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a woman of thirty-第34部分

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〃His stupidity is really beyond anything!〃



Between the Barriere d'Italie and the Barriere de la Sante; along the boulevard which leads to the Jardin des Plantes; you have a view of Paris fit to send an artist or the tourist; the most /blase/ in matters of landscape; into ecstasies。 Reach the slightly higher ground where the line of boulevard; shaded by tall; thick…spreading trees; curves with the grace of some green and silent forest avenue; and you see spread out at your feet a deep valley populous with factories looking almost countrified among green trees and the brown streams of the Bievre or the Gobelins。

On the opposite slope; beneath some thousands of roofs packed close together like heads in a crowd; lurks the squalor of the Faubourg Saint…Marceau。 The imposing cupola of the Pantheon; and the grim melancholy dome of the Val…du…Grace; tower proudly up above a whole town in itself; built amphitheatre…wise; every tier being grotesquely represented by a crooked line of street; so that the two public monuments look like a huge pair of giants dwarfing into insignificance the poor little houses and the tallest poplars in the valley。 To your left behold the observatory; the daylight; pouring athwart its windows and galleries; producing such fantastical strange effects that the building looks like a black spectral skeleton。 Further yet in the distance rises the elegant lantern tower of the Invalides; soaring up between the bluish pile of the Luxembourg and the gray tours of Saint… Sulpice。 From this standpoint the lines of the architecture are blended with green leaves and gray shadows; and change every moment with every aspect of the heavens; every alteration of light or color in the sky。 Afar; the skyey spaces themselves seem to be full of buildings; near; wind the serpentine curves of waving trees and green footpaths。

Away to your right; through a great gap in this singular landscape; you see the canal Saint…Martin; a long pale stripe with its edging of reddish stone quays and fringes of lime avenue。 The long rows of buildings beside it; in genuine Roman style; are the public granaries。

Beyond; again; on the very last plane of all; see the smoke…dimmed slopes of Belleville covered with houses and windmills; which blend their freaks of outline with the chance effects of cloud。 And still; between that horizon; vague as some childish recollection; and the serried range of roofs in the valley; a whole city lies out of sight: a huge city; engulfed; as it were; in a vast hollow between the pinnacles of the Hopital de la Pitie and the ridge line of the Cimetiere de l'Est; between suffering on the one hand and death on the other; a city sending up a smothered roar like Ocean grumbling at the foot of a cliff; as if to let you know that 〃I am here!〃

When the sunlight pours like a flood over this strip of Paris; purifying and etherealizing the outlines; kindling answering lights here and there in the window panes; brightening the red tiles; flaming about the golden crosses; whitening walls and transforming the atmosphere into a gauzy veil; calling up rich contrasts of light and fantastic shadow; when the sky is blue and earth quivers in the heat; and the bells are pealing; then you shall see one of the eloquent fairy scenes which stamp themselves for ever on the imagination; a scene that shall find as fanatical worshipers as the wondrous views of Naples and Byzantium or the isles of Florida。 Nothing is wanting to complete the harmony; the murmur of the world of men and the idyllic quiet of solitude; the voices of a million human creatures and the voice of God。 There lies a whole capital beneath the peaceful cypresses of Pere…Lachaise。

The landscape lay in all its beauty; sparkling in the spring sunlight; as I stood looking out over it one morning; my back against a huge elm…tree that flung its yellow flowers to the wind。 At the sight of the rich and glorious view before me; I thought bitterly of the scorn with which even in our literature we affect to hold this land of ours; and poured maledictions on the pitiable plutocrats who fall out of love with fair France; and spend their gold to acquire the right of sneering at their own country; by going through Italy at a gallop and inspecting that desecrated land through an opera…glass。 I cast loving eyes on modern Paris。 I was beginning to dream dreams; when the sound of a kiss disturbed the solitude and put philosophy to flight。 Down the sidewalk; along the steep bank; above the rippling water; I saw beyond the Ponte des Gobelins the figure of a woman; dressed with the daintiest simplicity; she was still young; as it seemed to me; and the blithe gladness of the landscape was reflected in her sweet face。 Her companion; a handsome young man; had just set down a little boy。 A prettier child has never been seen; and to this day I do not know whether it was the little one or his mother who received the kiss。 In their young faces; in their eyes; their smile; their every movement; you could read the same deep and tender thought。 Their arms were interlaced with such glad swiftness; they drew close together with such marvelous unanimity of impulse that; conscious of nothing but themselves; they did not so much as see me。 A second child; howevera little girl; who had turned her back upon them in sullen discontent threw me a glance; and the expression in her eyes startled me。 She was as pretty and engaging as the little brother whom she left to run about by himself; sometimes before; sometimes after their mother and her companion; but her charm was less childish; and now; as she stood mute and motionless; her attitude and demeanor suggested a torpid snake。 There was something indescribably mechanical in the way in which the pretty woman and her companion paced up and down。 In absence of mind; probably; they were content to walk to and fro between the little bridge and a carriage that stood waiting nearby at a corner in the boulevard; turning; stopping short now and again; looking into each other's eyes; or breaking into laughter as their casual talk grew lively or languid; grave or gay。

I watched this delicious picture a while from my hiding…place by the great elm…tree; and should have turned away no doubt and respected their privacy; if it had not been for a chance discovery。 In the face of the brooding; silent; elder child I saw traces of thought overdeep for her age。 When her mother and the young man at her side turned and came near; her head was frequently lowered; the furtive sidelong glances of intelligence that she gave the pair and the child her brother were nothing less than extraordinary。 Sometimes the pretty woman or her friend would stroke the little boy's fair curls; or lay a caressing finger against the baby throat or the white collar as he played at keeping step with them; and no words can describe the shrewd subtlety; the ingenuous malice; the fierce intensity which lighted up that pallid little face with the faint circles already round the eyes。 Truly there was a man's power of passion in the strange…looking; delicate little girl。 Here were traces of suffering or of thought in her; and which is the more certain token of death when li
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