

a wireless; and I'll trouble you to put me aboard。〃 He hesi…

tated。  〃Where are you bound; by the way?〃 he asked。

〃For Ponape;〃 I answered。

〃No wireless there;〃 mused O'Keefe。  〃Beastly hole。

Stopped a week ago for fruit。  Natives seemed scared to death

at usor something。  What are you going there for?〃

 Da Costa darted a furtive glance at me。  It troubled me。

 O'Keefe noted my hesitation。

〃Oh; I beg your pardon;〃 he said。  〃Maybe I oughn't to

have asked that?〃

〃It's no secret; Lieutenant;〃 I replied。  〃I'm about to under…

take some exploration worka little digging among the

ruins on the Nan…Matal。〃

I looked at the Portuguese sharply as I named the place。

A pallor crept beneath his skin and again he made swiftly

the sign of the cross; glancing as he did so fearfully to the

north。  I made up my mind then to question him when op…

portunity came。  He turned from his quick scrutiny of the

sea and addressed O'Keefe。

〃There's nothing on board to fit you; Lieutenant。〃

〃Oh; just give me a sheet to throw around me; Captain;〃

said O'Keefe and followed him。  Darkness had fallen; and as

the two disappeared into Da Costa's cabin I softly opened

the door of my own and listened。  Huldricksson was breath…

ing deeply and regularly。

I drew my electric…flash; and shielding its rays from my

face; looked at him。  His sleep was changing from the heavy

stupor of the drug into one that was at least on the border…

land of the normal。  The tongue had lost its arid blackness

and the mouth secretions had resumed action。  Satisfied as to

his condition I returned to deck。

O'Keefe was there; looking like a spectre in the cotton

sheet he had wrapped about him。  A deck table had been

cleated down and one of the Tonga boys was setting it for

our dinner。  Soon the very creditable larder of the Suwarna

dressed the board; and O'Keefe; Da Costa; and I attacked it。

The night had grown close and oppressive。  Behind us the

forward light of the Brunhilda glided and the binnacle lamp

threw up a faint glow in which her black helmsman's face

stood out mistily。  O'Keefe had looked curiously a number

of times at our tow; but had asked no questions。

〃You're not the only passenger we picked up today;〃 I

told him。  〃We found the captain of that sloop; lashed to his

wheel; nearly dead with exhaustion; and his boat deserted by

everyone except himself。〃

〃What was the matter?〃 asked O'Keefe in astonishment。

〃We don't know;〃 I answered。  〃He fought us; and I had

to drug him before we could get him loose from his lashings。

He's sleeping down in my berth now。  His wife and little girl

ought to have been on board; the captain here says; but

they weren't。〃

〃Wife and child gone!〃 exclaimed O'Keefe。

〃From the condition of his mouth he must have been

alone at the wheel and without water at least two days and

nights before we found him;〃 I replied。  〃And as for looking

for anyone on these waters after such a timeit's hopeless。〃

〃That's true;〃 said O'Keefe。  〃But his wife and baby!  Poor;

poor devil!〃

He was silent for a time; and then; at my solicitation; be…

gan to tell us more of himself。  He had been little more than

twenty when he had won his wings and entered the war。  He

had been seriously wounded at Ypres during the third year

of the struggle; and when he recovered the war was over。

Shortly after that his mother had died。  Lonely and restless;

he had re…entered the Air Service; and had remained in it

ever since。

〃And though the war's long over; I get homesick for the

lark's land with the German planes playing tunes on their

machine guns and their Archies tickling the soles of my

feet;〃 he sighed。  〃If you're in love; love to the limit; and if

you hate; why hate like the devil and if it's a fight you're in;

get where it's hottest and fight like hellif you don't life's

not worth the living;〃 sighed he。

I watched him as he talked; feeling my liking for him

steadily increasing。  If I could but have a man like this be…

side me on the path of unknown peril upon which I had set

my feet I thought; wistfully。  We sat and smoked a bit; sip…

ping the strong coffee the Portuguese made so well。

Da Costa at last relieved the Cantonese at the wheel。

O'Keefe and I drew chairs up to the rail。  The brighter stars

shone out dimly through a hazy sky; gleams of phosphores…

cence tipped the crests of the waves and sparkled with an

almost angry brilliance as the bow of the Suwarna tossed

them aside。  O'Keefe pulled contentedly at a cigarette。  The

glowing spark lighted the keen; boyish face and the blue

eyes; now black and brooding under the spell of the tropic


 〃Are you American or Irish; O'Keefe?〃 I asked suddenly。

 〃Why?〃 he laughed。

〃Because;〃 I answered; 〃from your name and your service

I would suppose you Irishbut your comm
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