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shorter logic-第63部分

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subsists and only has proper ties; is all a product of the reflective understanding
which; while it observes and professes to record only what it observes; is rather
creating a metaphysic; bristling with contradictions of which it is unconscious。 

ESSENCE: Second Subdivision of The Logic;
                          B。 APPEARANCE

       World of Appearance … Content & Form … Relation


The Essence must appear or shine forth。 Its shining or reflection in it is the
suspension and translation of it to immediacy; which; while as reflection…into…self
it is matter or subsistence; is also form; reflection…on…something…else; a
subsistence which sets itself aside。 To show or shine is the characteristic by which
essence is distinguished from Being … by which it is essence; and it is this show
which; when it is developed; shows itself; and is Appearance。 Essence
accordingly is not something beyond or behind appearance; but … just because it is
the essence which exists … the existence is Appearance (Forth…shining)。 

                                  § 131n
Existence stated explicitly in its contradiction is Appearance。 But appearance (forth…showing) is
not to be confused with a mere show (shining)。 Show is the proximate truth of Being or
immediacy。 The immediate; instead of being; as we suppose; something independent; resting on its
own self; is a mere show; and as such it is packed or summed up under the simplicity of the
immanent essence。 The essence is; in the first place; the sum total of the showing itself; shining in
itself (inwardly); but; far from abiding in this inwardness; it comes as a ground forward into
existence; and this existence being grounded not in itself; but on something else; is just appearance。
In our imagination we ordinarily combine with the term appearance or phenomenon the conception
of an indefinite congeries of things existing; the being of which is purely relative; and which
consequently do not rest on a foundation of their own; but are esteemed only as passing stages。
But in this conception it is no less implied that essence dose not linger behind or beyond
appearance。 Rather it is; we may say; the infinite kindness which lets its own show freely issue into
immediacy; and graciously allows it the joy of existence。 The appearance which is thus created
does not stand on its own feet; and has its being not in itself but in something else。 。。。 

Appearance is in every way a very important grade of the logical idea。 It may be said to be the
distinction of philosophy from ordinary consciousness that it sees the merely phenomenal character
of what the latter supposes to have a self…subsistent being。 The significance of appearance
however must be properly grasped; or mistakes will arise。 To say that anything is mere
appearance may be misinterpreted to mean that; as compared to what is merely phenomenal;
there is greater truth in the immediate; in that which is。 Now; in strict fact; the case is precisely the

Appearance is higher than mere Being … a richer category because it holds in combination the two
elements of reflection…into…self and reflection…into…other: whereas Being (or immediacy) is still
mere relationlessness; and apparently rests upon itself alone。 Still; to say that anything is only an
appearance suggests a real flaw; which consists in this; that Appearance is still divided against itself
and without intrinsic stability。 Beyond and above mere appearance comes in the first place
Actuality; the third grade of Essence; of which we shall afterwards speak。 

In the history of Modern Philosophy; Kant has the merit of first rehabilitating this distinction
between the common and the philosophic modes of thought。 He stopped half…way; however;
when he attached to Appearance a subjective meaning only; and put the abstract essence
immovable outside it as the thing…in…itself beyond the reach of our cognition。 

For it is the very nature of the world of immediate objects to be appearance only。 Knowing it to
be so; we know at the same time; the essence; which; far from staying behind or beyond the
appearance; rather manifests its own essentiality by deposing the world to a mere appearance。
One can hardly quarrel with the plain man who; in his desire for totality; cannot acquiesce in the
doctrine of subjective idealism; that we are solely concerned with phenomena。 

The plain man; however; in his desire to save the objectivity of knowledge; may very naturally
return to abstract immediacy and maintain that immediacy to be true and actual。 In a little work
published under the title A Report; Clear as Day; to the Larger Public touching the Proper
Nature of the Latest Philosophy: an Attempt to force the Reader to understand; Fichte
examined the opposition between subjective idealism and immediate consciousness in a popular
form; under the shape of a dialogue between the author and the reader; and tried hard to prove
that the subjective idealist's view was right。 In this dialogue the reader complains to the author that
he has completely failed to place himself in the idealist's position; and is inconsolable in the thought
that things around him are not real things but mere appearances。 The affliction of the reader can
scarcely be blamed when he is expected to consider himself hemmed in by an impervious circle of
purely subjective conceptions。 Apart from this subjective view of Appearance; however; we have
all reason to rejoice that the things which environ us are appearances and not steadfast and
independent existences; since in that case we should soon perish of hunger; both bodily and

                    (a) The World of Appearances §132

The Apparent or Phenomenal exists in such a way that its subsistence is ipso
facto thrown into abeyance or suspended and is only one stage in the form itself。
The form embraces in it the matter or subsistence as one of its characteristics。 In
this way the phenomenal has its ground in this (form) as its essence; its
reflection…into…self in contrast with its immediacy; but; in so doing; has it only in
another aspect of the form。 This ground of its is no less phenomenal than itself;
and the phenomenon accordingly goes on to an endless mediation of subsistence
by means of form; and thus equally by non…subsistence。 This endless
intermediation is at the same time a unity of self…relation; and existence is
developed into a totality; into a world of phenomena … of reflected finitude。 

                           (b) Content and Form

Outside one another as the phenomena in this phenomenal world are; they form a
totality; and are wholly contained in their self…relatedness。 In this way the
self…relation of the phenomenon is completely specified; it has the Form in itself:
and because it is in this identity; has it as essential subsistence。 So it comes about
that the form is Content: and in its phase is the Law of the Phenomenon。 When
the form; on the contrary; is not reflected into self; it is equivalent to the negative
of the phenomenon; to the non…independent and changeable: 
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