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wn and mit themselves to a new life; even though that life held dangers and frightening enigmas。 In that; they were very much like Minmei herself。

She put her hands out to them; palm to palm。 〃Thank you; Konda…Bron; Rico。 You're very kind。〃

Konda cupped his hands around hers; and the other two stacked theirs gently on top。 〃You three are such wonderful men。〃

〃Minmei;〃 came the stage manager's voice。 〃Two minutes。〃

She kissed each of them on the cheek; then she was gone in a swirl of long; raven hair。

Instead of the seats of the Star Bowl amphitheater or a glass wall that looked on a recording studio's engineering booth; Minmei and her band gazed at a great; concave sweep of viewport。 The enemy warfleet was deployed before them。 Below were the battle fortress's upper works; and beyond the bow; the curve of the blasted Earth。

bat craft were swarming from the super dimensional fortress; the warships of Breetai's armada were forming up around and behind it; battlewagons and flagships at the lead for a do…or…die first impact。

The cameras and pickups focused on Minmei as she found her mark on the stage。 She had decided to wear a simple full skirt and blouse; with a golden ribbon bowed at her throat。

〃Wh。。。what's your opener gonna be?〃 laughed her manager; Vance Hasslewood; nervously; mopping his brow with his handkerchief。

〃How 'bout ‘My Boyfriend's a Pilot'?〃 the bass man joked weakly。

〃No;〃 she said firmly。 〃We'll do the new one。〃

They had barely rehearsed it; she had pleted it only two days before。 There was a chorus of objections from just about everyone; but she held up her mike and spoke into it firmly。

〃This is the time for it。〃

Now or never。

Tactical corps and civil defense mecha had been brought out on the decks of the battle fortress and the suppercarriers。 With their massed weapons added to the turrets and tubes of the SDF…1; short…range defensive firepower was more than tripled。

Out where the VTs were forming; as the cats slung more and more of them into space; the RDF fliers listened over the mand net as Gloval's voice came up。

〃Attention; all fighter pilots。 Once we enter the zone of engagement; there will be plete radio silence under all circumstances。 Miss Minmei's song; and only that; will be broadcast on all frequencies。 As you have been briefed; we hope that will distract the enemy and give us the advantage。

〃We must make maximum use of this element of surprise。 Good luck to you all。〃

Rick heard Gloval out; lowering his helmet visor。 Skull Team was flying the few armored VTs the fabrication and tech people had managed to get operational。 That meant that Rick; Max; Miriya; and the rest would be out at the very spearhead of the attack。 Not something to dwell on。

In his heart; he wished Minmei well; and then he led Skull Team out。

She looked up to the camera and raised her mike on cue as the cone of spotlight shone down on her。 In the control room; her image was on all the screens from many angles。

Life is only what we choose to make it;
Let us take it;
Let us be free

Rick hit his ship's boosters。 The blue vortices of its drives burned and shrieked。 The armored VTs left trails of light; leaping into the dark。 Conventional VT teams came after。

Breetai's tri…thrusters; pods; and other mecha prepared to follow。 Gloval and the Zentraedi had wisely agreed not to mingle their forces; in the heat of battle; human pilots would have a difficult time reading alien unit markings and telling friend from foe。 Even the hastily added RDF insignia on the tri's and pods might not be spotted in time。

In the mand station of his flagship; Breetai stood with arms folded across his broad chest; a characteristic pose; staring up at a projecbeam。 As he had admitted so long ago; hers was a voice to wring emotion from any heart。 Perhaps the course to this moment had been set when he first heard it。

A tech relayed word。 〃My lord; this transmission is being picked up by Dolza's ships。〃

He nodded; watching and listening to Minmei。

We can find the glory we all dream of;
and with our love;
We can win!

His flagship trembled as its engines came up to full power。 The front ranks of the armada moved forward at half speed; picking up velocity slowly。 The SDF…1; in Attack mode; was accelerating along in the thick of them; its back thrusters blazing; a fantastic armored marionette of war。

Still engulfing Earth; below them; the Grand Fleet lay in orbit; seemingly paralyzed。

The human…Zentraedi alliance swooped down at it。

〃What's that on our monitors?〃 growled one of Dolza's munications officers; his voice harsh and guttural。

His subordinate could barely tear his attention away from the song to answer。 Such distraction when a superior was asking questions would have drawn quick; terrible punishment at any other time; but they were both hypnotized by Minmei。

If we must fight or face defeat;
We must stand tall and not retreat。

The subordinate shook himself a little and answered。 〃I don't know; sir; but we're receiving it on all frequencies。〃

Then they both watched in fascination; ignoring the flashing of indicators and the beeps of tones。

〃We're within firing range;〃 Vanessa said tightly。 〃No counterattack detected。〃

〃It's working!〃 Exedore cried; watching the battle at Gloval's side。

〃This is it;〃 Gloval said calmly。 〃All ships; open fire。〃

In that first gargantuan volley; the attacking force's main problem was not to hit its own fightercraft or have its cannon salvos destroy its own missiles in flight。 But the Zentraedi were used to that sort of problem; and fire control had been carefully integrated with the SDF…1's systems。

It was an impact almost as damaging as the Grand Cannon's; millions of Zentraedi; gaping at Minmei's performance; died in moments。

Alarms were going off。 The few Grand Fleet officers who could force their attention away from the screens could get no response from their troops short of physically attacking them。

As many of the Grand Fleet crews were beginning to notice the alarms; though; Minmei paused in her song; the band vamped in the background。 A tall; dark figure stepped out into the spotlight with her。

Lynn…Kyle wore a look of burning intensity; his long; straight black hair swirling around him; taking her hand。 〃Minmei…〃

〃Yes; Kyle; I know;〃 she recited her line。 〃You've e to say good…bye。〃


Minmei wasn't exactly sure where the lines had e from; everything was so hurried; so improvised。 Weren't they from one of the movies the two had done together? But Kyle was putting more into them than he had ever managed on screen。 He had seen her run off after Rick。 What was going through his mind?

No matter。 He took her into his arms。 She turned her face up to his。 The camera cut from a two…shot of their bodies pressed against each other to a close…up of along; passionate kiss; Kyle no longer acting。

In the Grand Fleet; alien warriors groaned and made nauseated sounds。

〃How can they do that?〃 〃Most disgusting thing I ever…〃

And yet there was something about it that kept them from looking away; an appalled captivation。 It should be added that among the female uni
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