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a woman of thirty-第56部分

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A shrill cry came from the garden。 She leaned carelessly out; as Pauline; not yet departed on her errand; called out for help; holding the Marquise in her arms。

〃Do not frighten my daughter!〃 those were the last words the mother uttered。

Moina saw them carry in a pale and lifeless form that struggled for breath; and arms moving restlessly as in protest or effort to speak; and overcome by the sight; Moina followed in silence; and helped to undress her mother and lay her on her bed。 The burden of her fault was greater than she could bear。 In that supreme hour she learned to know her mothertoo late; she could make no reparation now。 She would have them leave her alone with her mother; and when there was no one else in the room; when she felt that the hand which had always been so tender for her was now grown cold to her touch; she broke out into weeping。 Her tears aroused the Marquise; she could still look at her darling Moina; and at the sound of sobbing; that seemed as if it must rend the delicate; disheveled breast; could smile back at her daughter。 That smile taught the unnatural child that forgiveness is always to be found in the great deep of a mother's heart。

Servants on horseback had been dispatched at once for the physician and surgeon and for Mme。 d'Aiglemont's grandchildren。 Mme。 d'Aiglemont the younger and her little sons arrived with the medical men; a sufficiently impressive; silent; and anxious little group; which the servants of the house came to join。 The young Marquise; hearing no sound; tapped gently at the door。 That signal; doubtless; roused Moina from her grief; for she flung open the doors and stood before them。 No words could have spoken more plainly than that disheveled figure looking out with haggard eyes upon the assembled family。 Before that living picture of Remorse the rest were dumb。 It was easy to see that the Marquise's feet were stretched out stark and stiff with the agony of death; and Moina; leaning against the door…frame; looking into their faces; spoke in a hollow voice:

〃I have lost my mother!〃

PARIS; 1828…1844。

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