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o make any Zentraedi careless。 The humans had rebuilt their city; they mingled; both sexes; all ages。 They lived lives in which emotions were given free expression; and there was an astonishing force called 〃love。〃

It was enough to make any Zentraedi; born into a Spartan; merciless warrior culture with strict segregation of the sexes; forget himself。 And so Karita had made his error; he had gone into the White Dragon in the hopes of getting a glimpse of Minmei。 He didn't realize what he was saying when he let slip the fact that he had adored her since he had first seen her image on a Zentraedi battlecruiser。 Then he saw the hard looks the trio gave him。 He left quickly; but they followed。

During the course of the war; everybody aboard had lost at least one friend or loved one。 The Zentraedi; too; had suffered losses…many more than the SDF…1; in fact。 That didn't stop Karita and the other defectors from hoping for a new life among their former enemies。 Most humans were at least tolerant of the Zentraedi who'd deserted from their invading armada。 Some humans even liked the aliens; three of them; former spies; had human girlfriends。 But he should have known there would be humans who wouldn't see things that way。

The three closed in on him。

One of the men launched a kick Karita was too dazed to avoid。 It was not so much a sharp pain he felt as a tremendous; panic…making numbness。 He wondered woozily if his ribs were broken。 Not that it mattered; it didn't look like his attackers were going to stop short of killing him。 They didn't realize that they had picked on one of the most unmilitary of Zentraedi; given a different one; they would have had more of a fight on their hands。

One of them drew back his heavy work boot to kick Karita again; Karita closed his eyes; waiting for the blow。 But the sudden sound of shoe leather sliding on pavement and the thud of a falling body made him reopen them。

He looked up to see one of the assailants down and the other two turning to face an interloper。

Max Sterling didn't look like the conventional image of a Veritech ace。 The brilliant Robotech Defense Force flier was slender; wore blue…tinted aviator glasses…with corrective lenses…and dyed his hair blue in keeping with the current fad for wild colors。

This young RDF legend looked mild; even vulnerable。 In a time of crisis; Max Sterling had risen from obscurity to dazzle humanity and the Zentraedi with his matchless bat flying。 But that hadn't changed his basic humility and self…effacing good…naturedness。

〃No more;〃 Max told the assailants quietly。 The bully on the ground shook his head angrily。 Max stepped between the other two; went to Karita's side; and knelt; offering his hand。

Minmei's Aunt Lena had watched the ominous trio follow Karita when he left the White Dragon; it took her a few minutes to find Sterling; so Max said; 〃Sorry I'm a little late。〃

This bookish…looking young man who held the highest kill score of any bat pilot in the ship offered the Zentraedi his hand。 〃D' you think you can stand?〃

The attacker Max had floored was back on his feet; eyeing Max's RDF uniform。 〃You have two seconds to butt out of this; kid。〃

Max rose and turned; leaving Karita sitting against the wall。 He took off his glasses and dropped them into Karita's limp hand。

〃I guess there's gonna be a fight here; so let's get one thing straight: In case you missed the news; this man isn't our enemy。 Now; are you going to let us by or what?〃

Of course not。 They had looked at Karita and automatically thought; We can take him! And that had decided the matter。 Now here was the pale; unimposing Max; and their assessment was the same: We can take him; too。 No sweat。

So the one Max had knocked down came at him first; while the others fanned out on either side。

Max didn't wait。 He ducked under a powerful; slow haymaker and struck with the heel of his hand; breaking the first one's nose。 A second attacker; a thick…bodied man in coveralls; hooked his fist around with all his might; but Max simply wasn't there。 Dodging like a ghost; he landed a solid jab to the man's nose; bloodying it; and stepped out of the way as he staggered。

There wasn't much fighting room; and Max's usual style involved plenty of movement。 But it didn't matter very much this time; he didn't want to leave Karita unprotected。

The third vigilante; younger; leaner; and faster than the other two; swung doubled fists at him from behind。 Max avoided the blow; adding momentum with a quick; hard tug so that the man went toppling to his knees。 Then Max spun precisely so that he had his back nearly up against the first attacker and rammed his elbow back。

The man's breath rushed out of him as he clutched his midsection。 Max snapped a fist back into his face; then turned to plant a sidelong kick to the gut of the one in the coveralls。 The incredible reflexes and speed that served him so well in dogfights were plain; he was difficult to see much less hit or avoid。

Karita had struggled to his feet。 〃Stop!〃

The three attackers were battered up a bit; but the fight had barely started。 Max Sterling wasn't even breathing hard。

〃No more fighting;〃 Karita labored; clutching his side。 〃Hasn't there been enough?〃

The first man wiped blood from a swelling lip; studying Max。 Indicating Karita with a toss of his head; he said; 〃Him and his kind killed my son。 I don't care what you…〃

〃Look at this;〃 Max said quietly。 He displayed the RDF patch on his uniform; a diamond with curved sides; like a fighting kite。 〃You think I don't understand? But listen t' me: He's out of the war。 Just like I want to be and you want to be。〃

〃But we're never going to have peace unless we put the damn war behind us! So drop it; all right? Or else; c'mon: Let's finish this thing。〃

The first man was going to e at him again; but the other two grabbed his shoulders from either side。 The young one said; 〃All right…for now。〃

Max supported Karita with his shoulder; and the three stepped aside to let them pass。 There was a tense moment as the pilot and the injured alien walked between the attackers; one of them shifted his weight; as if reconsidering his decision。

But he thought better of it and held his place; saying; 〃What about you; flyboy? You're goin' out there again to fight 'em; aren't ya? To kill 'em if ya can?〃

Max knew that Karita was staring at him; but he answered。 〃Yeah。 Maybe I'll wind up killing somebody a lot like your son tonight。 Or he'll wind up killing me。 Who knows?〃

Max put Karita into a cab and sent him to the temporary quarters where the defectors were housed。 He didn't have time to go along; he was late for duty as it was。

Waiting for another cab; Max gazed around at the rebuilt city of Macross。 Overhead; the Enhanced Video Emulation system had created the illusion of a Terran night sky; blocking out the view of a distant alloy ceiling。

It had been a long time since Max or any of the SDF…1's other inhabitants had seen the real thing。 He was already defying the odds; having survived so many bats。 The EVE illusion was nice; but he hoped he'd get to see the true sky and hills and oceans of Earth again before his number came up。

Elsewhere o
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