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the canadian dominion-第49部分

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icles of Canada〃; 1916) between them cover the whole period briefly。 L。 J。 Burpee's 〃Sandford Fleming〃 (1915) is one of the few biographies dealing with industrial as distinct from political leaders。 Imperial relations may be studied in G。 R。 Parkin's 〃Imperial Federation; the Problem of National Unity〃 (1892) and in L。 Curtis's 〃The Problem of the Commonwealth〃 (1916); which advocate imperial federation; and in R。 Jebb's 〃The Britannic Question; a Survey of Alternatives〃 (1913); J。 S。 Ewart's 〃The Kingdom Papers〃 (1912…); and A。 B。 Keith's 〃Imperial Unity and the Dominions〃 (1916); which criticize that solution from different standpoints。 The 〃Reports〃 of the Imperial Conferences of 1887; 1894; 1897; 1902; 1907; 1911; 1917; are of much value。 Relations with the United States are discussed judiciously in W。 A。 Dunning's 〃The British Empire and the United States〃 (1914)。 Phases of Canada's recent development other than political are covered best in the volumes of 〃Canada and its Provinces〃; a History of the Canadian people and their institutions; edited by A。 Shortt and A。 G。 Doughty。

A useful guide to recent books dealing with Canadian history will be found in the annual 〃Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada〃; published by the University of Toronto (1896 to date)。

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