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a woman of thirty-第41部分

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〃God will repay you!〃 said the stranger; with a deep; involuntary sigh。

〃Have you weapons?〃 asked the General。

For all answer the stranger flung open his fur pelisse; and scarcely gave the other time for a glance before he wrapped it about him again。 To all appearance he was unarmed and in evening dress。 Swift as the soldier's scrutiny had been; he saw something; however; which made him exclaim:

〃Where the devil have you been to get yourself in such a mess in such dry weather?〃

〃More questions!〃 said the stranger haughtily。

At the words the Marquis caught sight of his son; and his own late homily on the strict fulfilment of a given word came up to his mind。 In lively vexation; he exclaimed; not without a touch of anger:

〃What! little rogue; you here when you ought to be in bed?〃

〃Because I thought I might be of some good in danger;〃 answered Gustave。

〃There; go up to your room;〃 said his father; mollified by the reply。 〃And you〃 (addressing the stranger); 〃come with me。〃

The two men grew as silent as a pair of gamblers who watch each other's play with mutual suspicions。 The General himself began to be troubled with ugly presentiments。 The strange visit weighed upon his mind already like a nightmare; but he had passed his word; there was no help for it now; and he led the way along the passages and stairways till they reached a large room on the second floor immediately above the salon。 This was an empty room where linen was dried in the winter。 It had but the one door; and for all decoration boasted one solitary shabby looking…glass above the chimney…piece; left by the previous owner; and a great pier glass; placed provisionally opposite the fireplace until such time as a use should be found for it in the rooms below。 The four yellowish walls were bare。 The floor had never been swept。 The huge attic was icy…cold; and the furniture consisted of a couple of rickety straw…bottomed chairs; or rather frames of chairs。 The General set the lantern down upon the chimney…piece。 Then he spoke:

〃It is necessary for your own safety to hide you in this comfortless attic。 And; as you have my promise to keep your secret; you will permit me to lock you in。〃

The other bent his head in acquiescence。

〃I asked for nothing but a hiding…place; secrecy; and water;〃 returned he。

〃I will bring you some directly;〃 said the Marquis; shutting the door cautiously。 He groped his way down into the salon for a lamp before going to the kitchen to look for a carafe。

〃Well; what is it?〃 the Marquise asked quickly。

〃Nothing; dear;〃 he returned coolly。

〃But we listened; and we certainly heard you go upstairs with somebody。〃

〃Helene;〃 said the General; and he looked at his daughter; who raised her face; 〃bear in mind that your father's honor depends upon your discretion。 You must have heard nothing。〃

The girl bent her head in answer。 The Marquise was confused and smarting inwardly at the way in which her husband had thought fit to silence her。

Meanwhile the General went for the bottle and a tumbler; and returned to the room above。 His prisoner was leaning against the chimney…piece; his head was bare; he had flung down his hat on one of the two chairs。 Evidently he had not expected to have so bright a light turned upon him; and he frowned and looked anxious as he met the General's keen eyes; but his face softened and wore a gracious expression as he thanked his protector。 When the latter placed the bottle and glass on the mantel…shelf; the stranger's eyes flashed out on him again; and when he spoke; it was in musical tones with no sign of the previous guttural convulsion; though his voice was still unsteady with repressed emotion。

〃I shall seem to you to be a strange being; sir; but you must pardon the caprices of necessity。 If you propose to remain in the room; I beg that you will not look at me while I am drinking。〃

Vexed at this continual obedience to a man whom he disliked; the General sharply turned his back upon him。 The stranger thereupon drew a white handkerchief from his pocket and wound it about his right hand。 Then he seized the carafe and emptied it at a draught。 The Marquis; staring vacantly into the tall mirror across the room; without a thought of breaking his implicit promise; saw the stranger's figure distinctly reflected by the opposite looking…glass; and saw; too; a red stain suddenly appear through the folds of the white bandage。 The man's hands were steeped in blood。

〃Ah! you saw me!〃 cried the other。 He had drunk off the water and wrapped himself again in his cloak; and now scrutinized the General suspiciously。 〃It is all over with me! Here they come!〃

〃I don't hear anything;〃 said the Marquis。

〃You have not the same interest that I have in listening for sounds in the air。〃

〃You have been fighting a duel; I suppose; to be in such a state?〃 queried the General; not a little disturbed by the color of those broad; dark patches staining his visitor's cloak。

〃Yes; a duel; you have it;〃 said the other; and a bitter smile flitted over his lips。

As he spoke a sound rang along the distant road; a sound of galloping horses; but so faint as yet; that it was the merest dawn of a sound。 The General's trained ear recognized the advance of a troop of regulars。

〃That is the gendarmerie;〃 said he。

He glanced at his prisoner to reassure him after his own involuntary indiscretion; took the lamp; and went down to the salon。 He had scarcely laid the key of the room above upon the chimney…piece when the hoof beats sounded louder and came swiftly nearer and nearer the house。 The General felt a shiver of excitement; and indeed the horses stopped at the house door; a few words were exchanged among the men; and one of them dismounted and knocked loudly。 There was no help for it; the General went to open the door。 He could scarcely conceal his inward perturbation at the sight of half a dozen gendarmes outside; the metal rims of their caps gleaming like silver in the moonlight。

〃My lord;〃 said the corporal; 〃have you heard a man run past towards the barrier within the last few minutes?〃

〃Towards the barrier? No。〃

〃Have you opened the door to any one?〃

〃Now; am I in the habit of answering the door myself〃

〃I ask your pardon; General; but just now it seems to me that〃

〃Really!〃 cried the Marquis wrathfully。 〃Have you a mind to try joking with me? What right have you?〃

〃None at all; none at all; my lord;〃 cried the corporal; hastily putting in a soft answer。 〃You will excuse our zeal。 We know; of course; that a peer of France is not likely to harbor a murderer at this time of night; but as we want any information we can get〃

〃A murderer!〃 cried the General。 〃Who can have been〃

〃M。 le Baron de Mauny has just been murdered。 It was a blow from an axe; and we are in hot pursuit of the criminal。 We know for certain that he is somewhere in this neighborhood; and we shall hunt him down。 By your leave; General;〃 and the man swung himself into the saddle as he spoke。 It was well that he did so; for a corporal of gendarmerie trained to alert observation and quick surmise would have had his suspicions at once if he had caught sight of the General's face。 Everything that pass
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