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a woman of thirty-第30部分

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irty satisfies every requirement; the young girl must satisfy none; under penalty of ceasing to be a young girl。 Such ideas as these; developing in a young man's mind; help to strengthen the strongest of all passions; a passion in which all spontaneous and natural feeling is blended with the artificial sentiment created by conventional manners。

The most important and decisive step in a woman's life is the very one that she invariably regards as the most insignificant。 After her marriage she is no longer her own mistress; she is the queen and the bond…slave of the domestic hearth。 The sanctity of womanhood is incompatible with social liberty and social claims; and for a woman emancipation means corruption。 If you give a stranger the right of entry into the sanctuary of home; do you not put yourself at his mercy? How then if she herself bids him enter it? Is not this an offence; or; to speak more accurately; a first step towards an offence? You must either accept this theory with all its consequences; or absolve illicit passion。 French society hitherto has chosen the third and middle course of looking on and laughing when offences come; apparently upon the Spartan principle of condoning the theft and punishing clumsiness。 And this system; it may be; is a very wise one。 'Tis a most appalling punishment to have all your neighbors pointing the finger of scorn at you; a punishment that a woman feels in her very heart。 Women are tenacious; and all of them should be tenacious of respect; without esteem they cannot exist; esteem is the first demand that they make of love。 The most corrupt among them feels that she must; in the first place; pledge the future to buy absolution for the past; and strives to make her lover understand that only for irresistible bliss can she barter the respect which the world henceforth will refuse to her。

Some such reflections cross the mind of any woman who for the first time and alone receives a visit from a young man; and this especially when; like Charles de Vandenesse; the visitor is handsome or clever。 And similarly there are not many young men who would fail to base some secret wish on one of the thousand and one ideas which justify the instinct that attracts them to a beautiful; witty; and unhappy woman like the Marquise d'Aiglemont。

Mme。 d'Aiglemont; therefore; felt troubled when M。 de Vandenesse was announced; and as for him; he was almost confused in spite of the assurance which is like a matter of costume for a diplomatist。 But not for long。 The Marquise took refuge at once in the friendliness of manner which women use as a defence against the misinterpretations of fatuity; a manner which admits of no afterthought; while it paves the way to sentiment (to make use of a figure of speech); tempering the transition through the ordinary forms of politeness。 In this ambiguous position; where the four roads leading respectively to Indifference; Respect; Wonder; and Passion meet; a woman may stay as long as she pleases; but only at thirty years does she understand all the possibilities of the situation。 Laughter; tenderness; and jest are all permitted to her at the crossing of the ways; she has acquired the tact by which she finds all the responsive chords in a man's nature; and skill in judging the sounds which she draws forth。 Her silence is as dangerous as her speech。 You will never read her at that age; nor discover if she is frank or false; nor how far she is serious in her admissions or merely laughing at you。 She gives you the right to engage in a game of fence with her; and suddenly by a glance; a gesture of proved potency; she closes the combat and turns from you with your secret in her keeping; free to offer you up in a jest; free to interest herself in you; safe alike in her weakness and your strength。

Although the Marquise d'Aiglemont took up her position upon this neutral ground during the first interview; she knew how to preserve a high womanly dignity。 The sorrows of which she never spoke seemed to hang over her assumed gaiety like a light cloud obscuring the sun。 When Vandenesse went out; after a conversation which he had enjoyed more than he had thought possible; he carried with him the conviction that this was like to be too costly a conquest for his aspirations。

〃It would mean sentiment from here to yonder;〃 he thought; 〃and correspondence enough to wear out a deputy second…clerk on his promotion。 And yet if I really cared〃

Luckless phrase that has been the ruin of many an infatuated mortal。 In France the way to love lies through self…love。 Charles went back to Mme。 d'Aiglemont; and imagined that she showed symptoms of pleasure in his conversion。 And then; instead of giving himself up like a boy to the joy of falling in love; he tried to play a double role。 He did his best to act passion and to keep cool enough to analyze the progress of this flirtation; to be lover and diplomatist at once; but youth and hot blood and analysis could only end in one way; over head and ears in love; for; natural or artificial; the Marquise was more than his match。 Each time he went out from Mme。 d'Aiglemont; he strenuously held himself to his distrust; and submitted the progressive situations of his case to a rigorous scrutiny fatal to his own emotions。

〃To…day she gave me to understand that she has been very unhappy and lonely;〃 said he to himself; after the third visit; 〃and that but for her little girl she would have longed for death。 She was perfectly resigned。 Now as I am neither her brother nor her spiritual director; why should she confide her troubles to /me/? She loves me。〃

Two days later he came away apostrophizing modern manners。

〃Love takes on the hue of every age。 In 1822 love is a doctrinaire。 Instead of proving love by deeds; as in times past; we have taken to argument and rhetoric and debate。 Women's tactics are reduced to three shifts。 In the first place; they declare that we cannot love as they love。 (Coquetry! the Marquise simply threw it at me; like a challenge; this evening!) Next they grow pathetic; to appeal to our natural generosity or self…love; for does it not flatter a young man's vanity to console a woman for a great calamity? And lastly; they have a craze for virginity。 She must have thought that I thought her very innocent。 My good faith is like to become an excellent speculation。〃

But a day came when every suspicious idea was exhausted。 He asked himself whether the Marquise was not sincere; whether so much suffering could be feigned; and why she should act the part of resignation? She lived in complete seclusion; she drank in silence of a cup of sorrow scarcely to be guessed unless from the accent of some chance exclamation in a voice always well under control。 From that moment Charles felt a keen interest in Mme。 d'Aiglemont。 And yet; though his visits had come to be a recognized thing; and in some sort a necessity to them both; and though the hour was kept free by tacit agreement; Vandenesse still thought that this woman with whom he was in love was more clever than sincere。 〃Decidedly; she is an uncommonly clever woman;〃 he used to say to himself as he went away。

When he came into the room; there was the Marquise in her favorite attitude; me
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