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a woman of thirty-第36部分

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her I shivered。 What fearful ordeal awaited her when she should return to her husband; the judge before whom she must stand all her days? And here with her was an inseparable; incorruptible witness。 A child's forehead is transparent; a child's face hides no thoughts; and a lie; like a red flame set within glows out red that colors even the eyes。 But the unhappy woman had not thought as yet of the punishment awaiting her at home; she was staring into the Bievre。

Such an event must inevitably send ghastly echoes through a woman's life; and here is one of the most terrible of the reverberations that troubled Julie's love from time to time。

Several years had gone by。 The Marquis de Vandenesse wore mourning for his father; and succeeded to his estates。 One evening; therefore; after dinner it happened that a notary was present in his house。 This was no pettifogging lawyer after Sterne's pattern; but a very solid; substantial notary of Paris; one of your estimable men who do a stupid thing pompously; set down a foot heavily upon your private corn; and then ask what in the world there is to cry out about? If; by accident; they come to know the full extent of the enormity; 〃Upon my word;〃 cry they; 〃I hadn't a notion!〃 This was a well…intentioned ass; in short; who could see nothing in life but deeds and documents。

Mme。 de Aiglemont had been dining with M。 de Vandenesse; her husband had excused himself before dinner was over; for he was taking his two children to the play。 They were to go to some Boulevard theatre or other; to the Ambigu…Comique or the Gaiete; sensational melodrama being judged harmless here in Paris; and suitable pabulum for childhood; because innocence is always triumphant in the fifth act。 The boy and girl had teased their father to be there before the curtain rose; so he had left the table before dessert was served。

But the notary; the imperturbable notary; utterly incapable of asking himself why Mme。 d'Aiglemont should have allowed her husband and children to go without her to the play; sat on as if he were screwed to his chair。 Dinner was over; dessert had been prolonged by discussion; and coffee delayed。 All these things consumed time; doubtless precious; and drew impatient movements from that charming woman; she looked not unlike a thoroughbred pawing the ground before a race; but the man of law; to whom horses and women were equally unknown quantities; simply thought the Marquise a very lively and sparkling personage。 So enchanted was he to be in the company of a woman of fashion and a political celebrity; that he was exerting himself to shine in conversation; and taking the lady's forced smile for approbation; talked on with unflagging spirit; till the Marquise was almost out of patience。

The master of the house; in concert with the lady; had more than once maintained an eloquent silence when the lawyer expected a civil reply; but these significant pauses were employed by the talkative nuisance in looking for anecdotes in the fire。 M。 de Vandenesse had recourse to his watch; the charming Marquise tried the experiment of fastening her bonnet strings; and made as if she would go。 But she did not go; and the notary; blind and deaf; and delighted with himself; was quite convinced that his interesting conversational powers were sufficient to keep the lady on the spot。

〃I shall certainly have that woman for a client;〃 said he to himself。

Meanwhile the Marquise stood; putting on her gloves; twisting her fingers; looking from the equally impatient Marquis de Vandenesse to the lawyer; still pounding away。 At every pause in the worthy man's fire of witticisms the charming pair heaved a sigh of relief; and their looks said plainly; 〃At last! He is really going!〃

Nothing of the kind。 It was a nightmare which could only end in exasperating the two impassioned creatures; on whom the lawyer had something of the fascinating effect of a snake on a pair of birds; before long they would be driven to cut him short。

The clever notary was giving them the history of the discreditable ways in which one du Tillet (a stockbroker then much in favor) had laid the foundations of his fortune; all the ins and outs of the whole disgraceful business were accurately put before them; and the narrator was in the very middle of his tale when M。 de Vandenesse heard the clock strike nine。 Then it became clear to him that his legal adviser was very emphatically an idiot who must be sent forthwith about his business。 He stopped him resolutely with a gesture。

〃The tongs; my lord Marquis?〃 queried the notary; handing the object in question to his client。

〃No; monsieur; I am compelled to send you away。 Mme。 d'Aiglemont wishes to join her children; and I shall have the honor of escorting her。〃

〃Nine o'clock already! Time goes like a shadow in pleasant company;〃 said the man of law; who had talked on end for the past hour。

He looked for his hat; planted himself before the fire; with a suppressed hiccough; and; without heeding the Marquise's withering glances; spoke once more to his impatient client:

〃To sum up; my lord Marquis。 Business before all things。 To…morrow; then; we must subpoena your brother; we will proceed to make out the inventory; and faith; after that〃

So ill had the lawyer understood his instructions; that his impression was the exact opposite to the one intended。 It was a delicate matter; and Vandenesse; in spite of himself; began to put the thick…headed notary right。 The discussion which followed took up a certain amount of time。

〃Listen;〃 the diplomatist said at last at a sign from the lady; 〃You are puzzling my brains; come back to…morrow; and if the writ is not issued by noon to…morrow; the days of grace will expire; and then〃

As he spoke; a carriage entered the courtyard。 The poor woman turned sharply away at the sound to hide the tears in her eyes。 The Marquis rang to give the servant orders to say that he was not at home; but before the footman could answer the bell; the lady's husband reappeared。 He had returned unexpectedly from the Gaiete; and held both children by the hand。 The little girl's eyes were red; the boy was fretful and very cross。

〃What can have happened?〃 asked the Marquise。

〃I will tell you by and by;〃 said the General; and catching a glimpse through an open door of newspapers on the table in the adjoining sitting…room; he went off。 The Marquise; at the end of her patience; flung herself down on the sofa in desperation。 The notary; thinking it incumbent upon him to be amiable with the children; spoke to the little boy in an insinuating tone:

〃Well; my little man; and what is there on at the theatre?〃

〃/The Valley of the Torrent/;〃 said Gustave sulkily。

〃Upon my word and honor;〃 declared the notary; 〃authors nowadays are half crazy。 /The Valley of the Torrent/! Why not the Torrent of the Valley? It is conceivable that a valley might be without a torrent in it; now if they had said the Torrent of the Valley; that would have been something clear; something precise; something definite and comprehensible。 But never mind that。 Now; how is the drama to take place in a torrent and in a valley? You will tell me that in these days the principal attraction lie
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