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animal heroes(动物英雄)-第22部分

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doubtful trails; following the Dogs; who either could not keep the big trail 

or feared to do so; and again and again we had news of damage done by 

the Wolf; sometimes a cowboy would report it to us; and sometimes we 

found   the   carcasses   ourselves。 A  few   of   these   we   poisoned;   though   it   is 

considered a very dangerous thing to do while running Dogs。 The end of 

the month found us a weather…beaten; dispirited lot of men; with a worn… 

out lot of Horses; and a foot…sore   pack; reduced in numbers from ten   to 

seven。     So  far   we   had   killed   only   one   Gray…wolf     and   three   Coyotes; 

Badlands Billy had killed at least a dozen Cows and Dogs at fifty dollars a 

head。 Some of the boys decided to give it up and go home; so King took 

advantage   of   their   going;   to   send   a   letter;   asking   for   re 雗 forcements 

including all the spare Dogs at the ranch。 

     During the two days' wait we rested our Horses; shot some game; and 

prepared for a harder hunt。 Late on the second day the new Dogs arrived 

eight beautiesand raised the working pack to fifteen。 

     The weather now turned much cooler; and in the morning; to the joy of 

the wolvers; the ground was white with snow。 This surely meant success。 

With cool weather for the Dogs and Horses to run; with the big Wolf not 


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                                      Animal Heroes 

far away; for he had been heard the night before; and with tracking snow; 

so that once found he could not baffle us;escape for him was impossible。 

We were up at dawn; but before we could get away; three men came riding 

into camp。 They were the Penroof boys back again。 The change of weather 

had changed their minds; they knew that with snow we might have luck。 

     〃Remember   now;〃   said   King;   as   all   were   mounting;   〃we   don't   want 

any   but   Badlands   Billy   this   trip。   Get   him   an'   we   kin   bust   up   the   hull 

combination。 It is a five…and…a…half…inch track。〃 

     And each measured off on his quirt handle; or on his glove; the exact 

five and a half inches that was to be used in testing the tracks he might 


     Not more than an hour elapsed before we got a signal from the rider 

who had gone westward。 One shot: that means 〃attention;〃 a pause while 

counting ten; then two shots: that means 〃come on。〃 

     King gathered the Dogs and rode direct to the distant figure on the hill。 

All hearts beat high with hope; and we were not disappointed。 Some small 

Wolf tracks had been found; but here at last was the big track; nearly six 

inches long。 Young Penroof wanted to yell and set out at full gallop。 It was 

like   hunting   a   Lion;   it   was   like   finding   happiness   long   deferred。   The 

hunter knows nothing more inspiring than the clean…cut line of fresh tracks 

that is leading to a wonderful animal;  he has long been hunting in vain。 

How King's eye gleamed as he gloated over the sign! 


                                RUN DOWN AT LAST 

     It was the roughest of all rough riding。 It was a far longer hunt than we 

had expected; and was full of little incidents; for that endless line of marks 

was a minute history of all that the big Wolf had done the night before。 

Here he had circled at the telephone box and looked for news; there he had 

paused     to  examine     an   old  skull;   here   he  had    shied   off  and   swung 

cautiously up wind to examine something that proved to be an old tin can; 

there at length he had mounted a low hill and sat down; probably giving 

the    muster…howl;     for   two   Wolves     had   come     to  him    from    different 

directions; and they then had descended to the river flat where the Cattle 


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would seek shelter during the storm。 Here all three had visited a Buffalo 

skull;   there   they   trotted   in   line;   and   yonder   they   separated;   going   three 

different   ways;   to   meetyeshereoh;   what   a   sight;   a   fine   Cow   ripped 

open; left dead and uneaten。 Not to their taste; it seems; for see! within a 

mile is another killed by them。 Not six hours ago; they had feasted。 Here 

their trails scatter again; but not far; and the snow tells plainly how each 

had lain down to sleep。 The Hounds' manes bristled as they sniffed those 

places。 King had held the Dogs well in hand; but now they were greatly 

excited。 We came to a hill whereon the Wolves had turned and faced our 

way; then fled at full speed;so said the trail;and now it was clear that 

they had watched us from that hill; and were not far away。 

     The     pack   kept    well   together;    because     the  Greyhounds;        seeing    no 

quarry;   were   merely   puttering   about   among   the   other   Dogs;   or   running 

back with the Horses。 We went as fast as we could; for the Wolves were 

speeding。   Up   mesas   and   down   coulees   we   rode;   sticking   closely   to   the 

Dogs; though it was the roughest country that could be picked。 One gully 

after another; an hour and another hour; and still the threefold track went 

bounding   on;   another   hour   and   no   change;   but   interminable   climbing; 

sliding;   struggling;   through   brush   and   over   boulders;   guided   by   the   far… 

away yelping of the Dogs。 

     Now   the   chase   led   downward   to   the   low   valley   of   the   river;   where 

there     was    scarcely    any    snow。    Jumping      and    scrambling      down     hills; 

recklessly   leaping   dangerous   gullies   and   slippery   rocks;   we   felt   that   we 

could not hold out much longer; when on the lowest; dryest level the pack 

split;   some   went   up;   some   went   down;   and   others   straight   on。   Oh;   how 

King did swear! He knew at once what it meant。 The Wolves had scattered; 

and   so   had   divided   the   pack。   Three   Dogs   after   a   Wolf   would   have   no 

chance; four could not kill him; two would certainly be killed。 And yet this 

was the first encouraging sign we had seen; for it meant that the Wolves 

were hard pressed。 We spurred ahead to stop the Dogs; to pick for them 

the   only   trail。   But   that   was   not   so   easy。   Without   snow   here   and   with 

countless Dog tracks; we were foiled。 All we could do was to let the Dogs 

choose; but keep them to a single choice。 Away we went as before; hoping; 

yet fearing that we were not on the right track。 The Dogs ran well; very 


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fast indeed。 This was a bad sign; King said; but we could not get sight of 

the track because the Dogs overran it before we came。 

     After a two
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