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the evolution of theology-第7部分

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the rendering of mutual good offices; but chiefly because Paouda

believed he had discovered that B。 was his father…in…law。

And his grounds for this singular conviction were very

remarkable。 We had made a long stay at Cape York hard by;

and; in accordance with a theory which is widely spread among

the Australians; that white men are the reincarnated spirits of

black men; B。 was held to be the ghost; or narki; of a

certain Mount Ernest native; one Antarki; who had lately died;

on the ground of some real or fancied resemblance to the latter。

Now Paouda had taken to wife a daughter of Antarki's; named

Domani; and as soon as B。 informed him that he was the ghost of

Antarki; Paouda at once admitted the relationship and acted upon

it。 For; as all the women on the island had hidden away in fear

of the ship; and we were anxious to see what they were like; B。

pleaded pathetically with Paouda that it would be very unkind

not to let him see his daughter and grandchildren。 After a good

deal of hesitation and the exaction of pledges of deep secrecy;

Paouda consented to take B。; and myself as B。's friend; to see

Domani and the three daughters; by whom B。 was received quite as

one of the family; while I was courteously welcomed on

his account。

This scene made an impression upon me which is not yet effaced。

It left no question on my mind of the sincerity of the strange

ghost theory of these savages; and of the influence which their

belief has on their practical life。 I had it in my mind; as well

as many a like result of subsequent anthropological studies;

when; in 1869; I wrote as follows:

There are savages without God in any proper sense of the word;

but none without ghosts。 And the Fetishism; Ancestor…worship;

Hero…worship; and Demonology of primitive savages are all; I

believe; different manners of expression of their belief in

ghosts; and of the anthropomorphic interpretation of out…of…the…

way events which is its concomitant。 Witchcraft and sorcery are

the practical expressions of these beliefs; and they stand in

the same relation to religious worship as the simple

anthropomorphism of children or savages does to theology。

I do not quote myself with any intention of making a claim to

originality in putting forth this view; for I have since

discovered that the same conception is virtually contained in

the great 〃Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle〃 of Bossuet; now

more than two centuries old:

Le culte des hommes morta faisoit presque tout le fond de

l'idolatrie; presque tous les hommes sacrificient aux manes;

c'est…a…dire aux ames des morts。 De si anciennes erreurs nous

font voir a la verite combien etoit ancienne la croyance de

l'immortalite de l'ame; et nous montrent qu'elle doit etre

rangee parmi les premieres traditions du genre humain。

Mais l'homme; qui gatoit tout; en avoit etrangement abuse;

puisqu'elle le portoit a sacrificer aux morts。 On alloit meme

jusqu'a cet exces; de leur sacrifier des hommes vivans; ou tuoit

leurs esclaves; et meme leurs femmes; pour les aller servir dans

l'autre monde。〃

Among more modern writers J。 G。 Muller; in his excellent

〃Geschichte der amerikanischen Urreligionen〃 (1855); clearly

recognises 〃gespensterhafter Geisterglaube〃 as the foundation of

all savage and semi…civilised theology; and I need do no more

than mention the important developments of the same view which

are to be found in Mr。 Tylor's 〃Primitive Culture;〃 and in the

writings of Mr。 Herbert Spencer; especially his recently…

published 〃Ecclesiastical Institutions。〃

It is a matter of fact that; whether we direct our attention to

the older conditions of civilised societies; in Japan; in China;

in Hindostan; in Greece; or in Rome; we find; underlying all

other theological notions; the belief in ghosts; with its

inevitable concomitant sorcery; and a primitive cult; in the

shape of a worship of ancestors; which is essentially an attempt

to please; or appease their ghosts。 The same thing is true of

old Mexico and Peru; and of all the semi…civilised or savage

peoples who have developed a definite cult; and in those who;

like the natives of Australia; have not even a cult; the belief

in; and fear of; ghosts is as strong as anywhere else。 The most

clearly demonstrable article of the theology of the Israelites

in the eleventh and twelfth centuries B。C。 is therefore simply

the article which is to be found in all primitive theologies;

namely; the belief that a man has a soul which continues to

exist after death for a longer or shorter time; and may return;

as a ghost; with a divine; or at least demonic; character; to

influence for good or evil (and usually for evil) the affairs of

the living。 But the correspondence between the old Israelitic

and other archaic forms of theology extends to details。 If; in

order to avoid all chance of direct communication; we direct our

attention to the theology of semi…civilised people; such as the

Polynesian Islanders; separated by the greatest possible

distance; and by every conceivable physical barrier; from the

inhabitants of Palestine; we shall find not merely that all the

features of old Israelitic theology; which are revealed in the

records cited; are found among them; but that extant information

as to the inner mind of these people tends to remove many of the

difficulties which those who have not studied anthropology find

in the Hebrew narrative。

One of the best sources; if not the best source; of information

on these topics is Mariner's Tonga Islands; which tells

us of the condition of Cook's 〃Friendly Islanders〃 eighty years

ago; before European influence was sensibly felt among them。

Mariner; a youth of fair education and of no inconsiderable

natural ability (as the work which was drawn up from the

materials he furnished shows); was about fifteen years of age

when his ship was attacked and plundered by the Tongans:

he remained four years in the islands; familiarised himself with

the language; lived the life of the people; became intimate with

many of them; and had every opportunity of acquainting himself

with their opinions; as well as with their habits and customs。

He seems to have been devoid of prejudices; theological or

other; and the impression of strict accuracy which his

statements convey has been justified by all the knowledge of

Polynesian life which has been subsequently acquired。

It is desirable; therefore; to pay close attention to that which

Mariner tells us about the theological views of these people:

The human soul; after its separation from the body; is

termed a hotooa (a god or spirit); and is believed to

exist in the shape of the body; to have the same propensities as

during life; but to be corrected by a more enlightened

understanding; by which it readily distinguishes good from evil;

truth from falsehood; right from wrong; h
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