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children of the whirlwind-第3部分

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 to like him; to accept him as almost one of themselves; though of course they looked down upon him with amused pity for his imbecility regarding his paintings。

〃Get out of here;〃 continued Hunt; 〃or cut out all this noise that comes from your having a brain that rattles。 I've got to work。〃

Hunt turned again to his easel; and Old Jimmie; still grinning; lowered himself into a chair; lit a cigar; and winked at Barney。 Hunt; with brush poised; regarded Maggie a moment。

〃You there; Maggie;〃 he ordered; 〃chin up a bit more; some flash in your eyes; more pep in your bearingas though you were asking all the dames of the Winter Garden; and the Charity Ball; and the Horse Show; and that gang of tea…swilling women at the Ritzmore you sell cigarettes toas though you were asking them all who the dickens they think they are 。。。 O God; can't you do anything!〃

〃I'm doing the best I can; and I look more like those dames than you look like a painter!〃

〃Shut up! I'm paying you a dollar an hour to pose; not to talk back to me。 And you'd have more respect for my money if you knew how hard I had to work to earn it: carrying a motor car around in each hand。 Wash off that scowl and try to look as I said 。。。 There; that's better。 Hold it。〃

He began to paint rapidly; with quick glances back and forth between the canvas and Maggie。 Maggie's dress was just the ordinary shirt… waist and skirt that the shopgirl and her sisters wear; Hunt had ordered it so。 She was above the medium height; with thick black hair tinted with shadowy blue; long dark lashes; dark scimitars of eyebrows; a full; firm mouth; a nose with just the right tilt to it all effective points for Hunt in what he wished to do。 But what had attracted him most and given him his idea was her look; hardly pertness; or impudencerather a cynical; mature; defiant certainty in herself。

Erect in her cheap shirt…waist; she gazed off into space with a smiling; confident challenge to all the world。 Hunt was trying to make his picture a true portraitand also make it a symbol of many things which still were only taking shape in his own mind: of beauty rising from the gutter to overcome beauty of more favored birth; and to reign above it; also of a lower stratum surging up and breaking through the upper stratum; becoming a part of it; or assimilating it; or conquering it。 Leading families replaced by other families; classes replaced by other classes; nations replaced by other nationssuch was the inevitable social processso read the records of the fifty or sixty centuries since history began to be written。 Oh; he was trying to say a lot in this portrait of a girl of ordinary birtheven less than ordinaryin her cheap shirt…waist and skirt!

And it pleased the sardonic element in Hunt's unmoral nature that this Maggie; through whom he was trying to symbolize so much; he knew to be a petty larcenist: shoplifting and matters of similar consequence。 She had been cynically frank about this to him; casual; almost boastful。 Her possessing a bent toward such activities was hardly to be wondered at; with her having Old Jimmie as her father; and the Duchess as a landlady; and having for acquaintances such gentlemen as Barney Palmer and this returning prison…bird; Larry Brainard。

But petty crime; thought Hunt; would not be Maggie's forte if she developed her possibilities。 With her looks; her boldness; her cleverness; she had the makings of a magnificent adventuress。 As he painted; he wondered what she was going to do; and become; and he watched her not only with a painter's eye intent upon the present; but with keen speculation upon the future。


Presently Hunt's mind shifted to Larry Brainard; whom Barney Palmer and Old Jimmie Carlisle had come here to see。 Hunt had a mind curious about every thing and every one; and blustering; bullying creature though he was; he had the gift; possessed by but few; of audaciously thrusting himself into other people's affairs without arousing their resentment。 He was keen to learn Maggie's attitude toward Larry; and he spoke not so much to gain knowledge of Larry as to draw her out。

〃This Larrywhat sort of chap is he; Maggie?〃 As with most artists; talking did not interfere with Hunt's painting。

Warm color slowly tinted Maggie's cheeks。 〃He's clever;〃 she said positively。 〃You already know that。 But I was only a girl when he was sent away。〃

Hunt smiled at her idea of her present maturity; implied by her last sentence。 〃But you lived with the Duchess for a year before he was sent away。 You must have seen a lot of him; and got to know him well。〃

〃Oh; he used to come down now and then to see his grandmotherI was only fifteen or sixteen thenjust a girl; and he didn't pay much attention to me。 Father can tell you better just how smart he is。〃

Old Jimmie spoke up promptly。 He knew Hunt was not a police stool; and he liked the painter as much as it was in him to like any man; so he felt none of the reserve or caution that might have controlled him in other company。

〃You bet Larry's smart! Got the quickest brain of any con man in the businessand him only about twenty…seven now。 Some think I'm a smooth proposition myself; but Larry puts it all over me。 That's why I'm willing to let him be my boss。 He's a wonder at thinking up new stunts; and then at working out safe new ways of putting them across。〃

〃But the police landed him at last;〃 commented Hunt。

〃Yes; but that was only because another man muffed his end of the job。〃

The handsome Barney Palmer had been restless during Old Jimmie's eulogy。 〃Oh; Larry's all to the goodbut he's not the only party that's got real ideas。〃

〃Huh!〃 grunted Old Jimmie。 〃But you'll remember that we haven't put over any big ones since Larry's been in stir。〃

〃That's been because you wouldn't listen to any of my ideas!〃 retorted Barney。 〃And I handed out some peaches。〃

Even during the period of Larry's active reign it had irked Barney to accept another man as leader; and it had irked him even more during the interregnum while Larry was guest of the State。 For Barney believed in his own Napoleonic strain。

〃Don't let yourself get sore; Barney;〃 Old Jimmie said appeasingly。 〃You'll have plenty of chances to try out your ideas as the main guy before you cash in。 You know the outfit wanted to lay low for a while; anyhow。 But we'll be putting over a lot of the big stuff when Larry gets out。〃

Hunt had noted a quick light come into Maggie's dark eyes while her father praised the absent leader。 He himself suddenly perceived a new possibility。

〃Maggie; ever think about teaming up with Larry?〃 he demanded; with his audacious keenness。

She flushed; and hesitated。 He did not wait for her slow…coming reply; but turned to her father。

〃Jimmie; did Larry ever use women in his stunts?〃

〃Never。 Whenever we suggested using a skirt; Larry absolutely said there was nothing doing。 That's one point where he was all wrong。 Nothing helps so much; when the sucker is at all sentimental; as a clever; good…looking woman。 And Larry'll come around to it all right。 He'll see the sense of it; now that he's older and has had two years to think things over。〃

Old Jimmie nodded; showing his yellow teet
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