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〃I'll get right to the point。〃 Gloval swung around to face him and came to his feet。 〃The aliens among us are reverting to their former ways。〃

Rick considered that。 He had friends among the Zentraedi…Rico; Bron; and Konda; Karita and others。 〃The New Portland rebels won't give us any more trouble; sir。〃

〃That incident was only a symptom; Lieutenant mander。〃 There was something about the way Gloval pronounced your rank that let you know you were a part of a thing greater than yourself。

〃We cannot afford to have this occur again;〃 Gloval went on; 〃or we'll be risking plete social breakdown。 I've decided to have some of the aliens reassigned to new locations where we can keep an eye on them。〃

None of the importance of that was lost on Rick。 We promised them freedom! It was all ing apart; everything that had seemed so bright two years before。

The rest didn't really have to be said。 Gloval was counting on Rick to enforce his directives and letting him know what he would be in for。

Rick Hunter looked at the old man who'd been through so much for Earth; and for the Zentraedi; too; in truth。 The younger man snapped off a brisk salute。 〃Whatever you decide; you have my support; you know that; sir。 And you have the support of everyone on the SDF…1。〃

〃Thank you; Lieutenant。〃 Gloval acknowledged the salute precisely but rather tiredly。 He didn't look like he had gotten any real sleep in a long time。

They met each other's gaze。 〃I understand;〃 Rick said。

Minmei shivered under her jacket; leaning against a pylon of Zentraedi wreckage and staring into the sky as night came on Granite City。

So much desolation。 And so much bitterness; even between people who should have learned to love one another a long time ago!

She looked to the few lights of the town。 Kyle had gone off that way; and she had no idea whether he intended to stop or keep on going; had no idea whether she would ever see him again and no clear conviction as to whether she wanted to or not。

She looked up as the stars appeared。 Oh; Rick。 Where are you?


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