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a woman of thirty-第40部分

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y growing up between them; a mystery known only to themselves and God。

〃Come; Abel;〃 called the Marquise; seizing on her opportunity when the children were tired of play and still for a moment。 〃Come; come; child; you must be put to bed〃

And with a glance that must be obeyed; she caught him up and took him on her knee。

〃What!〃 exclaimed the General。 〃Half…past ten o'clock; and not one of the servants has come back! The rascals!Gustave;〃 he added; turning to his son; 〃I allowed you to read that book only on the condition that you should put it away at ten o'clock。 You ought to have shut up the book at the proper time and gone to bed; as you promised。 If you mean to make your mark in the world; you must keep your word; let it be a second religion to you; and a point of honor。 Fox; one of the greatest English orators; was remarkable; above all things; for the beauty of his character; and the very first of his qualities was the scrupulous faithfulness with which he kept his engagements。 When he was a child; his father (an Englishman of the old school) gave him a pretty strong lesson which he never forgot。 Like most rich Englishmen; Fox's father had a country house and a considerable park about it。 Now; in the park there was an old summer…house; and orders had been given that this summer…house was to be pulled down and put up somewhere else where there was a finer view。 Fox was just about your age; and had come home for the holidays。 Boys are fond of seeing things pulled to pieces; so young Fox asked to stay on at home for a few days longer to see the old summer…house taken down; but his father said that he must go back to school on the proper day; so there was anger between father and son。 Fox's mother (like all mammas) took the boy's part。 Then the father solemnly promised that the summer…house should stay where it was till the next holidays。

〃So Fox went back to school; and his father; thinking that lessons would soon drive the whole thing out of the boy's mind; had the summer…house pulled down and put up in the new position。 But as it happened; the persistent youngster thought of nothing but that summer… house; and as soon as he came home again; his first care was to go out to look at the old building; and he came in to breakfast looking quite doleful; and said to his father; 'You have broken your promise。' The old English gentleman said with confusion full of dignity; 'That is true; my boy; but I will make amends。 A man ought to think of keeping his word before he thinks of his fortune; for by keeping his word he will gain fortune; while all the fortunes in the world will not efface the stain left on your conscience by a breach of faith。' Then he gave orders that the summer…house should be put up again in the old place; and when it had been rebuilt he had it taken down again for his son to see。 Let this be a lesson to /you/; Gustave。〃

Gustave had been listening with interest; and now he closed the book at once。 There was a moment's silence; while the General took possession of Moina; who could scarcely keep her eyes open。 The little one's languid head fell back on her father's breast; and in a moment she was fast asleep; wrapped round about in her golden curls。

Just then a sound of hurrying footsteps rang on the pavement out in the street; immediately followed by three knocks on the street door; waking the echoes of the house。 The reverberating blows told; as plainly as a cry for help that here was a man flying for his life。 The house dog barked furiously。 A thrill of excitement ran through Helene and Gustave and the General and his wife; but neither Abel; with the night…cap strings just tied under his chin; nor Moina awoke。

〃The fellow is in a hurry!〃 exclaimed the General。 He put the little girl down on the chair; and hastened out of the room; heedless of his wife's entreating cry; 〃Dear; do not go down〃

He stepped into his own room for a pair of pistols; lighted a dark lantern; sprang at lightning speed down the staircase; and in another minute reached the house door; his oldest boy fearlessly following。

〃Who is there?〃 demanded he。

〃Let me in;〃 panted a breathless voice。

〃Are you a friend?〃

〃Yes; friend;〃

〃Are you alone?〃

〃Yes! But let me in; /they/ are after me!〃

The General had scarcely set the door ajar before a man slipped into the porch with the uncanny swiftness of a shadow。 Before the master of the house could prevent him; the intruder had closed the door with a well…directed kick; and set his back against it resolutely; as if he were determined that it should not be opened again。 In a moment the General had his lantern and pistol at a level with the stranger's breast; and beheld a man of medium height in a fur…lined pelisse。 It was an old man's garment; both too large and too long for its present wearer。 Chance or caution had slouched the man's hat over his eyes。

〃You can lower your pistol; sir;〃 said this person。 〃I do not claim to stay in your house against your will; but if I leave it; death is waiting for me at the barrier。 And what a death! You would be answerable to God for it! I ask for your hospitality for two hours。 And bear this in mind; sir; that; suppliant as I am; I have a right to command with the despotism of necessity。 I want the Arab's hospitality。 Either I and my secret must be inviolable; or open the door and I will go to my death。 I want secrecy; a safe hiding…place; and water。 Oh! water!〃 he cried again; with a rattle in his throat。

〃Who are you?〃 demanded the General; taken aback by the stranger's feverish volubility。

〃Ah! who am I? Good; open the door; and I will put a distance between us;〃 retorted the other; and there was a diabolical irony in his tone。

Dexterously as the Marquis passed the light of the lantern over the man's face; he could only see the lower half of it; and that in nowise prepossessed him in favor of this singular claimant of hospitality。 The cheeks were livid and quivering; the features dreadfully contorted。 Under the shadow of the hat…brim a pair of eyes gleamed out like flames; the feeble candle…light looked almost dim in comparison。 Some sort of answer must be made however。

〃Your language; sir; is so extraordinary that in my place you yourself〃

〃My life is in your hands!〃 the intruder broke in。 The sound of his voice was dreadful to hear。

〃Two hours?〃 said the Marquis; wavering。

〃Two hours;〃 echoed the other。

Then quite suddenly; with a desperate gesture; he pushed back his hat and left his forehead bare; and; as if he meant to try a final expedient; he gave the General a glance that seemed to plunge like a vivid flash into his very soul。 That electrical discharge of intelligence and will was swift as lightning and crushing as a thunderbolt; for there are moments when a human being is invested for a brief space with inexplicable power。

〃Come; whoever you may be; you shall be in safety under my roof;〃 the master of the house said gravely at last; acting; as he imagined; upon one of those intuitions which a man cannot always explain to himself。

〃God will repay you!〃 said the stranger; with a deep; involuntary sigh。

〃Have you weapons?〃 asked the General。

For all answer the stranger flung open 
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