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the moon pool-第12部分

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〃Sail he b'long port side!〃

Da Costa straightened and gazed while I raised my glass。

The vessel was a scant mile away; and must have been visible

long before the sleepy watcher had seen her。  She was a

sloop about the size of the Suwarna; without power。  All

sails set; even to a spinnaker she carried; she was making

the best of the little breeze。  I tried to read her name; but

the vessel jibed sharply as though the hands of the man at

the wheel had suddenly dropped the helmand then with

equal abruptness swung back to her course。  The stern came

in sight; and on it I read Brunhilda。

I shifted my glasses to the man at wheel。  He was crouch…

ing down over the spokes in a helpless; huddled sort of way;

and even as I looked the vessel veered again; abruptly as

before。  I saw the helmsman straighten up and bring the

wheel about with a vicious jerk。

He stood so for a moment; looking straight ahead; entirely

oblivious of us; and then seemed again to sink down within

himself。  It came to me that his was the action of a man striv…

ing vainly against a weariness unutterable。  I swept the deck

with my glasses。  There was no other sign of life。  I turned to

find the Portuguese staring intently and with puzzled air at

the sloop; now separated from us by a scant half mile。

〃Something veree wrong I think there; sair;〃 he said in

his curious English。  〃The man on deck I know。  He is cap…

tain and owner of the Br…rwun'ild。  His name Olaf Huldricks…

son; what you sayNorwegian。  He is eithair veree sick or

veree tiredbut I do not undweerstand where is the crew

and the starb'd boat is gone〃

He shouted an order to the engineer and as he did so the

faint breeze failed and the sails of the Brunhilda flapped

down inert。  We were now nearly abreast and a scant hun…

dred yards away。  The engine of the Suwarna died and the

Tonga boys leaped to one of the boats。

〃You Olaf Huldricksson!〃 shouted Da Costa。  〃What's a

matter wit' you?〃

The man at the wheel turned toward us。  He was a giant;

his shoulders enormous; thick chested; strength in every line

of him; he towered like a viking of old at the rudder bar of

his shark ship。

I raised the glass again; his face sprang into the lens and

never have I seen a visage lined and marked as though by

ages of unsleeping misery as was that of Olaf Huldricksson!

The Tonga boys had the boat alongside and were waiting

at the oars。  The little captain was dropping into it。

〃Wait!〃 I cried。  I ran into my cabin; grasped my emerg…

ency medical kit and climbed down the rope ladder。  The

Tonga boys bent to the oars。  We reached the side and Da

Costa and I each seized a lanyard dangling from the stays

and swung ourselves on board。  Da Costa approached Hul…

dricksson softly。

〃What's the matter; Olaf?〃 he beganand then was silent;

looking down at the wheel。  The hands of Huldricksson were

lashed fast to the spokes by thongs of thin; strong cord; they

were swollen and black and the thongs had bitten into the

sinewy wrists till they were hidden in the outraged flesh;

cutting so deeply that blood fell; slow drop by drop; at his

feet!  We sprang toward him; reaching out hands to his fetters

to loose them。  Even as we touched them; Huldricksson

aimed a vicious kick at me and then another at Da Costa

which sent the Portuguese tumbling into the scuppers。

〃Let be!〃 croaked Huldricksson; his voice was thick and

lifeless as though forced from a dead throat; his lips were

cracked and dry and his parched tongue was black。  〃Let be!

Go!  Let be!〃

 The Portuguese had picked himself up; whimpering with

rage and knife in hand; but as Huldricksson's voice reached

him he stopped。  Amazement crept into his eyes and as he

thrust the blade back into his belt they softened with pity。

〃Something veree wrong wit' Olaf;〃 he murmured to me。

〃I think he crazee!〃 And then Olaf Huldricksson began to

curse us。  He did not speakhe howled from that hideously

dry mouth his imprecations。  And all the time his red eyes

roamed the seas and his hands; clenched and rigid on the

wheel; dropped blood。

〃I go below;〃 said Da Costa nervously。  〃His wife; his

daughter〃 he darted down the companionway and was


Huldricksson; silent once more; had slumped down over

the wheel。

Da Costa's head appeared at the top of the companion


〃There is nobody; nobody;〃 he pausedthen〃nobody

nowhere!〃 His hands flew out in a gesture of hopeless in…

comprehension。  〃I do not understan'。〃

Then Olaf Huldricksson opened his dry lips and as he

spoke a chill ran through me; checking my heart。

〃The sparkling devil took them!〃 croaked Olaf Huldricks…

son; 〃the sparkling devil took them!  Took my Helma and my

little Freda!  The sparkling devil came down from the moon

and took them!〃

He swayed; tears dripped down his cheeks。  Da Costa

moved toward him again and again Huldricksson watched

him; alertly; wickedly; from his bloodshot eyes。

I took a hypodermic from my case and filled it with mor…

phine。  I drew Da Costa to me。

〃Get to the side of him;〃 I whispered; 〃talk to him。〃 He

moved over toward the wheel。

〃Where is your Helma and Freda; Olaf?〃 he said。

Huldricksson turned his head toward him。  〃The shining

devil took them;〃 he croaked。  〃The moon devil that


A yell broke from him。  I had thrust the needle into his

arm just above one swollen wrist and had quickly shot the

drug through。  He struggled to release himself and then be…

gan to rock drunkenly。  The morphine; taking him in his

weakness; worked quickly。  Soon over his face a peace

dropped。  The pupils of the staring eyes contracted。  Once;

twice; he swayed and then; his bleeding; prisoned hands held

high and still gripping the wheel; he crumpled to the deck。

With utmost difficulty we loosed the thongs; but at last it

was done。  We rigged a little swing and the Tonga boys slung

the great inert body over the side into the dory。  Soon we had

Huldricksson in my bunk。  Da Costa sent half his crew over

to the sloop in charge of the Cantonese。  They took in all sail;

stripping Huldricksson's boat to the masts and then with

the Brunhilda nosing quietly along after us at the end of a

long hawser; one of the Tonga boys at her wheel; we re…

sumed the way so enigmatically interrupted。

I cleansed and bandaged the Norseman's lacerated wrists

and sponged the blackened; parched mouth with warm water

and a mild antiseptic。

Suddenly I was aware of Da Costa's presence and turned。

His unease was manifest and held; it seemed to me; a queer;

furtive anxiety。

〃What you think of Olaf; sair?〃 he asked。  I shrugged my

shoulders。  〃You think he killed his woman and his babee?〃

He went on。  〃You think he crazee and killed all?〃

〃Nonsense; Da Costa;〃 I answered。  〃You saw the boat

was gone。  Most probably his crew mutinied and to torture

him tied hi
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