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children of the whirlwind-第76部分

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〃It's just about what I would expect of Miss Sherwood;〃 Larry commented。

〃Excuse me;〃 said a voice behind them。 〃I found the door open; may I come in?〃

Both men turned quickly。 Entering was Miss Sherwood。

〃Isabel!〃 exclaimed the happy painter。 〃I was just telling Larry hereyou know!〃

Miss Sherwood's tone tried to be severe; and she tried not to smile and she succeeded in being just herself。

〃I came to talk business with Mr。 Brainard。 And I'm going to stay to talk business with Mr。 Brainard。 But I'll give him five seconds for congratulationsprovided at the end of the five seconds Mr。 Hunt gets out of the room。〃

Larry congratulated the two; congratulated them as warmly as he felt his as yet dubious position in this company warranted。 At the end of the five seconds Hunt was closing the door upon his back。

〃I've always loved himand I want to thank you; Mr。 Brainard;〃 she said with her simple directness。 And before Larry could make response of any kind; she shifted the subject。

〃I really came in to see you on business; Mr。 Brainard。 I hope I made my attitude toward you clear enough last night。 If I did not; let me say now that I think you have made good in every particularand that I trust you in every particular。 What I wished especially to say now;〃 she went on briskly; giving Larry no chance to stammer out his appreciation; 〃is that I wish to go ahead without any delay with your proposition for developing the Sherwood properties in New York City which we discussed some time ago。 A former objection you raised is now removed: you are cleared; and are free to work in the open。 I want you to take charge of affairs; with Dick working beside you。 I think it will be Dick's big chance。 I've talked it over with him this morning; and he's eager for the arrangement。 I hope you are not going to refuse the offer this time。〃

〃I can'tnot such an offer as that;〃 Larry said huskily。 〃But; Miss Sherwood; I didn't expect〃

〃Then it's settled;〃 she interrupted with her brisk tone。 〃There'll be a lot of details; but we'll have plenty of time to talk them over later。〃 She stood up。 〃There are some changes here at Cedar Crest which I want begun at once and which I want you to supervise。 If you don't mind we'll look things over now。〃

He followed beside her along the curving; graveled walks。 She headed toward the cliff; but he had no idea where she was leading until a sharp turn brought them almost upon the low cottage which these last few weeks had been Joe Ellison's home。

〃Here is where we start our changes;〃 said the business…like Miss Sherwood。 〃The door's open; so we might as well go right in。〃

They stepped into a tiny entry; and from thence into a little sitting… room。 The room was filled with cut flowers; but Larry did not even see them。 For as they entered; Maggie sprang up; startled; from a chair; and; whiter than she had been before in all her life; gazed at him as if she wanted to run away。 She stood trembling and slender in a linen frock of most simple and graceful lines。 It was Miss Sherwood's frock; though Larry did not know this; already it had been decided that all those showy Grantham gowns were never to be worn again。

Once more Miss Sherwood came to the rescue of a stupendous situation; just as her tact had rescued a situation too great for words the night before。

〃Of course you two people now perceive that I'm a fraudthat I've got you together by base trickery。 So much being admitted; let's proceed。〃 She turned on Larry。 〃Maggiewe've agreed that I am to call her that… …Maggie stayed with me last night。 There are two beds in my room。 But we didn't sleep much。 Mostly we talked。 If there's anything Maggie didn't tell me about herself; I can't guess what there's left to tell。 According to herself; she's terrible。 But that's for us to judge; personally I don't believe her。 She confessed that she really loved you; but that after the way she'd treated you; of course she wasn't fit for you。 Which; of course; is just a girl's nonsense。 I suppose you; Mr。 Brainard; are thinking something of the sort regarding your own self。 It is equally nonsense。 You both love each otheryou've both been through a lotnothing of importance now stands between you… …so don't waste any of your too short lives in coming together。〃

She took a deep breath and went on。 〃You might as well know; Mr。 Brainard; that Maggie is going to live with me for the presentthat; of course; she is going to be a very great burden to meand it will be a great favor to me if you'll marry her soon and take her off my hands。〃 And then the voice that had tried to keep itself brisk and even; quavered with a sudden sob。 〃For Heaven's sake; dear children don't be fools!〃

And with that she was gone。

For an instant Larry continued to gaze at Maggie's slender; trembling figure。 But something approaching a miraclea very human miraclehad just happened。 All those doubts; fears; indecisions; unexpressed desires; agonies of self…abasement; which might have delayed their understanding and happiness for weeks and months; had been swept into nothingness by the incisive kindliness of Miss Sherwood。 In one minute she had said all they might have said in months; there was nothing more to say。 There was nothing left of the past to discuss。 Before them was only the fact of that immediate moment; and the future。

Tremblingly; silently; Larry crossed to that trembling; silent figure in white。 She did not retreat。 Tremblingly he took her hands and looked down into her dark eyes。 They were now flowing tears; but they met his squarely; holding back nothing。 The look in her eyes answered all he desired to know just then; for he gathered her tight into his arms。 Wordlessly; but with a sharp; convulsive sob; she threw her arms about his neckand thus embracing; shaken with sharp sobs; they stood while the minutes passed; not a single word having been spoken。 And so it was that these two; both children of the storm; at last came together。 。 。 。

Presently Joe Ellison chanced to step unsuspectingly into the room。 Seeing what he did; he silently tiptoed out。 There was a garden chair just outside his door。 Into this he sank and let his thin face fall into his hands。 His figure shook and hot tears burned through his fingers。 For his heart told him that his great dream was at last come true。

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