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children of the whirlwind-第2部分

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 matter of the portrait; and resumed the really important matter which had brought him to her。

〃Are you certain; Maggie; that the Duchess hasn't heard from Larry?〃

〃If she has; she hasn't mentioned it。 But why don't you ask her yourself?〃

〃I did; but she wouldn't say a thing。 You can't get a word out of the Duchess with a jimmy; unless she wants to talkand she never wants to talk。〃 He turned his sharp; narrowly set eyes upon the lean old man。 〃It's got me guessing; Jimmie。 Larry was due out of Sing Sing yesterday; and we haven't had a peep from him; and though she won't talk I'm sure he hasn't been here to see his grandmother。〃

〃Sure is funny;〃 agreed Old Jimmie。 〃But mebbe Larry has broke straight into a fresh game and is playing a lone hand。 He's a quick worker; Larry isand he's got nerve。〃

〃Well; whatever's keeping him we're tied up till Larry comes。〃 Barney turned back to Maggie。 〃I say; sister; how about robing yourself in your raiment of joy and coming with yours truly to a palace of jazz; there to dine and show the populace what real dancing is?〃

〃Can't; Barney。 Mr。 Hunt〃the name given the painter at his original christening〃asked the Duchess and me to have dinner up here。 He's to cook it himself。〃

〃For your sake I hope he cooks better than he paints。〃 And sliding down in his chair until he rested upon a more comfortable vertebra; the elegant Barney lit a monogrammed cigarette; and with idle patience swung his bamboo stick。

〃You're half an hour late; Maggie;〃 Hunt began at her again in his rumbling voice。 〃Can't stand for such a waste of my time!〃

〃How about my time?〃 retorted Maggie; who indeed had a grievance。 〃I was supposed to have the day off; but instead I had to carry that tray of cigarettes around till the last person in the Ritzmore had finished lunch。 Anyhow;〃 she added; 〃I don't see that your time's worth so much when you spend it on such painty messes as these。〃

〃It's not up to you to tell me what my time's worth!〃 retorted Hunt。 〃I pay youthat's enough for you!。。。 Because you weren't on time; I stuck Old Jimmie out there to finish off this picture。 I'll be through with the old cut…throat in ten minutes。 Be ready to take his place。〃

〃All right;〃 said Maggie sulkily。

For all his roaring she was not much afraid of the painter。 While his brushes flicked at; and streaked across; the canvas she stood idly watching him。 He was in paint…smeared; baggy trousers and a soft shirt whose open collar gave a glimpse of a deep chest matted with hair and whose rolled…up sleeves revealed forearms that seemed absurdly large to be fiddling with those slender sticks。 A crowbar would have seemed more in harmony。 He was unromantically oldall of thirty…five Maggie guessed; and with his square; rough…hewn face and tousled; reddish hair he was decidedly ugly。 But for the fact that he really did work though of course his work was foolishand the fact that he paid his wayhe bought little; but no one could beat him by so much as a penny in a bargain; not even the DuchessMaggie might have considered him as one of the many bums who floated purposelessly through that drab region。

Also; had there not been so many queer people coming and going in this neighborhoodEads Howe; the hobo millionaire; settlement workers; people who had grown rich and old in their business and preferred to live near itMaggie might have regarded Hunt with more curiosity; and even with suspicion; but down here one accepted queer people as a matter of course; the only fear being that secretly they might be police or government agents; which Maggie and the others knew very well Hunt was not。 When Hunt had rented this attic as a studio they had accepted his explanation that he had taken it because it was cheap and he could afford to pay no more。 Likewise they had accepted his explanation that he was a mechanic by trade who had roughed it all over the world and was possessed with an itch for painting; that lately he had worked in various garages; that it was his habit to hoard his money till he got a bit ahead and then go off on a painting spree。 All these admissions were indubitably plausible; for his paintings seemed the unmistakable handiwork of an irresponsible; hard… fisted motor mechanic。

Maggie shifted to her other foot and glanced casually at the canvases which leaned against the walls of the shabby studio。 There was the Duchess: incredibly old; the face a web of wrinkles; the lips indrawn over toothless and shrunken gums。 the nose a thin; curved beak; the eyes deep…set; gleaming; inscrutable; watching; and drawn tight over the haireven Maggie did not know whether that hair was a wig or the Duchess'sthe faded Oriental shawl which was fastened beneath her chin and which fell over her thin; bent chest。 There was O'Flaherty; the good…natured policeman on the beat。 There was the old watchmaker next door。 There was Black Hurley; the notorious gang leader; who sometimes swaggered into the district like a dirty and evil feudal lord。 There was a Jewish pushcart peddler; white…bearded and skull… capped。 There was an Italian mother sitting on the curb; her feet in the gutter; smiling down at the baby that was hungrily suckling at her milk…heavy breast。 And so on; and so on。 Just the ordinary; uninteresting things Maggie saw around the block。 There was not a single pretty picture in the lot。

Hunt swung the canvas from his easel and stood it against the wall。 〃That'll be all for you; Jimmie。 Beat it and make room for Maggie。 Maggie; take your same pose。〃

Old Jimmie ambled forward and gazed at his portrait as Hunt was settling an unfinished picture on his easel。 It had rather amused Jimmie and filled in his idle time to sit for the crazy painter; and; incidentally; another picture of him would do him no particular harm since the police already had all the pictures they needed of him over at Headquarters。 As he gazed at Hunt's work Old Jimmie snickered。

〃I say; Nuts; what you goin' to do with this mess of paint?〃

〃Going to sell it to the Metropolitan Museum; you old sinner!〃 snapped Hunt。

Old Jimmie cackled at the joke。 He knew pictures; that is; good pictures。 He had had an invisible hand in more than one clever transaction in which handsome pictures alleged to have been smuggled in; Gainsboroughs and Romneys and such (there had been most profit for him in handling the forgeries of these particular masters); had been put; with an air of great secrecy; into the hands of divers newly rich gentlemen who believed they were getting masterpieces at bargain prices through this evasion of customs laws。

〃Nuts;〃 chuckled Old Jimmie; 〃this junk wouldn't be so funny if you didn't seem to believe you were really painting。〃

〃Junk! Funny!〃 Hunt swung around; one big hand closed about Jimmie's lean neck and the other seized his thin shoulder。 〃You grandfather of the devil and all his male progeny; you talk like that and I'll chuck you through the window!〃

Old Jimmie grinned。 The grip of the big hands of the painter; though powerful; was light。 They all knew that the loud ravings of the painter never presaged violence。 They had grown to like him; to accept him as almost one of themselves; though of course they looked down upon him 
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