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a woman of thirty-第23部分

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man who thought; a self that suffered and a self that could fain suffer no longer。 Her mind traveled back to the joys of childish days; they had gone by; and she had never known how happy they were。 Scenes crowded up in her memory as in a bright mirror glass; to demonstrate the deception of a marriage which; all that it should be in the eyes of the world; was in reality wretched。 What had the delicate pride of young womanhood done for herthe bliss foregone; the sacrifices made to the world? Everything in her expressed love; awaited love; her movements still were full of perfect grace; her smile; her charm; were hers as before; why? she asked herself。 The sense of her own youth and physical loveliness no more affected her than some meaningless reiterated sound。 Her very beauty had grown intolerable to her as a useless thing。 She shrank aghast from the thought that through the rest of life she must remain an incomplete creature; had not the inner self lost its power of receiving impressions with that zest; that exquisite sense of freshness which is the spring of so much of life's gladness? The impressions of the future would for the most part be effaced as soon as received; and many of the thoughts which once would have moved her now would move her no more。

After the childhood of the creature dawns the childhood of the heart; but this second infancy was over; her lover had taken it down with him into the grave。 The longings of youth remained; she was young yet; but the completeness of youth was gone; and with that lost completeness the whole value and savor of life had diminished somewhat。 Should she not always bear within her the seeds of sadness and mistrust; ready to grow up and rob emotion of its springtide of fervor? Conscious she must always be that nothing could give her now the happiness so longed for; that seemed so fair in her dreams。 The fire from heaven that sheds abroad its light in the heart; in the dawn of love; had been quenched in tears; the first real tears which she had shed; henceforth she must always suffer; because it was no longer in her power to be what once she might have been。 This is a belief which turns us in aversion and bitterness of spirit from any proffered new delight。

Julie had come to look at life from the point of view of age about to die。 Young though she felt; the heavy weight of joyless days had fallen upon her; and left her broken…spirited and old before her time。 With a despairing cry; she asked the world what it could give her in exchange for the love now lost; by which she had lived。 She asked herself whether in that vanished love; so chaste and pure; her will had not been more criminal than her deeds; and chose to believe herself guilty; partly to affront the world; partly for her own consolation; in that she had missed the close union of body and soul; which diminishes the pain of the one who is left behind by the knowledge that once it has known and given joy to the full; and retains within itself the impress of that which is no more。

Something of the mortification of the actress cheated of her part mingled with the pain which thrilled through every fibre of her heart and brain。 Her nature had been thwarted; her vanity wounded; her woman's generosity cheated of self…sacrifice。 Then; when she had raised all these questions; set vibrating all the springs in those different phases of being which we distinguish as social; moral; and physical; her energies were so far exhausted and relaxed that she was powerless to grasp a single thought amid the chase of conflicting ideas。

Sometimes as the mists fell; she would throw her window open; and would stay there; motionless; breathing in unheedingly the damp earthly scent in the air; her mind to all appearance an unintelligent blank; for the ceaseless burden of sorrow humming in her brain left her deaf to earth's harmonies and insensible to the delights of thought。

One day; towards noon; when the sun shone out for a little; her maid came in without a summons。

〃This is the fourth time that M。 le Cure has come to see Mme。 la Marquise; to…day he is so determined about it; that we did not know what to tell him。〃

〃He has come to ask for some money for the poor; no doubt; take him twenty…five louis from me。〃

The woman went only to return。

〃M。 le Cure will not take the money; my lady; he wants to speak to you。〃

〃Then let him come!〃 said Mme。 d'Aiglemont; with an involuntary shrug which augured ill for the priest's reception。 Evidently the lady meant to put a stop to persecution by a short and sharp method。

Mme。 d'Aiglemont had lost her mother in her early childhood; and as a natural consequence in her bringing…up; she had felt the influence of the relaxed notions which loosened the hold of religion upon France during the Revolution。 Piety is a womanly virtue which women alone can really instil; and the Marquise; a child of the eighteenth century; had adopted her father's creed of philosophism; and practised no religious observances。 A priest; to her way of thinking; was a civil servant of very doubtful utility。 In her present position; the teaching of religion could only poison her wounds; she had; moreover; but scanty faith in the lights of country cures; and made up her mind to put this one gently but firmly in his place; and to rid herself of him; after the manner of the rich; by bestowing a benefit。

At first sight of the cure the Marquise felt no inclination to change her mind。 She saw before her a stout; rotund little man; with a ruddy; wrinkled; elderly face; which awkwardly and unsuccessfully tried to smile。 His bald; quadrant…shaped forehead; furrowed by intersecting lines; was too heavy for the rest of his face; which seemed to be dwarfed by it。 A fringe of scanty white hair encircled the back of his head; and almost reached his ears。 Yet the priest looked as if by nature he had a genial disposition; his thick lips; his slightly curved nose; his chin; which vanished in a double fold of wrinkles; all marked him out as a man who took cheerful views of life。

At first the Marquise saw nothing but these salient characteristics; but at the first word she was struck by the sweetness of the speaker's voice。 Looking at him more closely; she saw that the eyes under the grizzled eyebrows had shed tears; and his face; turned in profile; wore so sublime an impress of sorrow; that the Marquise recognized the man in the cure。

〃Madame la Marquise; the rich only come within our province when they are in trouble。 It is easy to see that the troubles of a young; beautiful; and wealthy woman; who has lost neither children nor relatives; are caused by wounds whose pangs religion alone can soothe。 Your soul is in danger; madame。 I am not speaking now of the hereafter which awaits us。 No; I am not in the confessional。 But it is my duty; is it not; to open your eyes to your future life here on earth? You will pardon an old man; will you not; for importunity which has your own happiness for its object?〃

〃There is no more happiness for me; monsieur。 I shall soon be; as you say; in your province; but it will be for ever。〃

〃Nay; madame。 You will not die of this pain which lies heavy upon you; and can be read in your face。 If you
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