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a woman of thirty-第29部分

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The way in which the Marquise leaned both elbows on the arm of her chair; the toying of her interclasped fingers; the curve of her throat; the indolent lines of her languid but lissome body as she lay back in graceful exhaustion; as it were; her indolent limbs; her unstudied pose; the utter lassitude of her movements;all suggested that this was a woman for whom life had lost its interest; a woman who had known the joys of love only in dreams; a woman bowed down by the burden of memories of the past; a woman who had long since despaired of the future and despaired of herself; an unoccupied woman who took the emptiness of her own life for the nothingness of life。

Charles de Vandenesse saw and admired the beautiful picture before him; as a kind of artistic success beyond an ordinary woman's powers of attainment。 He was acquainted with d'Aiglemont; and now; at the first sight of d'Aiglemont's wife; the young diplomatist saw at a glance a disproportionate marriage; an incompatibility (to use the legal jargon) so great that it was impossible that the Marquise should love her husband。 And yetthe Marquise d'Aiglemont's life was above reproach; and for any observer the mystery about her was the more interesting on this account。 The first impulse of surprise over; Vandenesse cast about for the best way of approaching Mme。 d'Aiglemont。 He would try a commonplace piece of diplomacy; he thought; he would disconcert her by a piece of clumsiness and see how she would receive it。

〃Madame;〃 he said; seating himself near her; 〃through a fortunate indiscretion I have learned that; for some reason unknown to me; I have had the good fortune to attract your notice。 I owe you the more thanks because I have never been so honored before。 At the same time; you are responsible for one of my faults; for I mean never to be modest again〃

〃You will make a mistake; monsieur;〃 she laughed; 〃vanity should be left to those who have nothing else to recommend them。〃

The conversation thus opened ranged at large; in the usual way; over a multitude of topicsart and literature; politics; men and things till insensibly they fell to talking of the eternal theme in France and all the world overlove; sentiment; and women。

〃We are bond…slaves。〃

〃You are queens。〃

This was the gist and substance of all the more or less ingenious discourse between Charles and the Marquise; as of all such discourses past; present; and to come。 Allow a certain space of time; and the two formulas shall begin to mean 〃Love me;〃 and 〃I will love you。〃

〃Madame;〃 Charles de Vandenesse exclaimed under his breath; 〃you have made me bitterly regret that I am leaving Paris。 In Italy I certainly shall not pass hours in intellectual enjoyment such as this has been。〃

〃Perhaps; monsieur; you will find happiness; and happiness is worth more than all the brilliant things; true and false; that are said every evening in Paris。〃

Before Charles took leave; he asked permission to pay a farewell call on the Marquise d'Aiglemont; and very lucky did he feel himself when the form of words in which he expressed himself for once was used in all sincerity; and that night; and all day long on the morrow; he could not put the thought of the Marquise out of his mind。

At times he wondered why she had singled him out; what she had meant when she asked him to come to see her; and thought supplied an inexhaustible commentary。 Again it seemed to him that he had discovered the motives of her curiosity; and he grew intoxicated with hope or frigidly sober with each new construction put upon that piece of commonplace civility。 Sometimes it meant everything; sometimes nothing。 He made up his mind at last that he would not yield to this inclination; andwent to call on Mme。 d'Aiglemont。

There are thoughts which determine our conduct; while we do not so much as suspect their existence。 If at first sight this assertion appears to be less a truth than a paradox; let any candid inquirer look into his own life and he shall find abundant confirmation therein。 Charles went to Mme。 d'Aiglemont; and so obeyed one of these latent; pre…existent germs of thought; of which our experience and our intellectual gains and achievements are but later and tangible developments。

For a young man a woman of thirty has irresistible attractions。 There is nothing more natural; nothing better established; no human tie of stouter tissue than the heart…deep attachment between such a woman as the Marquise d'Aiglemont and such a man as Charles de Vandenesse。 You can see examples of it every day in the world。 A girl; as a matter of fact; has too many young illusions; she is too inexperienced; the instinct of sex counts for too much in her love for a young man to feel flattered by it。 A woman of thirty knows all that is involved in the self…surrender to be made。 Among the impulses of the first; put curiosity and other motives than love; the second acts with integrity of sentiment。 The first yields; the second makes deliberate choice。 Is not that choice in itself an immense flattery? A woman armed with experience; forewarned by knowledge; almost always dearly bought; seems to give more than herself; while the inexperienced and credulous girl; unable to draw comparisons for lack of knowledge; can appreciate nothing at its just worth。 She accepts love and ponders it。 A woman is a counselor and a guide at an age when we love to be guided and obedience is delight; while a girl would fain learn all things; meeting us with a girl's /naivete/ instead of a woman's tenderness。 She affords a single triumph; with a woman there is resistance upon resistance to overcome; she has but joy and tears; a woman has rapture and remorse。

A girl cannot play the part of a mistress unless she is so corrupt that we turn from her with loathing; a woman has a thousand ways of preserving her power and her dignity; she has risked so much for love; that she must bid him pass through his myriad transformations; while her too submissive rival gives a sense of too serene security which palls。 If the one sacrifices her maidenly pride; the other immolates the honor of a whole family。 A girl's coquetry is of the simplest; she thinks that all is said when the veil is laid aside; a woman's coquetry is endless; she shrouds herself in veil after veil; she satisfies every demand of man's vanity; the novice responds but to one。

And there are terrors; fears; and hesitationstrouble and storm in the love of a woman of thirty years; never to be found in a young girl's love。 At thirty years a woman asks her lover to give her back the esteem she has forfeited for his sake; she lives only for him; her thoughts are full of his future; he must have a great career; she bids him make it glorious; she can obey; entreat; command; humble herself; or rise in pride; times without number she brings comfort when a young girl can only make moan。 And with all the advantages of her position; the woman of thirty can be a girl again; for she can play all parts; assume a girl's bashfulness; and grow the fairer even for a mischance。

Between these two feminine types lies the immeasurable difference which separates the foreseen from the unforeseen; strength from weakness。 The woman of thirt
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